• Ellie slowly landed at the entrance of the school looking at her fairy to make sure she had not "accidently" ran off. Sapphire stared at her laughing her tinkling bell laughter. Ellie ran into class, trying not to be either late nor early, on time. "I applaud on your punctualness," The teacher said solemnly beginning to start class. Sapphire, who had landed on her hand, sat on the desk sitting with unusual posture.Ayesha walked into her first class and sat towards the back. She listened to the teacher, but tried to hold back laughter as Amy whispered into her ear.Leo shuffled into class...late again. He scanned the room for available seat and sat next to Ellie. He looked at her rather distastefully. Crimson was sitting on his shoulder, looking at her as well, her ragged wings flapping very slowly back and forth. It's not like they had anything against her but 'good-two-shoes' type of girls always rubbed Leo the wrong way, even if she was only 9!Sapphire flew down and looked at Crimson interestedly. Sapphire tugged on Ellie's sleeve and pointed at Leo. Oh, him, the guy who has been always mistreated from the good acting girls. Ellie on the other hand, was good acting, but nice at the same time. "Hello," Ellie said smiling at him. Sapphire flew to the edge of her seat and smiled at Crimson pleasantly.Leo glanced at Ellie and Sapphire, it's not that he mistreated goodie-two-shoes..he flat out ignored them. But feeling generous, he turned his head.
    "Hello." he said, quietly.
    Crimson waved at Sapphire but didn't smile. She wasn't particaularly a happy fairy since her wings were burned and didn't much appreaciate the taunting that Leo got from other students about having a fairy that couldn't fly.Ellie didn't turn her head again until she had finished transfiguring her frog into a cat. "How are you doing today?" She asked politely, hoping that he wouldn't angrily turn his head and say, mind your own beeswax! Sapphire flew into Ellie's hand to help assist with her magic. The magic wasn't that hard, nor easy. Ellie's eyes then went back to the teacher for further instructions, hoping that they would do transfiguring for a bit longer. Sapphire's started to wander off towards the clock, trying to find the time when they would leave.
    Amy flew over to Crimson. "Hi!" she whispered
    "Amy! Get back here!" Ayesha said quietly but angrily.Leo transformed HIS frog into a teeny miniature dragon, he had always been good at magic...though he didn't know why, his parents weren't wizards as far as he knew but his again they abandoned him.
    He muttered to Ellie, "I'm fine..." it's not that he wasn't a nice person..he was more antisocial than anything else and Crimson wasn't much better since her wings were burned.
    Crimson, who was sitting on Leo's shoulder, looked at Amy. "Hello.." she said in a beautifully smooth voice despite her charred wings. She had always been self conscious about them, ever since it happened humans and fairies alike have ridiculed her and even Leo for having a flightless fairy. She hated that the most but Leo didn't seem to mind.Millie rushed into class. "Sorry im late!" she said and looked smiley at arcia, getting a tiny one in return.Ellie slowly raised her hand and asked,"How long is class?" Sapphire pulled on her hair disapprovingly. Sapphire slowly flew onto Ellie's shoulder and started to put her hand up and sing in her tinkling voice. Ellie started to look at the book in front of her which title was, The Sorceress. It wasn't really an assigned book, more like extra credit.MIllie sat down, with arcia on her desk. She looked at her assigned book, History of The Witchlings. It was all about how the academy started, blah blah blah. Amy noticed that the other fairy's wings had been damaged, but chose not to say anything. "I'm Amy" she said, holding out a hand, she nodded towards Ayesha, who was still trying to control her fairy "And that's Ayesha" Sasuke slowly walked towards to class; late. He was the exact opposite of his younger sister, the worst influence, never a good model. Sasuke took a seat towards the other side of Ellie and cocked his head. Sasuke looked at his sister and grinned at Ellie.
    Ellie looked over and saw her brother, she nearly hugged him but kept herself. Ellie looked at her other classmates and their fairies, wandering about the room. While the teacher spoke, she kept reading, absorbing the knowledge from the wise book.Itchigo rushed into class and bowed to the techer "Sorry in late, teacher" she said and took her seat by MIllie. she got a book out of her shoulderbag she carried around school and looked at it curiously. 'Many small sorces' its said across the cover. But Itchigo knew something was speacail about it.Ellie smiled back at her, it was uncomfortable that her brother was twirling her hair, but she accepted it. He was her older brother anyway. Suddenly, Sapphire flew onto Jacob's table and gracefully said,"Hi Rose!" Ellie's attention went back onto the book, The Sorceress.
