~Earth Faction~
“Yes, Mr. Bright. The Gundam is finished at last. It will surely turn the tables in our favor,” said Dr. J, smiling broadly and adjusting his glasses. Domon Maxwell, Rezin Uraki, Gaia Bruder, and the fifteen Gundam pilots all gathered around the tarp-covered machine.
“Well, show us already,” Bright said.
“Very well. I give you...Gundam Arma!” The tarp fell away, revealing the gigantic war machine. Its armor was mostly white, consistent with the tradition. The chest was blue, with gold-plate accents, and a green gem in the center of the chest. The shoulders and forearms were blue as well, along with the skirt armor. The wings were identical to those of Wing Gundam, and the compact Super Vernier was black, matching the backpack. The cockpit door, core, and the bottoms of the feet were red. On the left arm there was a red, gold accented shield. The shield also had a green gem in the center of it. There were numerous weapon racks in various places across its armor. Dr. J spoke up again.
“We’ve also finished building a mobile suit we started fifteen years ago. It was designed to surpass Oz’s Tallgeese, but the project was put off in favor of mobile suits that were much easier to pilot and maintain. The Wing Gundam Zero is one of few mobile suits that can keep up with Gundam Arma and Gundam Epyon. Heero will pilot the Zero.”
“Also, we have used the remains of Wing Gundam and Shining Gundam to construct a new mobile suit for Captain Domon Kasshu. We call it Burning Gundam,” said Kyoji, another Gundam pilot and brother to Domon. The pilots turned their attention to Gundam Arma, standing between Heero and Domon’s new suits.
“Amazing...I wonder what it can do,” said Rezin.
“We’ll find out soon. We know where Epyon is,” Heero said, turning a monitor so everyone could see.
* * *
Many would-be heroes had confronted Zechs, hoping to prove themselves as well as protect the cities he attacked. None of them could even slow him down. An “expert” team of assassins in GM Sniper II mobile suits had even tried to destroy the red and black Epyon. They were all eliminated. In the Tallgeese, only Heero could challenge Zechs. However, against Epyon, Heero only proved to be an effective adversary when partnered with Domon. When the Earth’s new Gundam showed up, Zechs knew he was destined to either defeat or be defeated by the big machine. He watched what it could do, and then decided to fight it only when it had been completed.
Zechs was strolling through the dusty streets of Rabat, Morocco, weeks after the encounter with Zeon and Earth Faction. A few hours before, he reactivated Epyon’s tracking computer. He was hoping the Pegasus would try to find him. Of course, Oz could now find him, too, but he knew Treize would prevent Oz from coming after him. Treize Khushrenada would understand. After stopping in a local bar, hoping for a little wine (of which he found none,) Zechs made his way back to the cave where Epyon and his makeshift living quarters rested. Once inside, he dozed off while sitting in Epyon‘s cockpit.
Zechs was awakened late that night by the roar of battleship engines. He did not need to see to know who was knocking at his door. He moved Epyon out of the gaping cave, and turned it to face the noise. Soon he heard a second roar. He turned to see two battleships headed his way. One was much farther away than the other. He was somewhat relieved to see that the closest one was the Pegasus. The face of the new Gundam’s pilot appeared on Zechs’ screen. He remembered Gaia Bruder.
The white doors to one of the Pegasus’ mobile suit bays opened, and the big Gundam jumped out. It landed near Zechs, and slowly stood up straight. It turned to face Epyon. The green eyes began to glow.
“Well, well. That’s quite an impressive machine. Let’s see your beam saber,” Zechs said, drawing his own.
“You wanna see? Take a good look, Lightning Count,” Bruder said. Gundam Arma’s beam saber was immense. The blade was nearly twice as long, and about five times as wide as Wing Gundam’s.
“No guns. Only our sabers.”
“Fine. I’ve been waiting to see what this Gundam can do against your Epyon.”
“Not here. There are too many people nearby. I may be a soldier, but I’m not heartless. Follow me,” Zechs said, transforming Epyon into Mobile Armor Mode, and flew toward the north, away from the unidentified ship in the distance. Gaia threw a lever, and Gundam Arma began to shift and move. It folded its arms, put its legs together, and turned its head upward. It then spread its wings, and mounted its shield on its back, behind the Super Vernier. Gundam Arma quickly caught up with Epyon, and zoomed ahead of it. Gaia began flying in a spiral around Zechs, enjoying Gundam Arma’s air maneuverability a bit too much. The two landed a few dozen miles outside the city, and prepared for the duel that they both had been waiting for. Epyon attacked first, swinging downward. Arma blocked with the bejeweled shield. Gaia swung Arma’s sizeable saber in a wide arc, and Epyon caught the blue blade with its green one at the end of the arc.
Zechs backed up a step, and began to slash and stab in a seemingly wild manner, but was actually carefully calculating each movement. Apparently, Gaia Bruder was skilled enough to dodge around Zechs’ attack. After an effective eternity of brightly lit swordplay, Zechs faked an attack to Gundam Arma’s right, and quickly shifted to the left, twisting on the spot, and lashing out with Epyon’s heat rod. As fast as Zechs, Gaia took out a second, smaller saber, and deflected the heat rod.
“Well done, Gaia. You’re matching Epyon’s performance blow by blow,” Zechs breathed.
