• The sound of the wind’s breeze was flowing in the Kyojinha residence overcame the silence that was there nowadays. But before, there was no silence. The Kyojinha residence was actually quiet filled with laughter.

    Inside the master room of the house, no one was there. But, inside a different bed room, a girl in her teens was on the bed in the room. Kyojinha Nanako. Nanako was staring up into the sky, thinking. Her head turned to the wall. Before the wall was a table, and on that table was a picture. Nanako sat up and walked over to the picture, picking it up. In the picture there was a man, a woman, and a girl in the middle. That used to be Nanako in her younger years.

    Knock, knock, knock.

    Nanako turned her head, someone was at the door. Nanako placed the picture down and walked downstairs and towards the door. Nanako opened the door, not even taking a second to even see who it was. It was because she knew exactly who was coming. There were two people there, Nakagawa Shou and Nakagawa Sora. Shou was a male, and Sora was a female. Shou and Sora were siblings, although they don’t look like it, they’re twins. They both have orange hair that goes black on the bottom, and they both have brown eyes. The two were Nanako’s co-workers, “Welcome.” Nanako bowed her head. Shou smiled and messed up Nanako’s hair with his hand, “No need to do that, Nana.” Sora was giggling beside Shou, “We’ve known each other for a while now, right? So you don’t have to call us anything special or treat us special at all.” Nanako was quiet, “All right then.”

    Shou and Sora were sitting on the sofa that was in Nanako’s living room. They looked around, although the house was so big, there was no one running around it other than Nanako. Nanako came into the living room with a tray of tea. She set the tray down on the table that was in front of the couch and handed a cup of tea to Sora and to Shou. Nanako took her own cup and sat in the chair that was on the side of the sofa.
    “Hey, Nana?” Shou started. Nanako turned her head to Shou, “Hmm?”
    “You’re house is pretty big, isn’t it?” Nanako thought a bit, “I guess it is big…”
    “Isn’t you’re parents here or anything?” Nanako shook her head, “They’re not here.” Sora blinked, “Did they just go out or on a vacation?” Nanako shook her head again, “Boss didn’t tell you?” Sora and Shou looked at each other.
    “Not at all. Yasu didn’t tell us at all.” Shou answered.
    “I see… Well… They had past away a long time ago. Four years ago.” Sora and Shou looked at each other again, “We’re so sorry for asking, Nana...” Sora looked at Nanako’s cup, it was already half empty. Nanako smiled and shook her head, “I’m fine with it. The trauma I got from the experience is gone now.” Nanako turned her head to look out the window, the past years.

    “Nanako!” Nanako turned her head, “Yes, mama?”
    “Do you know where your father is?”
    “I think he’s in the training room.” Nanako answered. Nanako’s mother walked over to Nanako and smiled, “Can you give this letter to him?” Nanako’s mother held out a letter. Nanako took the letter, “All right.” Nanako headed towards the door, slipping on her shoes and ran off.

    Nanako walked into the training room that was behind Nanako’s house. Nanako slid opened the door and saw Nanako’s father training with a giant blade. Nanako closed the door and sat down on the floor until her father saw her. As Nanako’s father looked at her, Nanako stood up, “Mama wanted me to bring this to you.” Nanako held out the letter. Nanako’s father walked over to Nanako and gently took the letter from Nanako, “Thank you Nanako.” Nanako smiled at her father as she watched him open the letter, “Who’s it from?” Nanako’s father was reading the letter, “It’s from Yasu.” Nanako blinked, “Yasu-san is that man you work for, right?” Nanako’s father nodded, “He just wanted me to be careful, it’s getting dangerous around here, that’s why.” Nanako didn’t quite understand what her father meant, but she didn’t mind.

    Nanako watched as her father was practicing. Nanako’s father glanced at Nanako again, “Nanako.” Nanako sat up straight immediately, “Yes?”
    “Come here.”
    “Okay…” Nanako stood up and walked towards her father, “I held this sword when I was about your age. Let’s see if you can carry it.” Nanako’s father placed the giant blade on the ground. Nanako looked at it, it looked awfully heavy. Nanako took it by the handle and held it properly. It was twice the size of Nanako, quite a surprise that she was able to even hold it at all. Nanako’s father smiled, “Good… This means that you are of course a person from the Kyojinha bloodline.” Nanako smiled, knowing that she had impressed her father, “Now, Nanako, that sword is very special.” Nanako looked at the sword, “Why is that papa?” Nanako’s father knelt down to Nanako’s height, “It’s because, this sword, Haikaitou, has the ability to summon a dangerous youkai. Do you know who?” Nanako shook her head, Nanako’s father answered, “Daidarabotchi.” Daidarabotchi was a giant robot youkai who was said to create the geographical features of Japan.
    “It’s a big sword, isn’t it?” Nanako’s father looked at the blade of the sword. It was quite large, “Nanako.” Nanako looked up at her father, “When I’m not around, and this sword is by itself, take care of it. It will be yours in a matter of time, okay?” Nanako nodded, “Understood.”

