• it was christmas day.it was about 10:30am.a 14 year old gurl named emily felt like if something was gonna happend.
    well,emily opened her present and she was with her little bro that was 5 years old and his named was adam.
    emmilys perents said"emily...me and your dad are leaving to a adult christmas party".emily said all surprised"but...but...whaa....but...who is gonna take care of us."no one we fugured out that you are old enough to take care of your self and adam too""but...what happend someone tryes to brake in our house""well,your right go take a shower emily and adam go to the upstairs shower okay sweetey"okay mommy"...emily toke a shower and adam too."emily" said the mom."yes mom""put on that cute elegant red dress""okay"adam you put the black suit that you weared on your aunts wedding"okay"1 hour later...."are we all ready?'' said the mom.yes were ready okay lets go.....half am hour....emily is sitting whit a boy she meet his name was justin and he was 27 years old!....justin says''hey baby''and emily gives him a durty look''um...hi'' you look sexy!''emily says''um excuse me...im just 14 years old for your information....''justin sit next closely....''well,im justin and im 27 years old''and emily says all scared''um...im emily''justin says''sexy name''emily says''thank...you''justin says''were you live''um 4562 w.limewood...''justin says nice i kinda live around their are you always outside?i live in 3555 w.nortshake...''emily says''cool that few blook's over and yes im always outside''''well,party is over bye see you sexy!''um...whatever im never gonna see you again!emily said all mad''what!.hahahaha....you think im easy to get rid of?tooo bad dont worry im gonna get you!''said justin all bad boy....

    it was january 22,2010
    emily wakes up and washes her theeth...her perents left a note saying...hey sweetty me and your dad and adam left to your gramas house okay love mommy''emily whent out side to get the mail and justin was thier behind her bushes!justin runs and takels her and emily was screming LEAV ME ALONE!LEAVE ME!HELP!MOM!LEAVE ME!!AAAAAAAAAA!!!!MOM!DAD!ADAM!MOM!!!!!!
    JUSTIN COVERS HER MOUTH AND SAYS DONT WORRIE YOUR SAFE WITH ME!justin took emily to a garouge hey baby lay down and she said NO! and he said dont worry he tayped he mouth and showed her a knif and she opend her eyes and screamed MOM!and she got stabd in the hearth!and justin left her and then he called the police.ambulance and he said"HEY! THEIRS A GURL IN A GARAGE SHANKED AND ITS HERE IN 4562 W.LIMEWOOD!

    the police arives and the ambulance and then the police calles emilys perents and the family arives...the next day it was emilys last good bye

    emilys lats words was
    mom! crying