• "I think it's good. Anyways what if the place is like where they have more Damien Hunters there anyways, they'd just keep us there." I continued with part of my idea. "On never thought of it like that," Ann said while she stopped walking. "What way do you think we should go then?" I asked since I had no sense of direction at the moment. "Let's go this way!" Ann said while spinning around and pointing in a random direction. Starring at her I grabbed her arm and started tugging her in a direction that wasn't towards where we came from or the Reservation. "That's the way we came from Ann," I said pulling her along.

    "Oh, I thought it looked familiar!" I said. "Wow. I need sleep." We stumbled through the woods for a while, me led helplessly by Alainna, who had taken charge of the situation. The night passed slowly and we found shelter by a creek, under a rocky overhanging and out of sight. I curled up and looked at Alainna. "Our parents must be frantic." "Yeah." She looked up at the overhanging vines and lichen. "It's not our fault. We tried to get back." "Yeah." I closed my eyes. "All I want is a nice, cold shower. Then I'll be happy." I sighed. "I could live without all of this. I just wanted to see a movie." Alainna said something, but I didn't hear it, drifting away into sleep.

    Hearing Ann's light snoring I could tell she fell asleep before she heard what I had said. "Guess I'll stay up, and watch for anybody," I said aloud since Ann had fallen asleep. I didn't know how long I had actually been up since I was kidnapped so I thought somewhere near a day, and thinking Ann deserved the rest since we had gotten into this. That's when I heard a rustle in the bushes. 'Man I hope it's a rabbit, or something else,' I thought while awaiting to see what it was.

    "Ann." The voice was low. Quiet. I opened my eyes and looked up to see Slade, looking down at my with a look of relief and pain on his face. I reached up to touch his arm, but found myself touching his cool cheek. "Slade?" I whispered. "Is that really you?" He clasped my hands, teal eyes softening. "Yes." I squinted. Ian was nearby, crouched a foot or two awaay from Alainna. I sat up. "Where's Dant-" I cut myself off quickly. "Where are the hunters?" Slade clasped my hands in the two of his, crouched. "I don't want to cause you anymore unneeded stress, Ann. There's nothing to worry about. I have you back, and that's all that-" "Slade." Worry started to gnaw at my insides. "What happened in the cathedral?" His teal eyes flashed. "Ann-" "Don't make me stake you," I growled. He smirked slightly. "Again, vampires and demons have a few differences..." he trailed off at my look. "Please, tell me." He nodded. "Alright...We killed them,"

    "What?" I asked looking towards Ian in disbelief overhearing what Slade had said about killing Dimitri, and Dante. He looked down at me his face saddening at my face. "I'm sorry Alainna but it's true we had to do it, to protect you, and our kind," He tried to touch my cheek to comfort me, but I looked away. He sounded so convincing but I couldn't believe him, how could I we just saw them seeming like both of them would live. Looking over towards Ann I could see him bombarding Slade with millions of questions that came spilling out.

    "You-" Slade nodded, cutting me off. Tears began to slip down my face, and in the darkness of the forest, I fell into his arms with a sob. He held me tightly. "It's all over," He whispered. "It's going to be okay." Somehow I knew it wasn't.
    "And what where the descriptions of these two?" I fidgeted nervously behind the interrogation table. The cop across from me seemed nice enough, but this was one place I never expected to find myself- staring at the "chalkboard" and knowing that more cops were watching me from the outside. I wished someone was withme. after spending who knows how long with either Alainna, Dante, or Slade, to be alone felt...wierd. even though I knew Slade was pacing around outside. "one was..." I shook my head. "They both wore masks. I couldn't tell." I paused. "One was really tall, though. The other one was about as tall as you." i glanced at the clock. I couldn't lie to them forever. Looking down, I tugged weakly at the chains that still bound me, and Dante began to creep into my thoughts once more.

