The Truth Hurts Part 3 Ch. 1
Dr. Doc's Journal Entry #1
February 18, 2010
tab "#1, you are my finest creation. You were made to do great things." It was the first thing my master said to me. He told me I was special, not like the other creations he made. And he told me that no matter the fact that I was not really human, that he would always treat me differently than the others, that he would treat as I were his son.
tab None of these things encouraged me. I still knew who I was. A robot, created as an artificial being there to act as a son. And, no matter what anyone else said, I would have to live with that fact. This wasn't some happy fairy tale. Nothing would ever change the fact that I wasn't, and still am not, real.
tab I wasn't alone, though. There were two others...A boy and a girl; #2 and #3. (Later, there would be a #4, but I'll talk about that in due time.) All three of us; we were trapped, prevented from going into the outside world.
tab When you read on through my journal, whoever you are, I don't want you to get emotionally involved. I don't want you to start caring for me, or #2, or #3. Because, when you get down to the straight facts, we're not real. If we cry, it doesn't matter. If we're angry, it doesn't matter. It's all a farce, a ruse. All I want you, the reader, to know is what really happened. I want you to understand why I did what I did, no matter how "evil" or "dibolical" it sounds.
tab As a robot, the requirement to exist was much different than one of a human. We didn't have to eat, we didn't need to drink, we didn't need to rest. To stay "existant", all we had to do was follow the master's orders. He had complete control of us, and could decide whether he simply wanted to turn us "on" or "off". At least, that's how he threatened us.
tab #2, #3, and I...We all had different "jobs" for our master, though we never spole about them to eachother. #3 was especially quiet about her's, and it was only later when I found out why.
tab I'm throwing a lot at you at once, but if it's any constellation, it wasn't exactly easy for me to understand at first either. Imagine, waking up for the first time. It's the first time you've seen anything in the world, yet in your mind, information and pictures were boggling around. You knew the english language. You knew science. You knew social studies. You knew math. And then, you're greeted, immediately being told who you are. A robot. A creation. An illusion.
tab Your suppose to act as a son to your master, whom you don't even know. Despite all your pre-registered knowledge, you can only guess his story, what he's after.
tab You live in an supposedly abandoned house, with two other robots in which you could relate to. Nobody outside of it knows of your existance. And all in all, the only feeling you have you have is...loneliness.
tab But you know that that doesn't matter. Your feelings aren't sincere. Neither are you.
tab How do you describe the feeling of knowing that your feelings aren't real?
The Truth Hurts Part 3 Ch. 1
Short intro to my new part. Yes, #1 is Dr. Doc. He hasn't earned his code name yet.
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