    Sasuke twirled his sister's hair in boredom. Then, Rose went to greet Ellie's fairy, Sapphire. Jacob's attention was now on the teacher, lecturing everybody never to use magic in front of humans. Why? So that the humans could keep their belief of no magic.MIllie payed close attenion to what the teacher was saying. "Never use your magic in front of normal people." The teacher said. She understood why.
    Itchigo was busy smiling at her dancing fairy. She got a stern look from the teacher. She smiled nervously and got a tug on her hair from her little sister.Aisha walked casual to class with Khaki on her shoulder.Wallera ran to the school. "Crap crap crap I'm late I'm soo late" she panted to herself as Jakjak flew frantically behind her trying to keep up as her backpack was partially open.
    Ellie's head turned as she saw Wallera. She nodded uncertainly at her and then looked at the teacher to see what would happened. Ellie softly picked up her fairy and Sapphire unhappily let her do it. Sapphire flew over to Jakjak and greeted him enthusiastically.
    Sasuke stared at his book that he was assigned, he hadn't started it and it was due tomorrow! He started to frantically turn the pages to the starting of the book, which chapter was: The Beginning. Rose however, read very fast, so she whispered into his ears all the words on the pages as they went by.Jakjak greeted Sapphire with a smile and a playful roar/chirp. "Sorry *Gasp* I'm... late *Gasp*" she said as her hands steaded her on her knees.
    Sapphire followed the cheerful dragon. Ellie looked at Sapphire suspiciously, she always got into trouble, no matter whatever Ellie did, Sapphire would attempt to find a way to ruin it. "Excuse me, teacher, I don't think you should punish her, because this IS the first time right?" Ellie asked.
    The teacher finally said,"It's time for the tests." Ellie looked over at the doors and smiled, she would take the 3rd test. The teacher said,"Let's go over this one more time for the newcomers, you walk through those five doors with the numbers of your tests, you enter a room and take your test, they're all different." Ellie and Sasuke rolled their eyes and then they started to run towards the door, Sasuke cracking his knuckles menacingly.Mia woke from Rikki jumping on her belly. She was cawing frantically. Mia gasp, "Thank you Rikki, I should have been up 30 mins ago! Today is test day, so I can get my Wand" She picked her up, set her down by her food and water dish and gave her some meat and fresh water. She ran to the closet and laid her cloths on the bed, ran to kitchen and ate a peace of toast, ran to the bathroom and brushed her teeth. She changed out of her PJs and into the cloths she was wearing for school. Rikki had finished her meal and was waiting by the door when Mia grabbed her books and opened it. Rikki tried her best to keep up with Mia's pace, but her little legs wouldn't move fast enough. The heck with it. she thought her self, jumped into the air and flapped her little wings. Rikki quickly gained on Mia and flew right behind her. Mia rushed down the hall and burst into the school room, Rikki landed on the floor and skidded, sliding half way across the room. "Hello!" she said in a giggle after spinning in a circle and finally halting. Mia smiled for a second then looked at the teacher. "I'm so sorry I'm late, my alarm clock didn't go off." she said and blushed. She scooped up Rikki before she draw anymore attention to herself and went into the door labeled 4. Mia sat in a chair and set Rikki on the table, who was still giggling.
    Erick had been in the class when the doors opened and saw Rikki go sliding across the floor. He smiled and Rico laughed quietly. Rico was a wingless griffin, but an adult and about the size of Erick if he stood on his hind, unlike Rikki who was a young teenager in griffin years and was small enough to be held and picked up like a cat. Erick's little sister appeared not long after Rikki and vanished behind her door after an apology, he shook his head. Erick stood and walked to the door next to the one Mia had vanished behind, door 5. Unlike Mia, he wasn't getting anything from this test, just a grade. He sat at a table that didn't have anyone else at, Rico followed with his fluffy tail swishing and sat on the floor by him, his head up. Even sitting, his head went over the table and his shoulders where at it's height. Erick stroked him and waited for the tests to be passed out.Khaki looked at the gryffins,one had no wings while the other one did, before gently flying over to them.
    "Hi I'm Khaki"She said.
    Aisha sat down in her chair.Wallera immediately looked over at the doors and walked over to the one with a 5. Jakjak chirped happily and flew over to to land on her shoulder, little blackish blue smoke coming from his nose. *Where is he, he's gonna be late* she thought.Mana ran as she was already late for class. She didn't have time for breakfast so she ran with a piece of toast in her mouth. She barley made it in time to hear the teachers announcement so she proceeded with everyone else to the door that was marked with a two.Aria and Rikki waited for the test to be passed out.