“Can’t exactly say it’s been easy,” Gaia breathed back. “Do you want to continue?”
“Of course. I will either crush you...or be crushed by you.”
“Are you sure?” asked Gaia, raising an eyebrow.
“That’s what this mobile suit is demanding!” yelled Zechs, charging to meet Gundam Arma once more.
* * *
~Earth Faction~
“Look at them go....” The crew of White Base watched the fight from a reasonable distance, seeing only a green-tinged blur dancing with a blue-tinged one.
“Why do they keep stopping?” asked Amuro, puzzled.
“Zechs doesn’t fight dirty. He often pauses like that to commend a worthy opponent,” Heero explained. Fraw Bo tuned White Base’s communications to listen to the pilots’ conversation. They heard Zechs sigh.
“I’m sorry, Gaia. You are a worthy opponent indeed…but you are not the one destined to finish this fight. Gaia raised an eyebrow.
“One pilot has been by my side throughout this entire war…one pilot has continued to challenge me, time and time again. This single soul, I know, is the one destined to finish my fight. His name…is Heero Yuy,” Zechs said. Gaia smiled, and sheathed his saber. Gundam Arma stepped back, more than willing to give its most worthy opponent that which he desired most.
“Heero…I trust that you’ve obtained a mobile suit to match Epyon.”
“Yes. In fact, that Epyon you’re piloting is designed to rival my suit. It’s the Wing Zero,” Heero said as his Gundam flew to meet Epyon. The two did battle, as Gaia watched on. Burning Gundam landed next to Gundam Arma, relaying messages from White Base. Gaia listened in.
“Have we learned anything about that approaching battleship?” Bright asked Fraw Bo.
“I’m afraid it’s an Oz ship, sir. I think they may be coming to get Zechs back.” The two Gundams fighting on the ground sheathed their weapons, and turned to look at the approaching ship. It soon got close enough for everyone to see clearly.
“Treize! Why have you come?” Zechs screamed, enraged that his duel was unfinished.
“Not me, my friend. I was demoted for allowing an enemy to go unharmed. I lost a duel, and the winner opted to spare my life. I could not attack him, and my decision was not popular with the rest of Oz. They’ve come here, against my counsel, to take you back,” Treize said.
“Zechs Merquise, this is your first and only warning. Surrender, and board the carrier,” squawked a loudspeaker on the carrier.
“I’ve got to finish what I started. Epyon insists that I settle the dispute with Heero!”
“The mobile suit doesn’t ‘insist’ on anything. It’s a war machine at the command of the pilot. This is the only chance you will have.”
“I won’t go back! I refuse! I have no interest in your meaningless war!”
“Then you leave us no choice. We will take you by force.” The carrier opened, releasing a black cloud of Virgos and Tauruses upon the battlefield. Epyon and Wing Zero began to attack the swarm of Oz machines as partners. They dropped like black fruit from a tree that was being violently shaken. Epyon had no ranged weapons, and Wing Zero only had its shoulder Vulcans.
There were simply too many. Epyon’s already damaged arm soon stopped moving altogether. Domon took a defensive stance; Gaia had just pulled out both his beam sabers when his computer froze again.
“No, no, no!” he shouted, furiously yanking on the control sticks. Gundam Arma was not quite the paragon of mobile suit warfare that Dr. J had bragged about. “Sorry, Zechs and Heero. I’m out,” Gaia said, just before the communication system shut down. Numerous Virgos surrounded Zechs, leveling their mega particle cannons at the crippled Epyon. They all fired at once, badly damaging Epyon’s armor. After the salvo, Epyon stood tall just long enough for Zechs to swing the beam saber in an arc, taking out several Oz suits. The badly beaten Gundam then fell to its knees, and the green glow of its eyes died simultaneously with the green glow of its beam saber.
The Oz soldiers dragged Epyon into the carrier, and Gaia was sure that Zechs was screaming his displeasure in the silence of the red Gundam’s cockpit. After what felt like an eternity to Gaia, White Base appeared over the horizon, loading Gundam Arma up and breaking Gaia out.
* * *
“Thank you again, Rain,” Shiro said, emerging from his Kämpfer’s cockpit.
“For what?”
“For the save. If you hadn’t taken out the Vayeate, I wouldn’t have finished the fight with Treize.” Rain smiled and blushed, but her smile vanished when she remembered seeing the Vayeate ripped in two. She was almost certain she had killed Lady Une.
“Rain? We also captured several Oz POWs...including the Vayeate pilot. She’s alive,” Shiro said.
“You mean...I didn’t...?”
“That’s right. Can’t say the same for poor Vayeate. You totaled the thing,” Shiro said with a grin. Rain debated for an instant, then threw her arms around Shiro. He smirked a little, then returned the embrace. After a moment, Rain released Shiro, and smiled awkwardly, avoiding his eyes.
“Shiro, I...don’t think I can do this anymore. This war is going nowhere. People are dying needlessly while Zeon and Oz fight for senseless control. I want to get away from it all...but I’m afraid of going alone,” she suddenly said, tears beginning to sting her eyes again.
“Rain...we can’t leave. They’ll kill us. I don’t like this anymore than you do, but Zeon’ll chase us down if we desert.”
“Will you at least think about it? Please?” she implored. Unable to stand her sad eyes any longer, Shiro said, “Alright.” After securing their mobile suits, the two walked silently back to the Gaw’s bridge.
