• Her eyes sparkled as she watched the graceful nobles of England move across the dance floor. Her ears listened closely to the violinists who played skillfully to a steady tempo for the dancers. She had pay close attention to her lessons, yet was still timid about the complex dance. She would most likely be in the outer ring of the waltz where all beginners went.

    "Madam, would you like to dance?" A husky voice asked as she looked up through her satin mask at a young handsome earl. Her face turned red as she tried to find the words to agree. Her hands shook as she grasped lightly on to his and was led away to the dance floor.

    A new song commenced as she placed her hand on his shoulders. His went to her hip and they begin to dance to the song. She smiled in bliss. She was dancing with such a handsome young man! His face was as young as twenty and it showed through his black satin mask. He was a bit skinner than most of the men who were wider than him.

    “I did not even ask for your name.” She spoke softly as to not disturb the other dancers. “Will you tell me?”

    The man smiled as he leaned closer and whispered, “Earl Vincent Hartwell, and yours?”

    “Lady Robin Bowne,” She ran that name threw her head to match it to a memory of ever meeting someone with the last name Hartwell. She felt her mind being dragged back to the dance as she noticed they were in the second outer ring for people who were advance, not yet expert. Vincent gave a chuckle at her surprised look.

    “No need to be shocked, my little Robin. It’s obvious you have skill.” They continued to dance for almost 20 minutes before Vincent looked up at the time as it rang 10. “I must go!” He said aghast, quickly kissed her hand before leaving the dance floor. She chased after him, yelling out for him to wait, but he was long gone from her sights.

    The next evening, while walking down the street, Robin spotted a young boy giving out the news paper. She gave him a coin as she grabbed the paper. She quickly went back to her manor as she ran upstairs to the study. Her father looked over and smiled.

    “Thank you, darling.” He took the paper and began to read it. She watched his face go from cheerful to grim. “Robin, what was the name of the man you said to have danced with last night?

    “Earl Vincent Hartwell, father. Why do you ask?” She took a peek at the picture, seeing her partner unmasked. He was truly handsome.

    “It says he died on the way to the ball last night.”