• It was close to when the Corpse was going to wake up, and I was barely able to keep my eyes open. It was going to be his job to keep me awake all night tonight. So I can do my job. Then after the night is over I'll go to bed the same time he does, so we wake up around the same time. It's complicated, I know, but it's the only way we can really get me into the 'time schedual'... And it sucks...
    I yawned and looked over the balcony as I watched from the roof of the house. "Geez... I hate this... Maybe I should just leave? I'll still get paid and everything..." I think outloud. I put my head on my hand as my eyes started to droop a bit.
    A deep chuckle came from behind me.
    I jumped and spun around.
    The corpse slowly pulled himself through the floor all the way and then dusted himself off. {Vampires are able to move through objects, so he had just come out from the floor, and Kevin is on the roof, just to let you know again.}
    I glared at him. "Again! Knock! Or use the f***ing door for once!" I boom.
    He grinned, revealing his sharp, peircing, fangs. "Sorry. I forgot you were poor of good hearing."
    I growled at him. "I don't have bad hearing, dunce. I can hear just fine. I just don't like people floating out of the floor and suddenly appear out of the blue like that, idiot."
    He chuckled. "Sorry again. And I'm sorry to hear that you 'hate' being here. I was hoping that you would enjoy it... But I can see that is impossible." He got serious and looked at the floor. "I'll try harder to make this fun for you, Kevin." He promised.
    I shrugged and looked away from him, survaying the edge of his large fences and walls to keep the unwanted out. "Sure, sure. Just use the door next time, kay?"
    He nodded and walked over next to me, looking straight forward, squinting at the sunset, his eyes beaming a dark red color as a reaction from the suns rays. "It's beautiful, isn't it?"
    I looked at him and followed his gaze. "Uh huh."
    He smiled and seemed to go off into another dimention. "I used to watch the sun set before I became, as you call it, a corpse. I would just sit on the tallest hill in the valley and watch it say good night to it's children and went to sleep, allowing the mother moon to come and take the father suns place. On full moons I would I would stay out all night and watch the moon stare back at me as her daughter stars winked and twinkled near her. It was beautiful. Now I can't even stand near the window without getting irritated. I have to stand in a dark corner like a demented child."
    I nodded slowly. "Then how are you able to stand here right now while the sun is still out?"
    He took out a small lotion bottle, SPF 90 writen on it. I smirked. "I see."
    He sighed and put the bottle back in his pocket. "I would never have imagined myself here today all those years ago. I was peaceful with dying and wilting away like all humans do. I didn't care much about death. I envited it like anything else. Of course I wasn't depressed or upset about anything. I just went with everything that came to me. So when I was accidentally shot at by one of my friends I simply said goodbye and waited for the end. But it didn't come. Supposedly one of my friends took me to his brother, whom himself was a Vampire and told him to change me. So he did so. And now... Well... Here I am." He said sounding like he was explaining a nightmare he had.
    I smirked at his fear and looked at him. "Seriously?"
    He nodded, looking down at his hands and swallowing.
    I chuckled. "That sucks."
    He looked at me, confused. "What do you mean?"
    I grinned at his stupidity. "I mean that sucks. That must have been really bad for you."
    He shrugged and looked back at the sun, "Yeah... It did suck..."
    I laughed and patted his shoulder. "Your alright, Corpse."
    He looked at me and smiled. "Thank you, Kevin. Your not so horrible and wet dog smelling either. I was expecting someone like you to reak of dog or wolf. But I was surprised to find you just smelt of smoke."
    I glared at him. "Don't push it, Corpse."
    There was a knock on the door leading to the stairs that lead the way back down to the mansion.
    Corpse turned his head, sighing. "Yes?"
    The maid popped her head out and smiled. "Oh, your up. I was just going to have Kevin go wash up for you."
    I glared at her. "Why would I need to wash just because he's getting his big butt up!?"
    The perverted maid glared back at me. "It's polite, dog."
    I growled at her. "Watch yourself, perverted little girl. I might put fleas in your bed when your not looking." I say narrowing my eyes at her.
    Corpse sighed again. "Enough, maid. Just get something for me and Kevin to eat."
    She nodded and curtsied before walking back down into the house.
    I growled and glared at the door where she had retreated to. "Little b****. She's lucky she's not a boy or I'd beat the s*** out of that d***."
    Corpse looked at me in confusion, blinking blankly. "Eh? You'd do what to her d***?"
    I waved my hand at him, excusing his question. "Heh heh. Nothing, nothing. Just talking to myself, that's all."
    He cocked an eyebrow, looking me over. "Your not gay are you?"
    I jumped and stepped back in shock. "What!? You d*** head! Why would the f*** would you think that!?"
    He smiled. "No reason."
    I glared at him and slowly made my way back to my spot. "Tch. Perverted people. Everyone that lives here is perverted.
    Corpse grinned. "But your living here too."
    I hung my head. "D***... That's right..."
