• Prologue: The day when I knew he was it.

    I sat on the floor with my group mates: Alicia, Miko, and Hope. We were doing a surrealism project for art, and we wanted it off our shoulders as soon as possible. We decided to draw rubber bands, as in a band that each member is like a rubber band. I started to sketch, getting quite annoyed with the jacket that Hayate lent me. It kept getting in the pencil's way, but I ignored it – well, tried to.

    "Alright guys, that's due next week! I expect awesome outcomes from you guys, and NO excuses!" Ms. Finny shouted. "Dismissed!"

    I ran out the classroom to go and wash the paint brushes in the restroom. I saw Hayate pass by, waving hi to me. I told Hope to go ahead, and I looked down. The cuts on his wrists were unbelievable. I looked at him, and gave him that look. He'd told me that he'd tell me what this was about, and I knew that was a promise. I pressed on, running to catch up with Hope. We finally got the paintbrushes washed, but when we were half – way across the hallway, I wondered: why the hell is Hayate waiting outside the classroom? I continued to walk, at a slower pace, and joined the others inside the class room. I just snached my wallet from my bag and told the others that I'd see them later in English class.

    "I'm so sorry, Akane," he whispered. "I should have told you. I should have known you'd find out."

    "Hayate," I said, reassuringly. "It's fine. I know how it's like, experiencing this."
    The library was empty, and it was just him and me. I told him to tell me why he did this, but he never said it clearly. All he said was: "it was out of regret" and other crap like that. Letting it go, we left the library for lunch.