• Maggie sat on the bank of the river, her toes dipped in the murky water. There was a girl staring back at her that she didn't recognize. Her red curly hair tumbled around her shoulders and were a bright contrast compared to her pale, freckled skin. Her eyes were a vibrant green that looked lost and helpless. Every thing had changed so fast for her. Maggie wished that she didn't have the family she did. Why did she have to turn sixteen? Why couldn't she have stayed young forever? She thought back to when she was a little kid and her only worries were getting caught eating candy past bed time and scraping her knees on the cruel pavement. She didn't know what to do anymore. Maggie felt lost and out of control over her own life. It was in the hands of her parents now.

    Maggie was on an arranged nuptial. He was kind and sweet and extremely smart. He was loving and careful. Everything she hated in a guy. She liked the dangerous and risky type. She wanted to live on edge. However, Maggie was stuck being the perfect little angel for her parents sake. James was a wonderful man. Everything her parents though she deserved. Everything she had avoided.

    Her parents believed that she was to betroth herself to a man she barley even knew. He had money and that is all the parents cared about. James was nineteen. He was respectable but most societies looked down upon this. So they decided that when she turned eighteen she would marry James, and would be engaged at sixteen. The way Maggie's parents viewed it, this gave them a chance to get to know each other. She doubted that it would even be worth anything.

    "Red. Look up." The voice snapped her out of her mind babble and as she looked up a flash blinded her. "Beautiful." The man had a crooked smile on his face and was looking at the screen.
    "Do you always take pictures of young strangers?" Maggie gave a small smile then looked back at the water her feet were dipped in. The man sat next to her but she didn't dare look up. He had a shaggy look that was breathtakingly handsome. His brown wavy hair layed on his head in a mess while his five o' clock shadow made him look complete. "Look." He handed her the camera that was around his neck. It was a photographers camera. That's about all Maggie knew. On the little screen was a girl that had a glow around her. The full lips were slightly parted and her eyes had that dear caught in the headlights look. Her skin was white and smooth but decorated with freckles on her shoulders. The bridge of her nose and cheeks were spattered with them also. The white spaghetti strapped sundress only made the angelic appearance complete. Maggie took a sharp breath and and shaky hand went to her mouth.
    "Beautiful eh?" The mysterious man was grinning at her.
    "Who are you?" Maggie looked at him inquisitively.
    "Maggie. How old are you?"
    "Twenty. Yourself?"
    Maggie paused. There was no way she could tell him her age. She didn't want to alarm him by not answering so she gave that staring into space look. A hand, his hand, waved infront of her face.
    "Maggie, are you in there. I said I was twenty. How old are you?"
    Maggie shook her head then answered simply and convincingly. "Eighteen." She knew it was a lie but she found him attractive. She was happy for her extremely mature body and height at that point. A smile went across Davids face. "Nice to meet you Re-Maggie." David stuck out his hand with and embarrassed smile on his face. He smelled of his leather jacket and some type of cologne. She took his hand gently and they shook. "Nice to meet you too, David." She flashed him her smile that was almost perfect. Maggie could tell that David had perfect teeth and that made her even more ecstatic. She hated when guys had bad teeth.
    "So what are you doing here taking pictures of random people?" Maggie raised an eyebrow at David.
    "Well I actually take pictures of animals and nature. I love how they blend. I turned to take a picture of the river because of the setting sun. It would have been a beautiful shot but then I saw you and it was settled. You matched it. You looked so part of it all. I called your hair color, which I am surprised you looked, and there it was. The perfect shot."
    "So nothing to do with being a creepy perverted man?"
    This made David laugh. "No, nothing like that. I work for the local magazine." Maggie froze. So Mr. Stud worked for her father? She found that interesting and wondered how the fates were working against her. He noticed the sudden fear and dismay in her eyes because he looked at her suspiciously.
    "Whats wrong? You don't hate that magazine do you?" David was eying her suspiciously.
    "No. You just work for my father is all." Maggie looked directly into Davids eyes and noticed the color. It was a brownish green color that was mixed perfectly together to create a liquid color.
    "I work for your what?" The fear in his eyes told her enough. He knew her real age.