• When they tell you to hide your children, hold them close and protect them from everything evil, from every devil worshiping self proclaimed Anti-Christ you believe them. Hiding your children away from society, from offspring who’s families fail to follow the same faith as you. They can’t go to normal school and learn of sex, drugs, condoms, disease no they have to go to a private school that costs you an arm and a leg. That’s what these people do. They convince many parents that if you don’t follow their ways your children will be sinners, will go to a place worse than hell. They’re a master of their words able to lace everything with a double meaning so you keep sending cheques supporting their cause. A cause that see’s no funding, or assistance, because those cheques are laying cashed in some private off shore bank account so the leaders have the money to pay off families and for lawyers when the truth comes out that they’ve been ******** your kids all a long.

    Pimping out, beating, raping and starving your children. The same children they told you to lock away in their school, in their churches from the sinners in society. How ironic that it’s the very people in entrusted your children too, the ones who left you filled with promises that your children would be safe, they would grow up happy, healthy, well mannered and faithful. Ever wonder how the Catholic church does it? Now you know their secret and you can do it at home for free! However society will condemn you and your household for it. The steps are simple, sell your child off to a family friend or even uncle as a underage sex worker, starve them and beat them ruthlessly. This results in faith and a connection with God on all levels, because all they’ll know how to do is pray for the pain, the suffering to go away. For all the bad people to disappear.

    Your children will resent you no matter what path you choose, the do it yourself method or letting others do it for you. In one instance they’ll loath you for what you did to them, knowingly and in the other they’ll despise you for turning a blind eye and remaining ignorant while they suffer on all levels, undergoing treatment that no socially and politically correct person should ever experience, or deal out for that matter. To think you don’t even have to worry if they’ll kill you in your sleep for what you did, directly or indirectly, since they turned to their blind faith they will follow the good book so avidly they wouldn’t think to even for a moment commit murder, for that is a sin! Many wouldn’t take the easy way and opt out of their lives either, another sin. And the few who do while attending a school will be brushed away with some trained remark such as: “I was unaware of their depression, I didn’t see this coming. I am so very sorry for your loss.” by the well behaved nuns, who are in fact whispering scandalous rumors behind the backs of the religious Hierarchy.

    If you question the conduct of the school, of the church after these series of events you’ll be shoved away saying that it was a tragedy and not to think anything of it. Which you don’t until you receive a mysterious letter in the mail addressed from the Vatican that contains a cheque for a hefty sum of cash. More than you would have received from pulling your child out earlier and getting a full refund! But cha ching! A son? I had a son? Who has a son when you have quarter of a million dollars to go out and spend on smokes, alcohol and hard drugs to drown away the pain and suffering for losing the child you barely remember in your drug induced break downs. See the system works! The system works even better for the catholic church as those drugs and alcohol cause your thinking to become messed up and you to make decisions that will continue to populate the churches and schools. While in a alcoholic haze you have promiscuous sex, getting pregnant something that would have never happened if you had been sober enough to remember to take your birth control pill. About six years later your second child a pretty little girl attends her first day of catholic school. Oh but I wonder what great things await this one are your thoughts while you still remain dazed by the fact that apparently you had a son prior.

    So just remember oh mighty wise decision making parent, that when you’re signing that cheque to send away for your children’s excellent schooling, you aren’t paying for their education not at all, for the realistically substandard education they get is free. You are sending your money away to a bank account with high interest just in the event something most tragic strikes home, or at least close to home. In the event it does you will obtain the final note written by your beloved child and a significantly large portion of money to spend how you wish.

    Think of it as an insurance policy.

    Appears originally in: A Grotesque Picture Show.