    Xavor stroked Rico.Hello?" Khaki asked again.Rikki looked up at a fairy flying over him, she was about two and half times her size. Her tail wagged, "Hello" she said.
    Rico thought he heard someone, but no one was around. So, he ignored it.Amy heard the teachers announcement. "Sorry, I have to go" she said to the fairy who's wings were burnt "My master won't be happy" She then flew back to Ayesha. "Sorry" she said
    "That's okay" Ayesha replied. She walked over to door 5. "I'm nervous" she said"I'm Khaki and as you can see I'm a griffin!"Khaki said.Rikki and Khaki were about the same size and Mia watched with interest. Then the door opened and Ayesha, she looked nervous. Mia waved for her to come sit by her."Well hello Rikki!"Khaki giggled.
    Aisha was sitting next to Mia and her pet griffin.She watched the griffins talking understanding the chirps.Anna eagerly walked into the school. Her fairy was already gone and searched the school. Knowing Stella, she would search about every single corner. worried, Anna called, "Stella!", the fairy quickly came over, walking. Anna grinned as her fairy flew up and landed on her head. Then, Anna whispered, "Let's go.", and walked down the corridor of the school. Quickly, Anna and Stella were lost ands confused. They were about halfway in the school, and weren't sure which room to enter. Anna called out first, "Hello?". Stella flew off, out of sight before Anna could say a word. Stella entered a door with a 5 on it. she and Anna must have been hear at the wrong time, as she looked at the class room. What were they doing? Stella felt the door close behind her, a confused look sitting on her face. Anna, in the meantime, walked into the bathroom, quickly leaving. She passed a door that had the number 1, then kept going until she passed a door with a 10. Were these dorms? Anna was desperately confused.
    Jacob rolled his eyes as he walked through the doors that entered the school. walking in, he heard the and of an announcement, "-They're all different.", Jake shrugged and walked through the hallway, Flare jumping around and fluttering circles. He rolled his eyes again at her happiness. He secretly loved it, but dared not let her joy get the better side of him. Jake walked into a room 7. He looked around and then at the teacher, "What's going on?", he asked with a bored look on his face.Wallera walked through her test door and saw a table in the middle of the room. She knew she wouldn't be getting anything but a grade so she went and sat down. Jakjak flapped over and landed on her shoulder.
    Erick noticed a girl sit about a sit from him. Rico also noticed and walked over to Wallera. "Hello." he said and lightly tugged at her shirt.Wallera turned and saw a handsome boy looking down at her. "Hi" she said softly. Even though she played around alot of cute boys he seemed different. She looked down and saw a wingless griffin with him. Jakjak chirped down at him happily.Ellie ran into her test room eagerly, smiling slightly. Dragons suddenly appeared around her. The teacher
    appeared in front of her,"I will take you out if you cannot handle it, your job is try to get the crystal, before the dragons hurt you." The teacher stayed there, for she knew that if there were no teacher, she wouldn't be able to try her best. Ellie concentrated hard with her hand and a burst of auraic energy hit the dragon. Ellie gasped for breath, it took a lot out of her. Without another word, she tore after the crystal, the dragons breathing fire against her. She slowly looked up at the dragons, no longer the girl she used to be, her eyes turned light blue, the colors of ice. Ice aura filled the air and room around her. The teacher's eyes widened.

    Sasuke jumped into the room and shouted out sarcastically,"I'm here now! And I'm ready to Rrrrockkk!" He pretended to throw a guitar on the ground. Another teacher looked at him disapprovingly and replied,"This is a hard test, are you ready for it?" Sasuke nodded and looked around. The room, it was..dark. That's it! This is a test on light, bravery, and strength, Sasuke thought as he slowly took out his wand. The wand reacted, instantly, it would not work! He threw a dirty look at the teacher and dropped his wand on the ground. He took out his broom and jumped on it. "Theres a monster in here." The teacher warned. He stood up on the broom and raised his hand, making a fire arrow to brighten the room. He stared, a Basilisk?Ayesha sat next to Mia, Amy swinging around one of her bangles. Smiling at everyone near Mia, she said "Hey" "Hi I'm Aisha!"Aisha replied to the girls.