At a safe distance from Earth and the Gundams, Char Aznable was sleeplessly restoring the MSN-02 Zeong mobile suit. He was currently working from within Side 3, the colony that spawned Zeon itself. He had sent a large amount of ace pilots in powerful mobile suits to Oz’s Khushrenada Base, in an attempt to capture rare materials for mobile suits like the Tallgeese. His endeavor was partially fruitful. The materials he required were eventually retrieved, after furious fighting, but the base had not been captured, as Char had hoped. Many of his best soldiers had died.
No matter, he thought to himself, I’ll still destroy them all. Oz and Earth Faction will be things of the past. Soon, the call of “Hail, Zeon!” will be heard throughout the cosmos.
* * *
“Commander, our radar is showing a massive number of Zeon carriers converging on this location!” said a young man monitoring Oz’s radar screens
“What does it mean?” asked the boy’s commanding officer.
“We’ve also found that nearly all known Zeon bases have been vacated. They’re doing something...but we don’t yet know what.” There were still a few bases here and there that were still occupied.
“I won’t,” said Zechs, without opening his eyes. He was locked in one of Oz’s numerous brigs.
“What’s that?”
“I won’t lead your cowardly armies in this meaningless crusade.”
“You will, Zechs. If you won’t lead Oz’s space campaign, then we have no choice but to fire the Libra.” At this, Zechs’ head snapped up, a look of hate and bewilderment on his face.
“Fine. I’ll fight this spineless fool’s war,” he said, hanging his head in defeat.
* * *
Among the last of Zeon’s Earth divisions were Shiro and Rain. Several weeks had passed since their first mission together, and they had become quite the team. They were being briefed on their next mission.
“We have a fix on the Trojan Horse. It’s likely that Gundam Arma is on board. If this is the case, we want you two to capture it. If it turns out that the Gundam is not on board, we want the ship destroyed. We advise you to move steadily, but slowly. We can’t afford for them to know we’ve got ‘em. Dismissed,” instructed Garma Zabi himself. “Don’t fail us, sister,” he added, as Rain exited the bridge. She sighed as they entered the hangar once more to board the mobile suit pair that had become famous, now painted in matching black and green Zeon ace colors.
“Okay, we’ve got a week to get to the Trojan Horse. So we can take our time as long as we keep a steady pace. We’ll jet through the forest for a few hours, and then we’ll stop to set up camp for the night,” Shiro said, as the Gaw disappeared from view. Both soldiers were equally smitten with one another, but neither of them knew the other cared. Rain had become so strong...and Shiro thought about Rain’s request every day. Eventually, the twosome came to a stop several dozen miles from the Trojan Horse. There was a town roughly ten minutes’ walk from where the mobile suits stood.
“I’ll walk down to the town over that way, and you can start to set up camp. I’ll be back with food and water in a little while. Then I’ll help you finish setting up.” Shiro started down the road with two rucksacks, while Rain made canvas tents around the cockpits of the Kämpfer and Mercurius.
* * *
~Earth Faction~
The White Base, carrying only Gundam Arma, Rezin’s Gouf, and the Tallgeese, rumbled over the trees somewhere in Ireland. The trees and grass were still a luscious green, unlike most of the war-torn world. It was still dark; the sun had not come up yet.
“There are two Zeon mobile suits about thirty-six clicks from White Base, sir.”
“Only two?” asked Bright.
“Yes, sir. They stopped moving hours ago. They might be deserters, but they could possibly be pursuing White Base.” Gaia spoke up.
“We have three mobile suits superior to anything Oz or Zeon could possibly send with two pilots. If they come near us, we can take them out.”
“Not if Gundam Arma keeps freezing in the heat of battle, you can’t,” Bright answered. The Earth Faction assault carrier came to rest, far from enemies, in order to finish Tallgeese and Arma’s repairs.
“I’ll go check out those two mobile suits,” said Rezin Uraki, as the remodeled Gouf exited the mobile suit bay.
“Be careful, Rezin. We can’t back you up if you get into trouble,” Bright said into a headset as the Gouf moved out of sight.
“I will. This Gouf can handle just two of them.”
* * *
Shiro threw the rucksacks over his back, and climbed up his Kämpfer’s armor and multiple verniers, and onto the open cockpit door. He threw the rucksacks into his seat, and inspected Rain’s handiwork. She had erected canopies with metal frames and canvas covers over the doorway, and she had put out a sleeping bag on each mobile suit’s open door. There were even pillows and canteens.
“Rain?” he called. He couldn’t see her near the mobile suits. He decided she must be on top. He climbed up Mercurius’ arm, and pulled himself onto its shoulder.
“Rain?” he yelled again. He walked around behind Mercurius’ head, and spotted her lying down on the other shoulder. Her body armor, equipment, and combat boots were missing. She had let her waist-length braid loose, and her hair was hanging down across the black armor of Mercurius. Her jacket served as a cushion, while she lay breathing the cool evening air peacefully.
“Hey, you asleep?” he asked quietly. She breathed deeply, blinked a few times, and turned to Shiro.
“Take me far from here, Shiro. I don’t want to...” she said faintly, not yet awake.
“What’s that?” he asked, unable to stop the grin that spread across his face.
