• its been 15 years since the war started and the darkness is winning there is only 1 person who has enough power to hold off the darkness and she is sakura usamaki there is only 2 and the great god of shadows got him and trapped him in a volcano on the island of light (now the island of trapped light)the 1 who is trapped is the god of light now mitchuki is fighting the light in the war and the great god of shadows is keeping the god of light trapped in the volcano now demend lord ray is hiding because he cant decide who to fight for the light or the dark
    the darkness has taken over the fire the water any thing u can think of exept light yeat and there turning the god of light to a shadow beast in the volcano 30 years later they caught sakura and threw her in the volcano but then demend turned to the light now they have to catch him.
    part 2
    demend is fighting hard but the darkness caught him and tossed him in the volcano with the god of light and sakure usamaki but light became a shadow bease and broke out now demend and sakure combined there power to break out now they have to find a way past the great god of shadows and the shadow beast (the god of light) but it was to late nthe darkness has taken over the world for now
    part 3
    demend went after the shadow beast and sakure went after the great god of shadows 3 days later demend found the shadow beast eating his cousin that made demend mad he charged at the beast carelessly sword ready for a thrust but the shadow beast heard him and moved out of the way before he could be stabbed then clawed demends back
    demend fell down shocked from the pain and was eaten sakure found the great god of shadows and pulld out a kurni (ninja dagger) and the great god of shadows pulled out out a claymore (realy big sword has to be eld with 2 hands) and held it in 1 hand (yeah he is strong) and they batted for 45 mins untill demend showed up holding the beasts head (shocking huh) turns out when the beast was getting ready to eat him demend stabbed its very small heart then cut off its head and then traveld to find the great god of shadows hopeing it wasen't to late
    but it was when sakure was staring at the head the great god of shadows cut off her head and held it like demend was holding the beasts
    part 4 the ending
    demend dident mind about her but what he dident know was that they were batteling in the shadow so the beast could regenerate witch it did and it bit demend then ran off dmends arm turned black shadow shot him with a pistol (last bullet good aim) got him in the other arm it turned black to paralized demend dident know what to do as his body slowly changed into a shadow but the out of know where a bright light showed with burned the great god of shadows she he hid an angel came down from the heavens and stoped the curse of the shadow beast from efecting demend but the angel could do nothing to a god
    so she whent back to the land of heaven witch was about to be over run demend fought the weakend great god of shadows but he got his head torn off

    furious the angel retuned to earth to kill the god of shadows but it was to late the land of the living was turned to a shadow land and the angel was turned into a dark angel

    and the world turned into a never ending abyss

    the end by the great god of shadows