• hello again my journal also know as my diary well today I be writing about parents you the one who given birth to us all and given us life to live. but some of us are being abandon well why do I think that we were being abandon because were not accepted to the family or is there something wrong with us or maybe it just because you can't be happy with the child that they have given birth to but there always a reason why it's sometimes happens. when you were being abandon sometimes you get this feeling like your not so perfect or no one wanted you and you feel like you just wanted to end your life and kill your self like it just the end. sometimes your hatred will lead to your parents. and when you think about it mostly it's lead to more deeper thoughts like the back of your head saying " why did they left me here all alone" or " why do I even bother to live no one wanted me and maybe I shouldn't exist ". but really that just life sometimes but when you think about life is not always so bad at all you get to experiences what life is it;s better then not knowing anything about life even tho it really tough you got to take one step at a time and become more stronger person you are if you were to given up on life that seem such an easy choices to solve your problems but really it seem your a very selfish person you are to just given up so easily when others have way more harder life then you had but they too haven't given up or given in to.
    Just take your step one at a time and find your goals until your satisfies life seem so hard but it will fine and also be so clear as the white pure snow when you take one thing at a time even if thing are rough like the shadow of the darkness that brings you down but you will always fright until you reach your goals that when you knew what your doing in life.
    and i think i just wrote a song there or maybe not but what ever all I have to write out for the day until next time i be writing more out until i can't think of anything to write about