• Tamara said, “Leave him alone please!” Grayhorn focused energy in his hand and Shylock said, “it makes no sense to try any techniques it won’t work you are help less. A bright light came from Grayhorn’s hand and moved it slowly to Shylock. Shylock looked at the hand in surprise and said, “How the hell did you break the V.S.C.T.” Grayhorn slammed his hand in to Shylock’s chest and an extremely bright came from it. Light shone threw Grayhorn's fingers like lasers. Gray horn shouted, “This is for my mother you ******** b*****d.” Grayhorn yell out loud pushed and slammed Shylock in to any tree he could fine. Grayhorn released Shylock and panted hard. Lance and Anakin ran to there master picked him up and he said, “We shall meet again.”

    The group suddenly disappeared and Tamara recovered. Grayhorn was about to faint but Tamara got up in time, ran and caught him. The cage of shadows vanished and Tamara picked up Chiha and said to them, “Every thing will be ok.” Tamara carried them in to the house and placed them in there bed. Tamara sat down on her bed and said, “what are we going to do now, we have no parents this will be hard.” Tamara went to sleep and the next day they were awaken by a bang on the door. Tamara answered the door and saw tall man in a black suit. The man said, “Are you Tamara.” Tamara said, “Yes who are you.” The man said, “A member of the police force, your brother and sister are to be sent to an orphanage immediately.” Tamara said, “no one is taking the last of my family!”

    Grayhorn saw them talking and listened. The man said, “they have to be taken away you can’t handle them.” Tamara shouted, “No give them a chance to live as normal kids they don’t deserve to wait in line to get a family.” Tamara ran in grabbed Chica and Grayhorn jumped trough a window and ran away. The man ran after her and when Tamara saw him, she picked up speed. Tamara said, “You two are not going to live that life I will make sure you don’t even if I die trying.”

    Suddenly nine men appeared and surrounded her. One of the men said, “Hand them over, and we won’t hurt you.”

    Tamara took out a 8-bit star and said, “This is my family you will never get them.”


    Tamara focus energy in her hand with the blade and it started to shine white. Tamara’s pupil turned white and wind swirled around her like a vortex. Tamara placed Chica and Grayhorn down and said, “I will fight for there freedom, now bring it!” Tamara ran at super speed to one of the men and punched him ten feet away. She threw the blade to another man but he leaned back and dodge it, suddenly the blade turned around and chopped the man in half. Three men ran to her with swords to slice her but she leaned back as the swords swinged across her face. She grew hard long claws and stabbed the three men in the heart. Tamara said, “5 down 5 to go.” Tamara crossed her arms like an X and white energy covered them.

    Tamara yelled out and swinged her hands apart. A wave of light crashed in to the men and killed them all. Tamara panted walked to Grayhorn and Chica and said, “I have to send you some where safe.” Grayhorn said, “What happened to your eyes?” Tamara replied, “It is a stage in life when you master your element we are from the light clan if you master your element your eyes will turn white. “Tamara chanted a spell and a blue portal opened. Tamara said, “This portal leads to the main village you will be free there before you go promise that you will do your best and make your village proud.” Grayhorn said, “I promise.” A tear came from her eye and she hugged Chica and Grayhorn. Tamara said, “Good luck I will miss you.”