    "What cha doin'"Khaki said .Rico turned to see a boy playing an air giutar. Then the room got dark and he smelled Basilisk, he hissed. Erick noticed the room get dark too, and knew Rico was mad about something. "What is it boy?" "I smell Basilisk." Rico answered and stood protectively in front of Erick and the other girl. Erick brought his wand, but it didn't have it's red glow and wouldn't work. "Oh well, we'll do this the old fashioned way, no wand, no broom, just me and you Rico." Erick said and hopped onto Rico's back. Rico bolted toward the smell halting not far from it. Erick could smell it now too, it's stench was horrible and strong. Erick heard a growl behind him and Rico spun around to see the Basilisk, and quickly closed his eyes like Rico. A Basilisk's stare can be lethal. Hoping the creature was where he just looked, he pulled out a small mirror and held it up.Rikki replied, "Nothing much... Just waiting to see what today's fiscal test will be." "I'm Mia, and this is Rikki." Mia introduced herself and Rikki "Hi I'm Aisha this is Khaki"Said aisha happily.Wallera jumped up. The desk was a trick, it began to spew out a gas that she avoided just barely. "What the-" she mumbled as she covered her mouth and nose as the room got dark. Jakjak sat on her shoulder and began to growl low in her ear. "What is it boy?" she whispered. Jakjak pointed his nose in the direction of which the creature was. Wallera followed his growling until she saw a long scaly figure pass her. She tried to use her wand but it did't seem to work. "Ok then that's out" she whispered looking at Jakjak. Jakjak continued to growl and hiss as he glared at the Basilisk. Wallera tried to concentrate on her hands trying to summon up water to turn into an ice dagger which seemed to be working when she realized the Basilisk was facing Erick and Rico."Let's partay!" Sasuke said again with much sarcasm as he flew towards the basilisk, closed his eyes and determinedly looked at the basilisk. The basilisk looked at him curiously and sharply gazed at Sasuke hoping he had looked in that direction. "You lucked out, dumb basilisk!" He mocked in a high girly voice. Ignoring everyone else in the room, the basilisk slid towards Sasuke angrily. Sa, suke slowly flew towards it, closing his eyes. Rose flew towards him worriedly,"You do know that a basilisk's stare can turn you into stone..right?" "Yep!" Sasuke said grinning slightly to himself as he swerved around the bottom of the basilisk and took a shiny glittering green egg out of it. "You were supposed to get the eggs from the bottom of the basilisk, that was the true objective, extra credit for whoever beats that thing up, and count me in!" Rose smiled as Sasuke as he jumped off his broom and sat on a sofa that thet teacher was sitting on. The basilisk was no longer attacking him because he had completed the objective. Sliding towards the others, he hissed.
    Ellie's eyes glinted light blue thand the dragons roared fire. The room turned icy cold which made the dragons' breath to become cold, no longer harmful to Ellie because they couldn't roar fire anymore. She raised her wand and yelletal, d,"Cotompra Elliarus!" Making the dragons go to sleep, she ran towards the crystal. Grabbing it in triumph, she waited for further instructions from the teacher . "Cool my turn!"said Aisha.
    The basilisk hissed at her.
    "Expertorium Liumasi"She shouted so as to make it blind.
    She creept slowly towards it knowing that it could still hear her.
    She got behide it.
    "Yes purple"She whispered pulling out a shimmering dark purple egg.
    She walked towards the sofa.
    "Oh and Revesiun Spekilas"She said returning the basilisk's eyesight"
    "Expertorium Liumasi has now been used."the Teacher said. "Dracora Meros Dun Craso Drakhem" Wallera muttered making the water in her hand turn into a flying Ice dragon that flew straight for the Basilisks eyes. The Basilisk hissed and completely ignored Wallera and Jakjak as she tried to manuver between the coils of the giant snake. Wallera saw the blue shine of the blue egg under the Basilisk but it was just out of her reach. As the Ice dragon manuvered to Wallera's hand movements it dodged and swirved over and under the Basilisk causing it to get very angry every time it missed it. Jakjak being the helpful type flew over the Basilisks tail and grabbed the egg, trying to bring it to Wallera he barely made it in time before dropping it in her hands. "Yes, thanks Jakjak you get a big steak when we get back home" she said as she ran over to the couch to join the others, the Ice dragon still flying over the Basilisk. Seeing Wallera get away the Basilisk snapped at her as she closed her eyes and spring to the couch. "Calcera" she shouted out diving onto the couch and landing upside down. The Ice dragon melted and splashed over the Basilisk, getting it soaking wet. "Haha we did it" she said looking at the, from her point of view, upside down Jakjak. Jakjak chirped happily as he hovered over her. "Dracora Meros Dun Craso Drakhem has been used" the Teacher announced. Erick and Rico realized the true objective and they whispered to each other before the creature turned back to them. "Now Rico!" Erick yelled and Rico jumped upward, straight into the face and stared at him directly. An adult griffin's eye sight is 5times better than a humans and the death stare doesn't bother them, however it would kill a baby or young griffin. The basilisk started to snap at him before Rico grabbed his jaws with his talons and clamped it shut. The griffin stared into the basilisk's eyes, making him the only thing it could see. The creature growled in furry and started to claw Rico off, but didn't. Erick gathered his strength and said, "Ilakar!" at the last moment and the create froze in it's position. Rico hoped off and Erick avoided the creatures gaze. He reached under it's tail and pulled out a maroon egg. Rico walked by him as he walked over to the teacher and set it in her hands. "Ilakar has been used." she said and Erick said, "Rakali." quietly. The basilisk started moving again, looking to see if there were anymore opponents.
