• Midnight Lights

    He ran and ran from those blinding bright lights following him… He was trapped, helpless.
    ‘He’ was Robby Wolfe. He was a normal man in his mid thirties who studied astrology and life in other galaxies. He wrote books such as, ‘Life Beyond Earth’, and ‘Creatures Of Space’. Most of all, his favorite book he wrote was ‘Midnight Lights’. People called his writings “science fiction”. This angered him, giving him those thoughts of “They’ll see”.
    -24 Hours Earlier Before Lights-
    One day around the time of eleven o’clock. Robby got a call from a reader of his books. He stated that there would be some strange lights. “Where did you learn this from?” Asked Robby. “Sources”, was his short reply. The man did not give his name and then hung up. Robby was anxious to go out and see the lights. His thought on it was hopefully it was some type of U.F.O. His only problem was he didn’t know where to look for the lights.
    The first idea that came to his mind was in the woods of the neighboring town- like he saw in the movies and such. What better of a place could you inconspicuously hide an alien spaceship. He went out to his car to find what he only could dream of to be real. Finding an alien and showing all those good for nothing critics they didn’t know what the hell they were talking about.
    -In The Woods-
    The weather outside was brisk- it was winter after all. Finally after the ten-minute drive or so, he arrived at his destination. He stepped out of his car, the intense wind blowing on his face. No lights but the stars shown in the sky. Determined, he walked deeper and deeper into the woods. As he stepped on twigs, they gave off a cracking sound, which seemed loud compared to the silence around him. Finally he heard a small, almost unnoticeable noise. Then he saw a large object in the sky that blocked out the glow of the moon. The object started to descend a few feet away from him. Then the noise he heard stopped. Anxious to prove the critics wrong-and they probably wouldn’t care or believe him, he ran toward where he thought the ship landed.
    -Present Tense-
    After a few minutes of running, he found the ship. Its light illuminated the forest. Nervous but at the same time fascinated, he watched the U.F.O from a distance. The door to the U.F.O opened and a grotesque creature walked out. It’s body a deformed shape. It’s head filled with sharp teeth. Light shown through open pores on the creature. Robby couldn’t breath, his lungs felt like they would pop. He had to cough, but the risk of getting caught by the creature was too immense. The tickle in his throat didn’t seem to mind about putting his life in jeopardy. The cough came out. The creature laid eyes on Robby and started to move toward where it heard the noise. Thoughts of what to do next rumbled through his head. “What should I do?” “Should I run?” “Should I stay where I am?” As the creature drew nearer his hiding spot he decided to take his chances and run.
    He got up from his stomach (which he was laying on to maybe give him a better chance of not being seen) and didn’t look back. He didn’t even want to exchange glances with the creature. As he ran he saw the lights from the creature illuminating his body. He ran and ran from the bright lights following him. Trying to get out of view but could not. He was trapped, helpless. He was like a sick dog dying of disease. Possibly not even that. More like a fly that no one cares about or wants alive. The only intention of the man or women is to exterminate it. Not minding how disturbing the way is. Even crushing its little body. The blood of the fly on the newspaper or whatever you may possibly think of to kill it. Your only intention is to get rid of the god damned fly.
    He kept running and soon the lights started to fade but he didn’t care. He ran through thorn bushes, getting multiple cuts on his legs. The blood soaking his pants a shade of red. Finally the light was gone and Robby was able to relax a bit. His heart was throbbing and he was having trouble breathing. It was as if the creature grew tired and gave up. Maybe it could possibly be dead. Now that the thoughts of escaping grew lower, his main intention was to get the hell of the god damned woods and as far away from the god damned place as he could.
    Robby walked slowly through the woods to try to find where he parked his car. It was almost impossible to find his car in the darkness. Robby walked around and around in the woods, hour upon hour, and grew weaker and more tired by the passing second. Soon, he fell down, to tired to carry on with his possible never endless search for freedom. Unconscious on the ground of a place you can almost call hell. Then he slept. A slumber of worry, fears, and sorrow. His mind at peace… until he woke up…
    -A Daze-
    Finally he awoke. Awoke from possibly the worst hangover you could ever get- and he got hangovers a lot, but none like this. He blinked a few times and did not recognize where he was. He tried to stand but could not. He was restrained to what at first struck him as a hospitals operating table. Maybe he was safe, his first thought. Maybe he wasn’t, second thought, where the hell am I? Third and maybe final thought. The light above him on the table was too bright to his eyes. The light. Not wanting to see any light again as long as he lived- if that was possible.
    Then he heard the noise. Not exactly sure what the ‘noise’ was, but he defiantly no doubt about it, would have preferred it quiet. All his thoughts of reassurance diminished by his sight. He was in the god-dammed ship. Not on any hospital operating table. An alien autopsy table for the sick minded creatures they were. His heart sank as another noise startled him. Then the figure emerged. In its hand was some sort of object he didn’t recognize at first. He squinted hard, trying to concentrate on what the object was. Then it came to him. The object was a knife. He tried and tried to get out of the restraints but he couldn’t. The alien came closer to him, ready to cut him open and do whatever aliens do. Then, the alien did something completely unexpected. The alien let him out of the restraints. It gave a little wave as if a sign to follow which he did. In his mind- that was in a state of paranoia, there was no point in trying to run. Maybe the creature would help him escape this hell that he was in.
    The creature led him through a series of pathways on the ship. Doors on each side of the pathway that may, and probably did, lead to suffering. Then they finally stopped at one of the doors. The creature opened the door and they both stepped inside. The room was completely white. The only small difference in the room was a metal vent near the floor on the wall. The creature left while Robby was inside the room, examining it, and closed the door. He was frustrated. He started to punch the door, sweat dripped from his forehead. His knuckles- that were now bleeding smeared blood on the nicely painted white door. Finally he gave up, his strength dying out. Then, he noticed the air vent that he decided could be his ticket out of the hell he was in. He went up to the vent, and started to kick at it with all his remaining strength. The metal covering started to dent in and the finally broke. In his mind the worst was over. Now finally he could leave.
    He bent down and started to crawl along on his stomach through the air vent. Inside the vent, it was a narrow tunnel and it was hard for him to breathe. Finally he saw light at the end of a tunnel. He went towards the light and saw a metal door with a button to the side of it. He pressed it and a platform came down. He was free from the ship and he was going to get as far as he can from the nightmare he was once in. He ran and ran from the ship, not even glancing back. He was alive and didn’t have a tragic injury to prove of the experience. Just bloody knuckles. Finally he came to a place that was safe-a town to be exact. After minutes of searching, he found his car and drove off quickly to his home where he could rest.
    He went to his bedroom and lay on his bed. He began to cry. The tears were tears of happiness. Not of pain or sadness. His warm tears trickled down his face. He wiped his tears away and went under his nice soft covers. There he slept. Dreaming of happiness and love. And he slept, and woke up to see the next morning of the sun’s blissful bright light.