“Oh!? I’m sorry...I was sleeping for a bit. What’s going on?” she said, blushing brightly and sitting up. “I was watching the sunset...and I guess I nodded off.”
“Where’s your gear, soldier?” he said teasingly as he sat beside her.
“I got tired of trying to pitch the tents with all the heavy armor on, and it was getting warm out here. As for my boots...I laced them together, stuffed my socks in ‘em, and tossed ‘em down there. I really don’t like shoes anyway...and I especially don’t like those,” she said, gesturing to the dusty boots lying on the ground nearby.
“Okay, then. Hey, look over that way!” he said, pointing to the rapidly dwindling sunlight. Together they watched the sun set, each longing to reach out and hold the other close. After a moment, Shiro mustered up enough courage to put an arm around Rain’s shoulders. She sat still for a split second, then moved closer to Shiro, beaming so brightly she was afraid they would not be able to see the night sky. The two leaned against Mercurius’ head, and snuggled while the stars sparkled over the cool green landscape. Eventually, the two decided to turn in and get some sleep. They said goodnight, and fell quickly asleep under Rain’s canopies, each serenaded by dreams of the other.
* * *
~Earth Faction~
Rezin Uraki, the Oz deserter turned Earth Faction soldier, made his way closer to the two still blips on radar. In the still silence of the Gouf’s cockpit, Rezin involuntarily began to reflect on his past. He remembered his wife, her life snuffed out by Oz gunfire. He and the other men of his sector in an AC colony had all banded together with rusty tanks and anti-mobile suit guns. Oz had begun its bloody campaign, conquering the AC colonies, one by one, and had not yet turned its attention to Zeon. He had heard a taunt from a dying soldier his men had wounded.
“I might die...but there are hundreds more, just like me...who’ll crush the filthy resistance. I seem to remember a small building...with your name on it...scheduled to be demolished today...by Oz wrecking crews,” he had said, then laughed insanely, as Rezin emptied his rifle’s clip in the soldier’s dying form.
Struggling to keep his composure, Rezin had run with inhuman speed to his home, hoping against hope that the soldier had been lying. However, it turned out that the soldier wasn’t lying. An Oz missile had struck his house, the explosion sweeping his wife out of the building. He found her burned and beaten, but still alive, near the front door. Under her crushed form, he saw his young son, unharmed.
“Rezin...you’re here. I hoped I would see you one last time...I love you, Rezin.” Rezin only had time to say, “I love you, too,” before she died. As he reached for his son, an Oz soldier snatched the boy up, grinning evilly.
“You, and all your friends are gonna fight for us, or your son will die like her.” Rezin reluctantly agreed. As soon as he consented, he felt a part of him die. His sorrow disappeared...not from elation, but from a strange coldness that filled his heart. He was numb to the atrocities of war from that day forward. He hoped, if Earth crushed Oz and Zeon, that the numbness would go away, and he would be normal again. And he could reclaim his son, and at least partially restore his ruined family. He knew where and who the boy was, but Rezin was afraid to tell the boy that he was his father.
The boy had been released, as per Treize’s order. He had him liberated to the care of Earth Faction; the Gundam designers had taken him in, and erased his true identity. The boy once known as Heero Uraki had grown to be a superb Gundam pilot known as Heero Yuy, and was fighting for Earth Faction alongside Wing Gundam Zero.
* * *
Rain...Rain...Rain.... The black sheep of the Zabi family had quickly become very dear to Shiro, and her name echoed across his mind like the chorus of a sweet song.
“Shiro...Shiro....” he heard. Maybe Rain’s mind was calling to his. “Hey, Shiro!” No...Rain was calling to him aloud. “Wake up!”
“Huh?” he said groggily, seeing Rain standing on Mercurius’ open door that served as a shield, walkway, and bed. She suddenly leapt across the gap between the two mobile suits, and landed with a thud on the Kämpfer’s door. She stood with one foot on either side of Shiro, a toothbrush in her mouth. She turned her head and spit over the side of the rigid metal door. She then gargled water from a canteen, rinsed, and spit again.
“That’s ladylike,” Shiro said, laughing quietly. Rain smirked and then knelt so that her nose was millimeters from his. She leaned a little closer, kissed Shiro for a moment, and bid him good morning.
“Good morning to you, too,” he said. “Can I get up now?” Rain was still standing over him. She smiled at him sarcastically, with a hand on her hip, and stood aside. Shiro got up, rolled up the sleeping bag, and stuffed it in a compartment in back of the Kämpfer’s seat. He and Rain took down the canopies, and stowed the rucksacks full of supplies (after a brief breakfast) inside the mobile suits. The two pilots replaced their body armor and equipment sleepily as the sun rose. Rain glowered deploringly at the black combat boots for a moment, and reluctantly replaced them as well.
After lacing, buckling, and fastening their gear, the two looked out into the orange-tinted horizon. Rain, by then very comfortable around Shiro, stood up and kissed him on the cheek before returning to Mercurius’ cockpit. Shiro disappeared behind the Kämpfer’s closing door. The two mobile suits awakened (considerably faster than their pilots.) Readying their guns, the two set out to secure the Trojan Horse. A light at the corner of Shiro’s monitor began to blink. It was a message.
“What is it?” she asked, stopping.
“A message. It was sent by the Epyon. Treize’s name is on it.”
