• Hunter sighed. "I promise you Jamie, as soon as everything at school is alright I will get us more food" he told his little sister. They where orphans, jamie with her black hair and big green eyes, looking up at her older brothers gray eyes, his brown hair a mess. Their parents died in a car accident. The other driver had been drunk at the time, and he was only fifteen while she was six. "Now get some sleep" he said, as she crawled up to her brother and drifted off into sleep with him.

    The next morning he woke up and smiled. Getting ready for school, he left a tray of breakfast for Jamie before he left to walk to the schoolyard. As he got there, one of the boys laughed and smiled. "Hey freak" he said. Bringing his arm around at a fast speed, he punched him in the face, throwing him to the ground in shock. He continued to kick him while everyone watched and laughed. He sighed and stood up when the others had left. "One day, every insignificant being who has tormented my soul, will die" he mumbled.

    Later that night, the boy who had hit Hunter at school, heard a noise as he saw a figure come in from the window. Before he could even utter a sound, he was dead. Half eaten. The killer licked the blood off of their lips before smiling. "That tasted good" the voice said in a giggly tone, as it was devoured by the shadows of the room. The next six days, the same thing happened to everybody who had picked on Hunter, who was soon a suspect, and kicked out of school. Soon he was even more alone , even as his sister was avoiding him.

    The week after the first death, Hunter came home to something disturbing. His sister was bent over, eating a human being alive. She turned and smiled, blood all over her teeth, lips and chin. "Hello brother" she giggled, as licked the blood off her lips and hands. "Y-you, your the one who has been eating them" he whimpered, whole body shaking in fear. She smiled, her eyes wide as the dim light made them seem like they glowed. "Yes, they taste so good." He walked over and slapped her. "You sick monster!" he screamed at her. "That was...unpleasant" she said, crawling towards him as he backed away from her. She slipped away into the shadows of the floor and walls and sank her teeth into the lower half of his leg. "Y-you taste so good" she whispered as he fell to the floor, shaking from fear, anger and confusion. He felt warm sweat pour down his face and back when he saw her moving towards him again. "J-jamie!? S-stay away from me, you hear me?!" he stammered. "Come on, just let me have a bite, I need it. It tastes delectable" she said, biting him again and again.

    Jamie ate her brother as he let out a scream. She soon ate a few of his body parts and licked her lips. There was a look of pain, fear and hurt in his dead eyes as she ignored it. She looked down at her arm and smiled her wicked smile. She bit into her arm and smiled even more. She continued to eat her own body parts until there was nothing left for her to do other than bleed out on the floor next to her brother, soon to be forgotten by everybody.