• Chapter 1

    Frost sat on a street curb as cars drove by quickly, barely taking notice to her. Her white hair went to her lower back and just barely brushed the ground, her silver eyes were closed and her breathing normal. She was practically asleep right now, people walked past her quickly, not even caring if she was there; mostly to not deal with her thinking she was a bum. Her jeans were ripped at the knees and her white T-shirt clung loosely to her skin. Her black and white shoes on her feet were untied at head phones were on her ears, classical music could be heard loudly outside the head phones as piano music burst out softly. She opened her eye and watched the cars, street lights flashed on and off once in a while and store lights stayed on with 24 hour on most of the windows. She stood up from the street curb as a car drove by slowly, and then stopped in front of her. She watched the darkened windows for a figure could be seen on the driver’s side, it was closest to and then the window slowly rolled down. A man with dark hair was in it, he smirked and his talking was slightly slurred as he addressed her.
    “Hi there sweetie, wanna take a ride with me in my car and other places?” He smirked and Frost froze, he was so close to the curb that he could reach out and grab her hand if he wanted. She shook her head quickly and turned away from him and the car, she started walking down the street and his words rang out. “Come on baby? Just for tonight?” She walked faster, his words made her sick in her stomach and made her blood boil in a way. She turned into an alley and stood there in the darkness, watching the street as the car drove by and left. She let out a heavy sigh of relief and turned to the alley to keep walking but stopped in her tracks, a pair of red eyes stood about a few inches taller than her looking down as if studying her. Frost took a step back but a pale hand seemed to form and reach out slowly to her, she didn’t stop or stop looking into those red eyes which seemed to read right into her soul or something. The hand was pale and looked graceful, as if it never had done any work before in its life. It rested on her shoulder and she looked at it as it pulled on it and made her take step closer to the eyes, soon she felt her chest hit a hard surface and looked down at it. A street light flickered that was above them and she caught a glimpse of his face, it was pale with dark black hair which was long past his back and his red eyes that hadn’t seemed to leave hers the whole time.
    “I uhh…What are you…?” Frost asked, moving her hands onto his chest to try to push off but he growled and she froze. She felt that instinct to dare not to move, he leaned down and nuzzled her neck. She didn’t move but felt heat creep up to her neck as he did so. “I…” She started but felt his other hand come up and then slip a finger under her shirt from the collar and then it moved up quickly, cutting the shoulder section of her shirt. Then shirt hung lower on her arm, showing pale skin and a bra strap. He set his hand on the shoulder and pushed it down her arm, Frost tensed slightly as he moved closer to her shoulder and breathed on, his warm breath tickling her skin. “Don’t…” She breathed out, shivering at his touch and he only smirked and then out of nowhere slammed her onto the brick wall. She let out a cry as her head bounced off the wall and her vision became slightly fuzzy. She shook her head and then looked down at man who leaned on one elbow and kept his hand on her revealed shoulder to keep her down. He opened his mouth and his large canines stood out which seemed sharp and ready to bite. She held her breath and closed her eyes tightly; waiting for whatever was going too happened. The men opened wider then bit down hard onto her shoulder, she let out a cry of pain as it rang out her body. It was like liquid fire went all threw out her body and sharp pain shook her body coming from her arm. Warm liquid splattered all over the walls and her face as he pulled his away from her fast, his mouth had still been clamped down on her flesh and he had pulled put a huge chunk of it. He spat it on the ground and looked back at his victim that had gone limp in his arms. A bloody mess was for her shoulder and her eyes seemed to still have life in them, he leaned back to her and clamped his mouth down on her shoulder and he slowly let the warm fluid go down his throat, he could feel his body come back alive in way, his cells moving about again and he moved away from her. He wiped his mouth and let her go, she slide down the wall and then flopped down on her side going sideways across the alley. He looked down at her then walked over her body as if nothing threw the dark alley.
    Frost silver eyes seemed dull but flickered slightly as she moved them to watch him walk away, she tried to move her body but she felt so tired and didn’t want to move. She closed her eyes then opened them again and let them move up to watch the moon that wasn’t surrounded by grey looking clouds. She couldn’t move any of her body and felt her sticky blood roll down her shoulder and get into her hair, staining it red. Her skin seemed to glow more under the red color and her eyes became duller, she felt so tired and weak plus her shoulder pulsed pain threw her body. She could feel herself become colder and then watched the ground for a minute, a white flake came down from the sky and rested on her cheek and then it started to snow slowly. Flakes formed on her and all around her, she wanted to shiver but just couldn’t. Then she started to see black around her eyes and then only saw blackness, she let out a breath and then she was dead. Then snow fell silently on her body, soaking up some blood and staining it red as well. Her blood slowly made a pile under her, making the snow a beautiful glowing red under the moon. Soon the stench of death entered the air and everything was still…
    Then out of nowhere the shadow started to shift and a dark figure slowly moved out of them, dark aura emanated off him and his dark, dull almost dead looking eyes looked up at the moon then down to the fallen girl before him. He sighed out and took a step out of the shadows near the body, a scythe in his right hand and dark clothes on his body, a shadowy like cloak hung off his shoulders. “Rise up girl, I’m here to make a deal…” He said in an old sounding voice, almost ancient and dark. He sounded like death himself…