* * *
While Zeon mustered its forces in its private section of space, Oz decided to gather its own in another quadrant. Both sides had decided to finish their battle in space, the birthplace of the Colony Wars. Since Zechs had consented to rejoin Oz, albeit grudgingly, the higher-ups decided not to fire the Libra cannon, a gargantuan anti-planet weapon. Nearly half of Oz’s entire body was aboard the Libra. Treize, Zechs and the rest of Oz were scattered through space nearby. Suddenly, during a tense routine maneuver, a transmission appeared across every Oz screen. It was Char.
“Greetings, Oz. I have come with a proposal. If you will join the Zeon cause, together we can eliminate our common enemy: Earth Faction. The Earth and all of space will be ours. It pains me to use such underhanded tactics, but look around you.”
The pilots, as one, all turned to see what Char was talking about. Hundreds of thousands of Zeon Gelgoogs and Rick Doms around Libra all fired their verniers, and became visible. The Zeons deactivated the stealth devices floating throughout the area, and the Zeon units suddenly appeared on radar. All but about thirty of the Oz suits floating in space began to move. They moved to float behind the Zeons.
“Traitors!” screamed an Oz officer.
“Hail, Zeon!” the deserters screamed back. The thirty or forty that did not desert were the ones around Treize. The soldiers loyal to Treize all charged at Zeon’s freshly revamped ranks. The soldiers aboard Libra watched in horror as the brave men were wiped out by their own. Treize himself took out innumerable Zeon suits, until one of the many beam rifle shots fired at Tallgeese II finally pierced its blue chest plate. Time seemed to slow down as Zeon, Oz, and the undecided watched the orange streak pass through the Tallgeese II.
“I could have won, had this been hand-to-hand combat...but I did not. I must not dwell on my loss. Please...Zechs...tell Lady Une I will wait for her when Kingdom Come. Tell Shiro Shiden I enjoyed our duel immensely, and as for you...I’ll see you on the other side, my eternal friend,” Treize managed before the heroic blue-and-white mobile suit erupted in a great explosion. Everyone gasped, and all Oz eyes stung with emotion as the man known as Treize Khushrenada died in the center of battlefield on which he had fought so valiantly.
Overflowing with rage, a young, foolhardy Oz soldier rushed to Libra’s cannon control. He engaged the cannon, muttering his vengeance as he was subdued. The massive mega particle beam cannon fired in the midst of the Zeon soldiers, destroying hundreds. Zechs quickly typed up the messages commissioned by the late Treize Khushrenada, and sent them to their respective destinations. He then unsheathed Epyon’s big beam saber, and charged at Libra’s colossal form. He flew inside the cannon’s short barrel, into the mechanism of the cannon itself. He found the energy source after a while.
A reactor, foolishly stored in the same place as the Minovsky particles that powered the cannon, loomed over Gundam Epyon. Zechs said a quick prayer, clutched a small Bible in his jacket pocket, and held the saber up high.
“Watch me! I’m gonna live until the bitter end!” he said to Treize, unheard. He cut the reactor and the Minovsky particle canister open, then stood still as the energy contained within the machinery was released. The apparatus exploded around Zechs. The last thing Epyon saw was a white flash.
Zeon and Oz’s deserters stared at the Libra as it was vaporized, the remainder of Oz’s loyal soldiers all inside. Char spoke.
“They were our mortal enemies...but it saddens me to see them go like this. I want everyone to show a little respect.” Every soldier in space lowered their weapons, and moved their mobile suits’ right hands to salute the fallen.
“There are no atheists on board a sinking ship, but it would still be a good idea to pray for those who have died,” he said, bowing his head. All pilots and crew followed suit. Oz was no more.
* * *
“Yeah, he’s heading our way,” Shiro said to Rain.
“I wonder what he wants,” she said thoughtfully. After a few minutes’ time, the Gouf became visible.
“He’s...Zeon,” Rain said, recognizing the mobile suit.
“No...he’s Oz,” Shiro argued, after scanning the Gouf’s programming.
“You’re both wrong. I’m Earth Faction,” the soldier said.
“Why are you here?” asked Shiro. Rain activated Mercurius’ energy shields.
“I came from White Base. I wanted to find out what you were doing so close to us.”
“We were sent to capture Gundam Arma, but we really don’t want to do that,” Shiro said. “We’ve just deserted.”
“What convinced you?” Rain whispered.
“Looking up at the stars with you,” he whispered back, grinning broadly.
“I’m a deserter, too. I left Oz because I believed their crusade was one of senseless bloodshed. I’ll probably get into trouble for this.... Why don’t you two come back to White Base with me?”
“Will they let us in?” Rain asked.
“Not to be ungrateful, but they let me in without question. I basically told them my life’s philosophy, and they trusted me. I would never betray their trust, though.” Rezin lead them back to White Base, all three sharing their stories so far.
“Let me get this straight...you’re a member of the Zabi family?”
“That’s right.”
“Then why haven’t I heard of you?”
“I guess I’m a disgrace to the other Zabis. They keep my identity on a down-low, and very few people actually know that Garma is my brother.”
“Wow. Just when you think you know someone....” Rezin Uraki then told of his desertion, and his fight against those he once called allies. He did not tell the Zeon deserters why he hated Oz. Rezin never told that to anyone.
