• 4 years ago
    It was a normal morning. My mother was cooking eggs, my father was picking potatoes for tonights dinner, my brother was drawing and we were still bitterly poor.
    I got out of bed, put on my worn shirt and gloves, grabed my bag of merchandise and set out into the town. The walk took 45 minutes because we lived on a small farm that looked like a shack on the outskirts of the kingdom. Of all the ways to live we had to be the 1 family that couldn't afford a pebble.
    "Jacob wait!" screamed my brother David.
    "What is it? Does father want me to bring more stuff to sell at the market?"I asked, slightly confused.
    "No, Mr. Janson demands that you see him"
    Mr. Janson? I wondered he's a buisness man. Why would he want to see me?
    "I'll go there right away" I said now mildly confused
    I started walking towards the town still mumbling to myself wondering why Mr. Janson would want to see a poor farmboy. "I wonder what he wants. It's not like I can do anything useful" I muttered.
    When I arrived he greeted me with delight.
    "How are you Jacob?" he said happily "I have a question. Do you want to hear it?'
    You have a question for me? "Yeah sure"
    "Excellent! Have you ever heard of Marik Powers?"
    He brought me here for a quiz? I shook my head.
    "Good because if you had you wouldn't believe what I am going to say,"he hesitated before he continued "He is supposed to be a hero but a little while back... he changed. No not like a person turning into someone else. He turned into a villain. He is holding an army, in his lair in the mountains." He said this not-so-happily. In fact he looked terrible.
    My confusion went up about a million points. "Why are you telling me this? I'm just a boy!" I exclaimed
    "I don't think you are who you think you are. I think you are the hero of this scenario. I know what you're thinking but please we need your help more than ever right now."
    That did nothing for my confusion level and I was starting to go pale. "Let me think about it."
    "Think quickly my boy. Powers army is on the move."
    "How do you know all of this?" in reality I probably don't want to know but I wasn't thinking.
    "I'm an angel, I see things before they happen."
    That's all I could take. " For the sake of my mind I'll do it. Fill me in"

    That was 4 years ago.

    There was no army, Marik really was a hero. Worse yet he was my father. After I found out I devoted my life to hunting Janson down. That traitor will pay! I thought and so here I was. I had tracked him to this cave. I knew my family would never accept me again but I was doing this for me and for my sanity.
    I snuck to a ledge and heard him approaching I took out my swword and jumped into a lunge. He moved out of the way took out his sword and kicked my into a wall. I dodged a stab and blocked a slash. Over the years I had developed my swordmanship and now I am one with the sword.
    After a very, very, very long and tiring fight he slashed my arm and fled.
    It happened like that all the time. He always won.
    I looked to the entrance and ran to the village I passed a while ago. I swore to get him next time.