• Sophie was sound sleep the only nose was the soothing melody of the crickets out side the open window a faint breeze came in chilling her. the starts where bright dancing across the ink sky the moon like a spot light shinning on the world. a dark figure crept through the streets a phantom shrouded by darkness and death. easily climbing up the wall almost gliding up it as he slid through the window stopping at the bed side Sophie sleeping quietly.

    the man smiled talking out a small razor blade he bent down to her hand which dangled form her bed slowly cutting a deep scar into her arm before wiping the blood on the sheet he slipped out. she soon awoke crimson running down her arm making a pool of blood down on the floor. a scream rang out breaking the stillness. the man laughed at it before walking to the mental hospitable where he worked.

    the next night Sophie was hugging her legs afraid she was calling out "go away go away go away" she said sightly to her self crying the doctor slipped in "i'm not crazy i'm not crazy" he whispered Sophie cried "no don't go away" she begged as he cut her again in two spots on her legs then slipping back out side with out another word. slowly through out the year she was being cut more and more. the more she tried to save her self the worse it got for her, the doctor got madder, more insane, she began to think it was all a dream she tried to tell her self that but time and time again it failed.

    finally Sophie had gone insane the night the doctor came in she laughed letting him cut her before she jumped on him he looked up as she took the knife and kissed his cheek before stabbing it down his throat cutting his head off it rolled the face stone. she laughed and held the knife to every scar she had cutting them all again before she put it up to her neck slashing it blood came out like a sprinkler before she fell on her bed the blood pouring out .