“Maybe we can bring an end to this futile war, now that we’re fighting for the right reason. Rain...will you help me? I know you hate fighting in any case, so I’ll leave it entirely up to you,” Shiro said, concerned by the tears he saw in Rain’s eyes every time she was forced into battle.
“Yes...I’ll fight alongside you, Shiro. You can always count on me,” she told him, smiling tenderly.
* * *
~Earth Faction~
Bright Noa, two months after the demise of Oz, and the bulge of Zeon’s forces, had scattered the Gundams across the globe, hoping to attack from all directions, and ward off the Zeons long enough to plan a more devastating attack. The Project Meteor pilots, Heero Yuy, Duo Maxwell, Quatre Raberba Winner, Trowa Barton, and Chang Wufei, piloting Wing Gundam Zero, Gundam Deathscythe Hell, Gundam Sandrock, Gundam Heavyarms, and Altron Gundam, were all sent to eastern Asia, doing battle with Zeon’s new Virgo Corps, led by tuned-up Gelgoogs.
Meanwhile, Domon Kasshu, George de Sand, Argo Gulskii, Sai Saici, and Chipodee Crockett took Burning Gundam, Gundam Rose, Bolt Gundam, Dragon Gundam, and Gundam Maxter to Europe and western Asia, in order to suppress Zeon activity there.
The V Project mobile suits were dispersed throughout South America to guard Jaburo from the Zeons. The original Gundam, Alex, Blue Destiny, Nu Gundam, and Gundam Mk. II were stationed miles apart around Jaburo.
Gundam Arma remained as Earth Faction’s ultimate weapon, although the computer bug had still not been worked out. The Tallgeese had long since been fully repaired, but had not been used; as was the case with the Gundams, Earth’s pilots found it very difficult to control. Domon Maxwell, Rezin Uraki, Gaia Bruder, Shiro Shiden, and Rain Zabi made up White Base’s tiny mobile suit corp. Two Oz suits, two Zeon suits, and one Earth Faction suit were all that remained in the mobile suit bay.
“I’m telling you, Major, we can’t keep fighting on so many fronts at once! Most of Zeon is still in space! They’re planning something big, and we’re playing around with their troops on the ground. If we just combine our forces into one effort, we could meet Zeon in one last fight, and wipe them out. Then we could weed out the rest of them on Earth,” Gaia shouted to Bright.
“We don’t know what Zeon is planning. Until we do, we can’t afford to make such an easy target,” Bright shot back.
“I can’t keep doing this. It’s driving me crazy. We’re just sitting around while the other Gundam pilots pretend to fight a war. Everyone who’s seen a Gundam knows that the Zeon suits don’t stand a chance against them. The other fifteen are all waiting around, guarding territory that Zeon cares nothing about.”
“This discussion is over.”
“No, it isn’t! Zeon’s forces are all amassed in Side 3. We can do this, Major!” Gaia fumed.
“It’s my call, and I say that we stay where we are.” At Bright’s words, Gaia stormed off.
“We can’t, Gaia. There’s no reason for us to move,” Heero said.
“I’m trying to get Bright to change our strategy. Tell me, Heero, are you fighting at all?” Gaia asked. Heero closed his eyes in thought.
“I’m staying where I am.”
“I may not be fighting, but I like it that way. This war is meaningless. I would rather not fight at all.” Heero disconnected the transmission. Gaia had already called Domon Kasshu and Amuro Ray, and both had given him similar answers. Gaia walked off into the mobile suit bay, to look up at Gundam Arma. It was at last fully armed. A beam spray gun, and large-caliber machine gun, a small dobergun, and twelve missile launchers had been added to its arsenal. The formidable machine was only gathering dust in the hangar. Gaia sighed and stalked off.
* * *
Six hours after Bright and Gaia stopped arguing, the complete Zeong mobile suit landed hard on the ground near White Base. Three mega particle cannons on its torso and ten in its hands made it a frighteningly powerful machine. Char had used both Zeon and Oz technology to construct the missing legs. With its new legs, the Zeong was as tall as Gundam Arma. Char turned to the Earth Faction assault carrier, and sent out a transmission, calling the Gundams to fight him. He intended to destroy each and every one. Five faces appeared on his monitor. Gaia Bruder, Domon Maxwell, Rain Zabi, Shiro Shiden, and Rezin Uraki were those five.
“Gaia...the pilot of the ‘ultimate’ Gundam; Domon...the triple agent; Shiro...my former best pilot; and Rezin...the tragic warrior from Oz. And let us not forget Rain. Garma’s misunderstood sister has become so strong.
“For now, forget about Zeon. This is a fight for me and me alone. I will personally crush the Trojan Horse and the Gundams. This will be the final battle for Earth and the colonies,” Char announced.
Gaia turned to Bright and grimaced as thousands of Zeon troops appeared behind the Zeong. For the first time, Earth Faction would be forced to fight for the colonies as well as Earth. White Base opened its bay doors. Gundam Arma stepped out first, green eyes ablaze. Rezin’s Gouf floated out next. Behind the Gouf, Mercurius and the Kämpfer walked out together. Finally, Tallgeese’s large white form became visible, with Domon Maxwell in the pilot seat.
“Only five of you? I want all of Earth Faction to fight me. I’ll destroy every city on Earth until all of the Gundams fight me,” Char said, raising the weapon-covered arms of the Zeong. “There are...fifteen, correct?”
