• Chapter1: Commencer a finir
    Morning light leaked through my curtains. I was too lazy to get up. I glanced at my wall clock. 6:45. Ugh I was going to be late. But nonetheless I grabbed my pillow and covered my face. Suddenly, the song Scars by Paparoach broke the silence of my thoughts. I felt for my cellphone which I always kept beside me, tucked safely under one of my other pillows. But I couldn't find it. I stood up and closed my eyes and sang along with my phone hoping to find the right spot.
    "I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut..." I lifted my blanket and viola!
    "There you are!" it was halfway through the song when I realized it wasn't an alarm but a ringtone. Ebony calling. I instantly hit 'answer' and activated the loudspeaker.
    "Hey Bonnie!" I greeted my bestfriend cheerfully.
    "Hey yourself! We're going to be late!"
    "Oh! Yeah! Right!" I ran to the door and headed for the kitchen. With the phone in one hand I pulled out a chair and sat down. My mom, Monique was a tall woman with long raven locks. Her eyes were sea green. Since our dad left us, she took on the responsibility of raising my elder brother Luc and I all by herself. She was a strong willed woman and I loved her so much. Unlike what I felt for the father I've hardly known. I was but a toddler when I last saw him and all that was left was a vague memory. I often dreamed of it at night. I was three years old and I was running to him. My arms outstretched and reaching. I ran as fast as my chubby legs could carry me. Then I clung to his leg.
    "Ma petite princesse douce." as he always called me. He carried me and I stared into his Amethyst eyes which were similar to mine. The only query that never left my mind was the color of my hair. My papa, also had black hair but I possesed a fiery mane.
    "Papa, where are you going?"
    "I'm going to see someone important."
    "May I come with you?"
    "Pas, mon cher."
    "But why? Who are you going to, Papa? When will you be back?"
    My papa laughed, "So many questions in such a little head like yours." then he became serious.
    "In due time you will know, mon cherie. I just do not know if I will be coming back."
    I looked at him and our eyes mirrored each other's sadness.
    "Just remember this, Cerise..." he kissed my forehead then said, "Je serai toujours avec vous a votre coeur. Je t'aime ma fille." - I will always be with you in your heart. I love you my daughter.
    Just then my mama came and papa handed me to her. I cried. The next thing I knew he was gone.
    As I came back to earth from the clouds in my head, I noticed my Mama staring at me.
    "Something the matter, Cerise?"
    "I had that dream again." She knew what I meant and regarded me with serious eyes. "I've given up waiting for Florentin. He's never coming back. And I hope he doesn't!" Bitterness was evident in my Mama's tone. I never knew the real reason for his departure but I could tell it was something serious. Mama stood up and busied herself with something on the counter. I glanced at the wall clock and left my chair as well.
    An hour later, Mama stopped me on my way out and handed me a ziplock plastic bag. "You didn't eat that much today. I made you some waffles." My face instantly lit up. Waffles were my favorite.
    "Merci, Mama." then I kissed her cheek.
    I walked out of our yard and was greeted by Ebony.
    "C'mon, slowpoke!" tugging at my arm we ran to the bus stop. The ride to school was silent.
    Tours, located at Vallée de la Loire (Loire Valley) was only an hour south of Paris. The bus took us through the countryside and soon we arrived at the city. Our school, University de Vignon loomed at us from a walking distance from the terminal. Ebony and I entered the campus well aware that we were late- again.
    University de Vignon was named in honor of the founder, Dr. Gerard Vignon. They offered a variety of courses to choose upon but they specialized in Medicine and Nursing, given that the founder belonged to the same field. Dr. Vignon's great grandaughter, Mme. Angélique- Thérèse Renault stood as the current school director, and contrasting her name, she was as lethal as a viper- well, figuratively speaking.
    "Madamoiselles!! Have I not warned you on your tardiness?" Mme. Renault boomed.
    Being the tongue-twisted girl that I am, Ebony spoke up for both of us, "We are sorry, Madame. It will not happen again."
    "Didn't I hear that excuse yesterday?"
    Ebony opened her mouth but was cut off, "No buts! After classes it's detention for both of you! Now hurry along!"
    As the menacing director left us, I released a sigh of relief.
    "That didn't go well." said Ebony.
    "It sure didn't. That woman never ceases to frighten me." I pulled my bestfriend and we continued our way to class.
    Hours ticked by and Geography and Chemistry wer over. History was our next subject. Listening to past events always made me sleepy. My head began to nod and I drifted of to sleep. Then I abruptly opened my eyes! I was alone in the classroom.
    "Where is everyone?" I got up and headed for the door. As my fingers touched the cold metal knob, the hairs at the back of my neck stood up.
    "You shall not escape me that easily, Carmine." said a voice behind me.
    As I turned to find Ebony leering at me in a ferocious way. But instead of her usual braids, her long raven hair hung loose about her shoulders.
    She came closer and I backed away. A snicker escaped her lips. "Why don't you fight me? Show me your power, oh mighty deity!"
    "I have no idea what you are talking about. Bonnie stop it!"