• Once upon time, there was a castle in a Kingdom called Karakura. In that castle lived a young Princess named Rukia Kuchiki. One day when she was at a ball hosted by the king also her brother, Byakuya Kuchiki. At that ball she fell in love. She said it was like love at first sight. When she saw Renji Abarai, she walked over to him, when he saw her he bowed as low as he could and said "Good evening Miss Kuchiki,"
    "Please call me Rukia, and what might your name be?" She asked with a slight laugh.
    "Renji Abarai at your service ma'am,"
    "Oh very interesting name, Renji" She said with a crooked smile.
    With a hand out to Rukia Renji asked "Would you care for a dance?"
    "Of course" She replied.
    After the ball was over Renji said, "I hope I see you again."
    "Maybe we will. You know the world is full of surprises"
    "Rukia!" called the king.
    "Coming! Bye renji!"
    "Bye Rukia," And with that he took her hand form her side and kissed it gently.
    When Rukia woke up the next morning she got dressed in a black gown with a butterfly on the chest. She went outside to have fresh air and saw way in the distance a black horse. When the horse finally came into view she realized that it was Renji coming to visit her.
    "Rukia! I have come to ask you something,"
    "Renji! What might that something be?" She asked with a crooked smile.
    "Well..." He stuttered "I wanted to ask if you would...come on a date with me?"
    She thought about and then finally said "Of course,"
    "Great! Where would you like to go?"
    "Please you pick"
    "Oh ok. Are you okay with going to dinner?" He asked with a stutter.
    "Yes, of course"
    After that they went on the date to the finest restrount in Kingdom Karakura. They met up almost everyday after that. And then finally Renji asked Rukia "Would..you like to go out with me?"
    "Of course!!!" And with that she jumped in his arms and hugged him for a minute.
    After a few months of dating, Renji finally went up to Rukia and got on his knees "Will you marry me?" He said with a stutter.
    "I am shocked. But of course!" She said with a smile and once again jumped into his arms.
    For the wedding they had the greatest wedding in history and they lived happily ever after like all the other endings of most stories.