“Sixteen,” Gaia said, moving Gundam Arma forward.
“Seventeen,” said a voice. Every Zeon head turned to look at a blur that approached the battlefield at mind-bending speed. Every soldier present gasped as a white mobile suit flew into the midst of the Earth Faction pilots, facing the Zeong. It looked like the Tallgeese....
“My name is Zechs Merquise. I have realized that Zeon is the ultimate cause of this dishonorable war. Treize died because of your cowardly tactics, but he went as a hero. I’m gonna help Earth rid itself and its colonies of such methods of warfare.” Zechs appeared on everyone’s monitor, and he was without his mask.
“I’d like to introduce you to the Tallgeese III. I like to call it Gundam Tallgeese. The remains of Tallgeese II and Epyon were combined to recapture the spirits of my two mobile suits, and my only two true friends. I’ve also borrowed a few things from other pilots.
“Look at this mega cannon Heero and I made from Wing Gundam’s buster rifle, for instance.” The Tallgeese III had both Epyon’s and Tallgeese II’s shields, fused together, on its left arm, with a white heat rod dangling from the shield. On its right arm, there was a large and impressive-looking gun in place of the well-known dobergun. The body appeared to have elements of both Epyon and Tallgeese. The head was Tallgeese’s, but the face was Epyon’s.
Seconds after his name was mentioned, Heero and Wing Gundam Zero landed just behind Tallgeese III. Seconds after that, Burning Gundam appeared beside Wing Zero. Just as Domon Kasshu landed, Amuro’s Nu Gundam soared in to stand with the others.
“Heero...thank you,” Gaia said.
“I’ve decided that Zechs is right. Zeon must be destroyed,” Heero said, grave as ever. The twelve other Gundams walked around from behind White Base to stand in a line with Heero, Domon, Amuro, and Zechs. Gaia and his friends moved to join the chain. Behind White Base there appeared countless other assault carriers of similar design. Thousands of GM suits of all shapes and sizes unloaded in a swarm of seventy-meter-tall war machines.
“Well, well...it seems I’ll get my wish after all,” Char said, a twisted smile on his face. He slowly removed his mask, revealing his face. He and Zechs were now truly equal.
“I’ll fight you first, Red Comet,” Zechs said, the third incarnation of Tallgeese moving to stand before Zeong. “I’d prefer to fight like Treize would. Show me your sword.” Zeong drew a Gyan-style beam saber scaled up just for the Zeong.
“Very good! Shall we settle this the noble way?” asked Zechs, brandishing the heat rod that once belonged to Epyon. The row of mobile suits behind Tallgeese III drew twenty-one beam sabers, two heat sabers, two heat shotels, two beam glaives, one beam scythe, one huge army knife, two beam ball-and-chains, and two Gundanium boxing gloves. The countless GM suits behind the Gundam pilots all drew their own sabers.
Char drew back the Zeong’s massive arm, and brought the beam saber down hard on Zechs. The third Tallgeese was strong enough to stop the blow easily with its own saber. Zechs backed up a step, and quickly stabbed forward, making a small hole in Zeong’s shoulder armor. At this outrage, Char rocketed away, and gave the signal to attack.
With Zechs Merquise at the front of Earth Faction, and Char Aznable at the front of Zeon, the final battle for the Earth erupted. Beams, bullets, and blasts from untold weapons rained down from all sides. GM suits clashed with the Gelgoogs, and Earth’s white Taurus suits battled Virgos. Zechs and Char continued to duel, while the rest of the Gundams flew in formation behind Gundam Arma towards the green-tinged mass of Zeon mobile suits. While Zechs fought Char, the two’s attention continued to wander to the Gundams.
Wing Zero fired twin buster rifles into distant battalions, fired Gatling guns at enemies close by, and dashed about in a white blur. Deathscythe Hell slashed its signature weapon in a wide arc, leaving a circle of destruction. Sandrock threw its shotels through numerous enemies in rows, crushing with its bare hands the heads of suits that stood in its way. Altron rapidly extended its arms, spurting flame in a hellish storm, after switching from its beam glaive fast as lightning. Heavyarms released hurricanes of bullets and missiles, falling back on its army knife only when all ammunition was exhausted.
Burning Gundam let nothing escape its white-hot grasp, combining Japanese martial arts with the sheer strength of a Gundam. Rose moved about as a fencer, slashing quickly and precisely with its heat saber. Bolt was like an unstoppable brute, using its weight to a great advantage. Dragon struck like a serpent from within its own fire. Maxter’s fists were as powerful as any gun.
Sayla Mass fired the original Gundam’s small beam rifle like a sniper would, attacking strategically. Nu Gundam was close by, defending its ancestor from attack with its countless weapons. Alex made use of its sabers, as well as its wrist-mounted Gatling guns, simultaneously. Mk. II fought just as well as its allies. Blue Destiny went berserk after activating the notorious EXAM system, leaving craters where it battled.
Gundam Arma was a force to be reckoned with. For a very long time, no Zeon soldier could hit Gaia’s monster of a Gundam. Shiro and Rain were beautiful together: the two danced among enemies and allies alike, easily keeping pace with the Gundams. Rezin, his soul fully repaired by the mere sight of his only son, was unstoppable in his fight for vengeance. Domon, now the Tallgeese’s second master, fought as powerfully as Zechs. Zechs himself was a sight to behold.
