The Kitsune Katana, Oni Legend
Zach woke up. he glanced over at his twin Katana's. Each beutifly made with a golden fox tail tied to each handle's end. The blade gleamed in the light reflecting the sun onto Zach's wall. Zach got up and got dressed in his semi baggy pants and ninja styled tunic. he headed out of his room and stopped dead silent. somthing was wrong. dead wrong. The scroll on the main room's wall was gone. it was always there. in every house for protecting the home from oni (demons). If its not there by new years eve. then its bound to be bad. Zach ran to glance at the calander. 'New years is today!' Zach ran to the other room and he thought he saw a shadow. he glanced at were he saw it for a while. then he felt a hand on his shoulder.
Zach turned around and jumped back. "HAPPY NEW YEARS!!!!!!!" shouted his younger sister, Yumi. Zach growled as he got up off the ground and glared at Yumi. Zach raised a fist as a familer voice said "zach!!! dont even get all voilent today!!! thats bad luck on new years!" Zach turned to see his gf, Yuki, standing there smiling. Yuki always has good timing, for whenever Zach gets mad at his sister she always apears. Zach smiled nervously and walked with Yuki outside. "So, have you noticed what everyones been worried about?" asked Yuki as they sat in the park. Zach at first was confussed " you mean the emporer being assassinated?" "no.......i mean, the scrolls, in every house the scrolls that protect the houshold from oni, are gone." Zach looked up confussed and asked "you mean in EVERY house!?" Yuki nodded "yep, and just before new years"
Zack looked at the Sakura tree. a flower fell down and landed gently in the pond. A crane flew into the water and rested there as goldfish swam for safty.
he glared at the pond until he felt Yuki put her head on his shoulder. He smiled and kept looking at the pond. then a loud noise broke the silence. The crance flew for its dear life and all the gold fish disapered. Zach and Yuki jumped up. Yuki standing next to Zach and clutching his shoulder as an Oni appeared out of smoke. It looked somwhat human. Exept it had sharp teeth and demonic wings, elflike ears and long horns. Yuki's eyes turned as wide as the moon when she saw the Oni make a fireball. Zach yelled "DUCK!!!" and they jumped for safty as the oni threw the fireball at them both. That was the last thing Zack saw as he hit his head on a ninja bell. He saw everything go black and heard Yuki screaming.
Zach woke up. his head felt like there were millions of Kunai stabbed into his skull. He got up and a guy, dressed in a black tunic, and tight pants with a mask over his head, a katana strapped to his belt, and a huge shuriken backmounted, grabbed zach's shoulder. "are you ok there? you hit your head realy hard. we fought off the oni but umm.....he grabbed the girl" Zach turned around and yelled "WHAT!?!?" The ninja replied "he took the girl while most of my men where being destroyed by the oni." Zack looked around. corspes lied everywhere. the garden looked like a firestorm had swept through. the pond water dried up, the sakura trees lied the dead. a crane corspe lied in the dried up pond, all the grass was blackend and everything was dead.
The Kitsune Katana, Oni Legend
This is a book i wrote, its about a boy, Zachoria, and his quest to save Yuki,
he's gifted however with the power of the kitsune lord, Inari, to bring justice to the shadow ninja clan. and if you cant tell........kitsune is japaness for fox......oni means demon.......and ookami is wolf......... XD and inari is a japaness god XD (zach is just the short term for zachoria)
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