tab This chat was recorded on April 1st, 2010, 12:01. The details that transpired in this chat might alarm you, or even scare you. Try to remain calm.
tab Now entering Tom Jacobs into group chat...
tab Now entering Tyler Woods into group chat...
tab Now entering Nathon Powers into group chat...
tab Now entering Jack Brown into group chat...
tab Now entering Jimmy Wells into group chat...
tab Now entering Tim Hudson into group chat...
tab Now entering Chad Gibson into group chat...
tab Now entering Saver Guy into group chat...
tab Tom Jacobs: that's every1, right?
tab Chad Gibson: Can someone remind me why we're here?
tab Nathon Powers: I guess some people just think BeaniesFTW is being unfair to our stories.
tab Tim Hudson: evil xactly! i mean, geez, look! im like 20 chapters into mine, and he dsn't even finish!
tab Chad Gibson: stare You think that's bad. I got a whole book made, and the second one was never finished.
tab Tyler Woods: I don't think that's what we're here for. Really, we're here because our stories are just so freakin' depressing.
tab Saver guy: i died ones.
tab Jimmy Wells: ...
tab Jack Brown: What?
tab Saver Guy: but den i get beder. it was amerckel.
tab Tom Jacob: WTF? who r u?
tab Saver Guy: saver guy.
tab Jimmy Wells: What?
tab Saver Guy: i said i am benjamin.
tab Tim Hudson: hth did u get on this chat? w/e. im kicking u out.
tab Saver Guy leaving chat room.
tab Tyler Woods: Thank God he's gone.
tab Jack Brown: Seriously, though, Tyler's right. I mean, I just figured out my ex-girlfriend's dad just died, and that she was a prostitute.
tab Jimmy Wells: How about seeing your parents get shot in front of you at like, 11 years old? Does that count as depressing?
tab Nathon Powers: Calm down, guys. We're not here to talk about our back stories. We're here to prevent BeaniesFTW from torturing any other characters any futher.
tab Tim Hudson: nice idea. how?
tab Tom Jacobs: good question.
tab Nathon Powers: Well...
tab Tyler Woods: We could shoot him. I'm good at that.
tab Jack Brown: Too far, Tyler.
tab Saver Guy now entering group chat...
tab Saver Guy: the only way to beat him is to die.
tab Tom Jacobs: scream htf did he get on again???
tab Tyler Woods: Just ignore him.
tab Saver Guy: or bome attack. works just as well.
tab Chad Gibson: Wait, I think I have an idea.
tab Tim Hudson: what?
tab Saver Guy: power ups never work. they always dispar.
tab Chad Gibson: Why don't we hack BeaniesFTW's account, and then post this chat as a kind of threat!
tab Tom Jacobs: like it.
tab Tim Hudson: good idea! but we gotta figure out something threatening 2 say at the end of this chat.
tab Saver Guy: getting weird feeling that im being ignored.
tab Jack Brown: How about: "We have your account now. From now on, happy stories, or else, we keep your account as hostage."
tab Chad Gibson: All right, it's settled. I'm logging off now. See you guys.
tab Chad Gibson is leaving group chat.
tab Tyler Woods is leaving group chat
tab Tom Jacobs is leaving group chat.
tab Nathon Powers is leaving group chat.
tab Jack Brown is leaving group chat.
tab Tim Hudson is leaving group chat.
tab Jimmy Wells is leaving group chat.
tab Saver Guy: looks like someones entrouble.
Character Group Chat
Don't freak out too much. These are the characters from your beloved stories talking. Hope you didn't like those stories too much, because you're gonna to have to be expecting some slightly lighter ones in the future.
Like, how about: The Truth Hurts: High School Musical?
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