“How can you fight so fiercely?!” Char demanded of Zechs.
“Because I know that losing to you will spell the end of humanity as we know it. Because I must defeat you, my greatest enemy, for my own honor. Because this is the only way to achieve true peace!” With those words, Zechs fired Tallgeese III’s mega cannon directly into Zeong’s chest, hoping to destroy the cockpit. The Zeong erupted in a cloud of fire, smoke, and metal. The head was all that remained, landing with a thump at Tallgeese III’s feet. The head itself split open, and the Red Comet tumbled out. The cockpit was not in the chest after all. Before Zechs could move to destroy Char for good, the white form of a ground combat GM landed close to Zechs. The cockpit door opened, and Lady Une stepped out, pistol in hand. The clamor of the battle stopped at the faint whoosh of the GM’s door.
The warriors watched as Lady Une pointed the gun straight at Char. She pulled her trigger, and the shot was heard throughout the battle field. Char gasped as the bullet pierced his heart, and whispered his repentance as he fell to the ground. Every soldier was completely still. Every beam blade died, every heat blade cooled, every gun fell silent, and every mobile suit acted as if frozen.
Tears streamed down Lady Une’s face, as she dropped the pistol. Rain cried with her, lengths away. The Zeon and former Oz soldiers emerged from their mobile suits, and jumped down to gather around the body of their leader. The sixteen Gundams slowly sheathed their weapons, and made their way to encircle Char and the Zeong’s head. Raising their biggest guns, Zechs, Heero, Duo, Quatre, Wufei, Trowa, Domon, George, Argo, Sai, Chipodee, Sayla, Kamille, Amuro, Christina, Yu, and Gaia fired as one into the sky. They lit up the battlefield dramatically, in salute to Char as well as Treize.
“It’s done. This fight has finished. Hopefully, it’s for the last time,” Zechs said quietly, after lowering his weapon. The Gundams turned to board carriers, and leave the battlefield behind.
* * *
~Rezin Uraki~
Heero had been shocked to know that his father was still alive…and even more shocked to learn that the man had been fighting beside him all along. He was uneasy at first, but relieved that some shred of normalcy belonged to him. Rezin was infinitely thankful that his numbness had passed.
He sorely missed his wife, but he vowed to be the best father he could from then on to honor her memory. As he walked beside Heero, he was sad and happy at the same time to see his Gouf Kai next to Wing Gundam Zero, decorated with hanging Christmas lights and garlands. He smiled as the other fifteen heroes of the Final Battle moved their mobile suits to stand in formation with his.
~Gaia Bruder~
Gaia had grown quite attached to Gundam Arma in its finest moments. The massive suit towered over the others standing in the center of Side 3. The former Zeon and Oz soldiers had relocated to other colonies, who had received them with open, forgiving arms. Now, the soldiers Gaia had once hated gathered as friends at the last Christmas party to be held within Side 3’s abandoned walls. The big show, of course, had been Gaia’s idea. He smiled as the heroes beside whom he had fought so bravely stood with him.
~Domon Maxwell~
Domon was as glad as anyone that Zeon had surrendered to Earth, and the war was finally over. The bright lights, green garlands, and black packages all looked so strange against Tallgeese’s white armor. As Domon reflected on the fights he had been in, he realized that he was more than ready to open Gaia’s “presents” beneath the mobile suits.
~Shiro Shiden and Rain Zabi~
The famous twosome joined their new friends, arm in arm. A final tear fell from Rain’s eyes, and Shiro knew that it was one of happiness, rather than despair. Shiro grinned nervously at Rain, and gazed at the Gundam pilots around them.
“Hey! Listen up!” he shouted. Nineteen heads turned to him and his love, curious smiles lighting their faces. Shiro dropped to one knee, opening a box he had been hiding from Rain. She put a hand to her mouth, and nodded wordlessly as Shiro slipped a beautiful ring onto her finger. The two embraced and kissed passionately as the seventeen Gundam pilots clapped and cheered.
“Now I think it’s time for an early wedding gift,” Heero said, uncharacteristically cheerful.
~Zechs Merquise~
No one was happier than Zechs that the war of fools was over. His rivalry with Heero settled, the two were now the best of friends. The mobile suits piloted by the war’s greatest heroes made a stunning centerpiece for the myriad of discarded weapons piled up inside Side 3. Tallgeese III, clutching Zeong’s head, was the focal point of the display. A smile crept across the Lightning Count’s face.
“Everyone…it’s time,” Zechs said into a loudspeaker. A cheer arose from the pilots at his words. They all piled into White Base to get a better view, as well as keep safe. Everyone counted down from ten. At five the green eyes and gems of the mobile suits began to glow brilliantly, and a humming noise was heard. Just as the heroes of the war reached zero, the Gundams and their mobile suit allies erupted in a fiery display. The pilots were sad as well as elated to see their weapons destroyed. As the group stopped by the graves of Char and Treize on their way out, an unearthly peace filled them all. The war was finally over.
- by Silas Parrish |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 04/10/2010 |
- Skip

- Title: Gundam: Oz v. Zeon
- Artist: Silas Parrish
- Description: The last half of my previously uploaded Gundam crossover.
- Date: 04/10/2010
- Tags: mobile suit gundam
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- P101 with Cheese V10 - 05/03/2010