    Why did we have to come here, seriously. I mean once we walked in I started to hyperventilate from begin so nervous, and now me and Ann are in different rooms being questioned, it made me feel even worse like we weren't meant to be here. I just wanted Ian and Dimitri to both be safe, but that hadn't happened. I just sat in the other room the cops starring at me waiting for me to say something, but they also didn't want to push me into telling them due to the look in my eye that if they even tried I'd start balling and wouldn't be able to stop with out the help of Ian. I tried to call down while they went to take a break. for the moment.

    Soon I was left sitting in the other room as they interviewed Alainna. I leaned forward in my chair, elbows against my knees. Slade was nowhere in sight, probably avoiding my parents, who stood nearby. my dad was filling out paperwork as my mom tried to shove some ice cream in my face. "Here! You need to unwind! You've been through a lot!" I pushed the cup away. "No. I'm not hungry." Just then a white dress flitted in the air from a woman who walked away, and I was suddenly thinking of Dante's hair, when he ran and his hair flew back... I jerked my gaze away. "I need a breath of fresh air," I blurted, jumping up and hurrying outside.

    "So you say they look exactly like your friend said?" Asked the cop once again. "Yes, for the thousandth time she described them like they were. They had masks and they were big!" I said raising my arms for dramatic effect. "Alainna sweet heart be nice for the policemen please," My mom said. I gave her a glare, and said" Does it look like I want to cooperate right now, I haven't slept in what a day or two, and your telling me to be nice! I want to leave," I said heading towards the door, but one giant cop blocked my doorway, and he was like twice the size of me, that's how small I was at 14. "We need to ask you just a couple more questions," The big cop said in front of me, I could feel his deep voice vibrate the room. "Fine, but if you ask me that one question again............." I paused making them wait , "I'm getting the hell outta here!" I yelled. "Alainna Roxanne! " My mom yelled using my middle name for me swearing.

    The door swished shut behind me and I shuddered in the cold. Just then a shadow peeled itself from the nearby wall and stepped over to me. "Are you okay? how's it going in there?" I looked into Slade's worried face and looked away. "Fine. Just peachy." I said sourly. It hurt to look at him. He looked too much like Dante. He touched my shoulder lightly. "Why did you have to kill them?" I whispered. He looked slightly shocked. "They KIDNAPPED you, Ann!" "Yeah, well, you kidnapped me too, and I don't see people jumping all over themselves to kill you." "I didn't kidnap you. You were hit by a car, for God's sake, I had to give you medical attention!" "Then why wasn't I in a hospital?" His face took a pained expression. "Ann-" "Just leave me alone." I whirled away from him and turned to face the other direction, arms folded. "I just wish none of this had ever happened," I murmured. I heard Slade shift behind me. "so you wish you had never met me?" I stiffened, and tears came to my eyes. I dipped my head. "Especially you." I choked. "I wish I had never met you."

    "Uhm Ma'am we respect that you’re her mother, and all, but maybe she needs time alone. Well since she had been kidnapped and all she's probably stressed." the other police man said. She looked back to me and then the cop, "We'll be right outside if you need us," My mom said while leaving. I sighed in relief once they had left. I began contemplating everything that had happened over the past two weeks. Like how I had fallen for two different guys totally different, and then one gets killed. The door began to creek, so I looked up to see Ian pop his head in. "Man it's hard to get the cops to let me in, even your parents were suspicious," he told me trying to make me feel better, apparently he heard the yelling.

    There was dead silence. I didn't dare turn around, knowing that I would only see the pained look on Slade's face. He sighed slowly. "I'm sorry, then." he said bitterly. "Excuse me for being such an inconvenience." With this he turned and walked away. It was only after two minutes that I turned, seeing him nowhere in sight. A door swished open and a cop leaned out. "Excuse me miss. We just need your signature for a few papers, and then you can go and rest. I'm sure this has been a rough time." I nodded, lips pursed, and followed him back into the building. Now there was no more Slade. No more Dante. As I passed Alainna I hid my bereft look behind a weak smile and tried to stand up straight, faintly wondering if she felt the loss of Dimitri as much as I did Dante.