• One day Lily,Michelle, Karighan, Vanessa, Sierra, Justine, Zulie, Madisyn, Tyrell, and Daniel were hanging at the mall searching for a phone for Lily. Lily finds a phone for her. "HEY EVERYONE. THERE'S A SALE AT AERO!." some guy yells. If you know Michelle, we would have to wait a while for her to get stuff. They handled 30 minutes of waiting. That's when it got worse.

    There was this girl who was a hater. Her name was Brooklyn. Ugh. Brooklyn thought she was popular. Even Lily was cooler than her and Lily is the nerdiest nerd alive. Her boyfriend was Karighan's ex boyfriend Devon. Devon was super hot but Karighan found out Devon was cheating on her with Brooklyn. "Well. Well. The losers are hanging out. " Brooklyn said. "You better shut your mouth before I punch you in the face." Lily yelled. Now the rest had to grab Lily's wheel chair. "Well there." Brooklyn says. Then punches Vanessa in the face. "Oh s***. You didn't just do that you stupid, little b****." Madisyn yells. Zulie and Michelle bring Vanessa to the washroom. She ran out of the mall as fast as she could. "That's right scaredy cat run away. Stupid,little b****." Michelle mutters.

    Brooklyn was running off but Madisyn and Justine were totally pissed at her so Justine and Madi start chasing after her. They told Daniel and Tyrell to tell everyone else too stay in the bathroom and we will meet them there later. So Madi and Justine chase her all over the mall, then Brooklyn runs into garage. Justine chases her when she runs into garage. Grabs her, pulls her out and starts kicking her. She gets up starts crying and trys running. Madisyn is still mad and runs after her and punches her one more time, then leaves her alone. After that Justine and Madisyn go try to find Daniel, Tyrell, Vanessa, Karighan, Michelle, Sierra, Zulie and Lily. First they see Daniel and Tyrell walking around. They run up to them and say, "Do you know were everyone is?" They said they didnt know so Justine and Madisyn were like "Follow us." So Madisyn, Daniel, Tyrell and Justine start walking around, then they see everyone else walking out of the bathroom. Madisyn sees that Lily and Vanessa are really hurt. " Justine and I took care of that B**** for you." Madisyn says to them. "Thanks." Says Lily and Vanessa, now lets go hang.

    so we go to the park .
    madisyn & daniel are on the swings talking . justine , tyrell , michelle , karighan, vanessa , sierra and lily are on the playground playing grounders . then we get bored so we stop. madisyn and daniel are still on the swings talking . we go over to the swings and then tyrell says " daniel , you and madisyn make a cute couple ." madisyn blushes .
    karighan grads money out of her pocket and says "can we go to burger kings im getting hungrey !"

    While walking to burger king they see Billy Bob Joe Tim Frank John and he invites them to a party, they say they might show up. So they continued to burger king. When everyone got there Karighan bought a whopper combo. They sat at the table with the c** burger picture. Karighan eats and finishes her food, so they sit there for a bit and Madisyn says "Do you think we should go to Billy Bob Joe Tim Frank John's party?" "But we dont know what time it is." Says Justine. "Well theen we will figure it out duuh." Karighan adds. "I think it will be fun." Says Sierra. "Ya, We can get our party on." Says Vanessa. They sat there and disscussed that for like 10 minutes. "Okay, I guess were going?" Says Daniel and Tyrell. "I guess so." I said. "That means we get to go shopping!" Says Michelle. "YESS!" Screams Lily and Karighan. So the girls started talking about there shopping trip

    So we went to White Oaks and guess who they saw. Brooklyn. "Oh Look everyone. It's stupid little b****!" Vanessa says. "Well if you know I'm going to The partay tonight." she says. Justine clenches her fist then punches her in the face. Brooklyn then punches Lily. The wheelchair tips over. Brooklyn tells her brother. Her brother's name is Scott. Scott comes over. "Yo why you doin' that s*** to my sister man?" Scott yells. "Tell her I got shot in leg and IT HURTS WHEN SOMEONE TIPS IT OVER." Lily yells. "Oh well I didn't notice you until now chinky face." he yells. Daniel is about to kick him but Michelle kicks him in the private. "I SWEAR YOU NEVER MAKE FUN OF ASIANS YOU D*****!!!" Michelle shouts. Sierra sees if Lily is okay. Her leg is flowing blood then Austin and Denver run up to them.

    Ten minutes later, a security guard comes up to us. "Whats up." the guard asks. "They punched me." Brooklyn says. "Well someone didn't notice that Lily HAS A BULLET UP HER DAMN LEG!" Madi screams.
    "Is this the problem?" the guard asks. They call the hospital and picked Lily up. Scott goes up to Madisyn. They left. Denver and Austin come back with taco bell. "Well was it the time for someone." Austin jokes.
    "No. It was someone's ex girlfriend who tipped Lily's wheelchair." Zulie says

    Yes, Austin was dating Brooklyn. The next day the gang went to see Lily. Lily was fine. "how ya feeling?" Vanessa asks. "Like I fell of a cliff." Lily chuckles. Lily hops in the wheelchair and we go to the party.

    when we get to the party there is lots of ppl there. but everyone was sitting in a circle . they wanted to play 7 minutes in heaven , so we did . madisyn whent first , she picked daniels name . they when in the closet and talked . then they started too kiss . the 7 minutes were up so michelle opened the door and they were still kissing . vanessa came up to the closet and started snaping her fingers " hello ?! times up ! " vanessa said . we all laughed . then it was michelles turn she picked a guys name his name was phillip . so they whent into the closent and sat there and talked.. about school . time was up . justines up next and tyrell was crossing his fingers but justine pick derek a really cute emo guy from school . they kissed for 2 minutes and after he asked her out but she said no . she wount tell anyone why tho . then we wanted to stop playing so we did . we danced . then a slow song came on and tyrell asked justine to dance and she said yes and after he asked her out ! she said yes ! madisyn and daniel danced . daniel asked her out too and she said yes . michelle danced with phillip and asked her out she said yes . sierra danced with a guy named corey . vanessa danced with derek the cute emo . karighan danced with her boyfriend jacob . and lily found a guy too ! that was also in a weel chair his name was austin and they were happy too