    He laughed and patted my head. "It's okay, Kevin. I don't think your perverted."
    I looked at him and smiled. "Thank ya. I can't say the same to you."
    He looked back at the sunset, sighing deeply.
    I let my eyes travel to the sunset too. Feeling myself grow rather awake and more alert to everything around me.
    Corpse glanced at me and smiled. "Something funny?" He asked.
    I noticed that I was smiling still which is out of the norm for myself. I looked at him and put my fingers on my lips. "Uh... No. I just suddenly feel... energized, I guess." I say running my fingers over my smiling lips.
    Corpse grinned. "Oh. I see my little trick has already been put to work, eh?"
    I looked at him, confused. "Trick?"
    "A few moments ago I looked at you and gave your brain alittle energy, so you'll be able to stay up for as long as I need you to." He said.
    I glared at him. "You did what?"
    He seemed to get nervous. "I just gave you a boost... Is something wrong?"
    I pushed off the edge and growled at him. "Don't ever mess with my head like that."
    He bowed his head. "I am so sorry, Kevin. I didn't mean to upset you. I thought it would just help you stay awake with me and that you would be fine with it. But... I'm wrong again... Forgive me." He said sincerly.
    I sighed and looked away from him. "Whatever. Just ask me before you do something stupid like that, Corpse. I don't like people getting into my head and messing with me." I growl.
    He nodded and stood up straight, his eyes pitiful and sorrowful. "Kevin..."
    I looked at him, my eyes throwing knives at him.
    He looked away, his eyes meeting the last fleeting image of the sun.
    I looked at the sun and felt myself lose all the anger and hatred I felt against the Corpse wash away.

    A few hours later, after the maid came back with our food and drinks, me and Corpse were smiling and talking about the stupidest things we have ever done.
    He was just finishing up a story about how he decided to learn how to drive tenty years after the car was invented, and the first car he wanted to drive was one of the fastest ever built. So, the dumb Vampire not knowing how powerful a simple little press of your foot can be, pushed it all the way down, just flooring it. And then he told me about he didn't know how to stop the car, so he just kept his foot planted on the peddle.
    I laughed so hard tears formed in eyes as he acted out his inncident.
    Finally the Vampire told me that he saw the extra peddle and immediatly kicked it down with all his force, but his foot was so strong that his foot went right through the floor of the car. So now he was practicly screwed.
    "I was shouting at everyone in the slower cars to tell me how to stop it, but I went flying past them too fast to get an answer." He laughed. "The break was broken, the car wouldn't stop and I couldn't get my foot unstuck from the floor of the d*** car." He laughed harder.
    I held my stomach as I laughed harder, leaning forward and howling in pain. {Not literally}
    The corpse poured me more wine and continued his story. "And you know how I got the car to stop?"
    I shook my head and gasped for air.
    He put his hands up like he was holding a stearing wheel and his face distorted in fear. "I crashed it into someone's house."
    I grinned, still laughing. "You lie."
    He shook his head, watching me in amusement. "I wish I was. But I'm not. I crashed it right into a humans house. She seemed more terrified of me then the car, though." He grinned.
    I slowly started to stop laughing. "That's sad."
    He nodded and put his head no his hand as he looked my face over. "Yes, it was."
    I chuckled. "I bet."
    He turned his body from facing the yard, to facing me, his eyes centered on mine. "Kevin?"
    I took a drink of the wine. "Hm?"
    He took a step closer. "Have you ever watched something from behind a wall and wished you could touch it? Or become infactuated with another and wished to hold them, but you simply couldn't?"
    I blinked in confusion. "No."
    He looked at the ground. "I see... I have."
    I felt my heart sink in pity for him. "I'm sorry."
    He smiled and shook his head. "No, no. Don't worry about it. It's my fualt for falling for the person in the first place. I don't deserve his love anyway."
    I almost choked on the sip of wine I had been taking that second.
    He put his hand on my back and seemed concerned. "Are you alright?"
    I swallowed the wine and whipped my mouth clear of the liquid. "Your gay!?"
    He grinned and patted my back. "Is there something wrong with that?"
    I blinked and felt my face get hot.
    This explains why everything matched so perfectly in his house and why he was so nice and why he was so happy... Am I missing anything?
    He put his hand on my chin and steered my face to look at his. "Kevin?"
    I sank down and felt my heart race.
    His grin widened. "Is there something wrong with that?"
    I glared at him and put my hands on his chest, trying to push him away. "Get off me, Corpse."
    His eyes beemed a brightly glowing red.
    I gasped and looked away, closing my eyes. "Don't do that, Corpse!" I say shuving him off.
    He jumped back and covered his mouth, as if waking up from his little trance. "Ah! I did it again. I apologize, Kevin... I didn't mean for that to happen..." He said, his cheeks starting to color or go pink.
    I nodded and tried to calm my breathing down. "Yeah... Yeah sure..." I say glancing at him nervously.
    Gee... What the hell is wrong with this guys mood swings?