• The day they returned, it was a joyous memorable day. Wakka, Tidus, and Selphie greeted them back. They celebrated, Riku was thankful that he had such wonderful friends, and Rei for an amazing girlfriend. But he noticed that there was one person missing. Lilith. Where was she? He asked Rei and Kairi, but neither of them knew. He didn't know why he was concerned about her, so he told himself, Lilith was his girlfriend's best friend, therefore she was his friend too. Though something told him that there was another reason. Yeah, she was pretty, and even beautiful, much like Rei herself. But she didn't throw herself at him like other girls did. Rei was the same, unlike Selphie, and other girls, Rei wasn't attracted to him in the beginning, but that only made him fall deeper in love with her. But Lilith was a different story. When they first met each other, she didn't even spare him a second glance, she treated him...well, like he just another average person. And he wasn't sure whether to be glad or insulted about that. Perhaps he found it odd, because he was used to having girls look at him.
    Riku dismissed his thoughts and continued to search for the missing Lilith, but couldn't find a trace of her. Just when he was about to give up, he saw a feminine silhouette sitting on the beach. He quickly realized it was Lilith, and wondered how to approach her. Lilith seemed like the kind of person who was almost unapproachable. It wasn't that she was mean or unfriendly, but it something about her that kept others away from her. It was a detached sort of grace and elegance in her. But at the same time it was also her eyes. There was a sort of mystery in them. Riku found himself wishing to get to know her better, so that he could be a better friend to her, because in his eyes she seemed completely friendless. So now all he had to do was think of how to proceed from here. So cautiously he approached the unsuspecting Lilith thinking on how to start a friendly conversation... He hoped it would go well...