    The night that night was very dark. The house was quiet, until… the sound of glass breaking was heard. Nanako was deep in her sleep. Nanako’s mother opened the door to Nanako’s room. Nanako’s mother ran over to Nanako and shook her violently, “Nanako, wake up!” Nanako’s eyes fluttered open.
    “Nanako, we have to leave.” Nanako was confused, looking at her mother, “Why…?” Nanako’s mother shook her head, “No time to ask questions. Hurry up.” Nanako’s mother took Nanako’s hand and ran out the door.

    Nanako and her mother were at the living room, “Mama?” Nanako whispered.
    “What is it?” Nanako’s mother whispered back.
    “Where’s Papa?” Nanako’s mother was quiet, “He won’t be able to come with us. Hurry, we’re going to the Training room.”

    Nanako and her mother reached the training room. Nanako’s mother leaned against the walls, looking frightened. Nanako was confused; she didn’t know exactly what was going on, “Mama..?” Nanako’s mother looked at her, “Hmm?”
    “What’s going on…?” Nanako’s mother looked down. She looked like she wasn’t going to tell Nanako at all, “I can’t at all explain it,” There was a sudden rip in the walls. It was the Haikaitou. A man walked right out of the rip in the wall. Nanako’s eyes widened, it was her own father. Nanako’s mother turned to Nanako, “Nanako, run!” Nanako stood up, she turned around, but she didn’t know where to go. Nanako turned her head, she was in shock. Haikaitou was in her mother’s back. Nanako stared at the blade, then at her mother. Nanako felt as if she were to go insane.
    “What’s wrong little girl? Feeling scared?” Laughter was filled in the room. A boy was suddenly beside Nanako’s father. Appeared out of no where, the boy had a grin on his face. There was a mask on his face that hid his eyes. His clothes looked dark and sinister, “Don’t worry, after this guy’s done with you, you’ll shortly meet him in the netherworld.” Nanako shook her head as she watched her own father come at her with a giant blade. Nanako closed her eyes tightly.


    The sound of a gun shot. Nanako opened her eyes slowly. Nanako’s father was lying right in front of her, with a bullet hole in his head. Nanako looked up to see who did it; there was a bunch of people, all in black suits. Nanako looked down at her parents, dead. Nanako crawled over to her father’s side. She grabbed his shirt and was weeping on his back.
    “Oh my… How unfortunate...” the boy disappeared, “This isn’t the last time you hear of me, the name’s Reikon… Don’t forget...” Nanako looked up; she couldn’t think about Reikon, she was busy with her parents’ deaths.
    “Oh no… Kyojinha’s dead, isn’t he?” a man behind Nanako was talking.
    “He sure is…” another one was in front of Nanako.
    “Hey, boss. What should we do with this kid?” Nanako looked around. All the men in the black suits were there. She was scared.
    “She’s part of the Kyojinha bloodline, we’ll need her with us.” A man, also in a black suit, looked big and buff, short brown hair and a small beard was standing beside Nanako, “This is your father, right?” Nanako nodded, “Don’t worry. You’re father wanted us to take care of you…” Nanako shook her head, “No...”
    “Boss, she still needs to say good bye to her parents.”
    “Damn Kyojinha... bring her mother over here too.” Nanako’s mother was carried, and was laid beside Nanako’s father. Nanako just couldn’t bear to see it, she broke down into tears, overwhelmed by her parents’ death.

    Nanako took a drink out of her tea, “That’s what happened that night. Yasu— I mean boss, took care of me ever since. It made me into the person I am now. It was scary at first, but then I was used to the accustom to having the Boss as my foster father.” Nanako placed her cup firmly in her hands, “I won’t forget it. I will have my revenge for my parents no matter what…” Shou and Sora looked at each other, “Nanako will succeed in getting her revenge.” Shou smiled at Nanako.
    “Definitely, Nanako will get her revenge.” Sora also smiled at Nanako. Nanako couldn’t help but smile back, “Thank you.”