    Mia jumped as she found herself surrounded by dragons, the teacher had said to get the crystal. A purple dragon bared her way as she ran toward one. Rikki hissed and jumped off her shoulder, landing in the dragons face. She clawed furiously, her sharp little talons digging into it's scales. Miai's blue gray hair started glowing and her blue eyes turned gray as her powers with air and wind strengthened. "Ilakar!" she hissed and the dragon froze. Mia dove for the crystal, grabbed it, walked back over to the dragon and Rikki hopped onto her shoulder. Mia said Rakali and the dragon unfroze, but ignored her.Sasuke rolled his eyes at everyone else and their eggs. "If you don't mind, I would like to finish some unfinished business. Extra credit." He coughed. Without another word, he concentrating some aura into his hand. His whole body was outlined with gold, he tore back on his broom and recklessly flew towards the basilisk. Rose landed on the teacher's hand and watched worriedly, Sasuke was being reckless, he never even fought a dragon yet, why a basilisk? Sasuke rolled up his sleeves and yelled,"Sectumsempra!" To make himself invisible for 10 minutes. He looked down and saw more eggs, he turned around and observed the crowd quickly. "Anyone missing an egg?" He asked as he swiftly dodged a fang that the basilisk had tried to bite him with. Ayesha went into the testing room, Amy worriedly sitting by her ear. "Be careful Ayesha" Amy said

    "Shh" Ayesha answered as she concentrated. She saw a large crystal in the centre of the room, but there was nothing guarding it. Which concerned her. Creeping forward, she got halfway to the crystal before a huge jet of flame went blasting towards her. Jumping to the side, Ayesha shouted "Tutela ex incendia!" and a huge shield went between her and the fire, protecting her completely. It turned out that a chimera had caused the fire and wasn't very happy that it had missed.
    Ayesha then said "Tribuo mihi volo" which gave her super speed so that she was able to quickly dart forward, get the crystal and escape. However, she had to dodge some physical attacks by the chimera on the way.
    "Tutela ex incenida and tribuho mihi volo" have been used, the teacher announced as Ayesha returned to Mia.
    "Don't ever take me in there again" Amy said, heart racing.Wallera righted herself up on the couch and snatched Jakjak from the air placing him on her lap. While petting him Wallera looked at the egg that rested near her leg. "So what do we do with the egg?" she whispered to Erick. Jakjak looked over and sniffed the egg before reeling back and hissing, covering his nose.
    Sasuke yawned and looked mockingly sad to everyone else in the room,"No one wants to do extra credit? Shame Shame." He closed his eyes and picked up his wand to attempt to poke the basilisk in the eye, otherwise, take it out so he could use it against bullies. Rough, Rough, Mushy! He thought as he fiercely pressed his wand into the basilisk's eye. Finally, he got it and then threw it down on the ground. The basilisk kept tossing and turning around because its eye was a special weakness. A sword fell into Sasuke's hand..in that moment, he turned back uninvisible. He ignored the basilisk's eye and put the sword into the basilisk's stomach. Killing it, he flew back to the teacher and said eagerly,"Do I get extra credit?" The teacher stammered,"Y-yes, but do you realize what sword that was? It was Excalibur! It only falls down to assist heros, then it stays there for someone to pick it up again and throw it up in the air. Sasuke's eyes widened in sarcasm,"Really? I'm a hero? Not!"Erick sighed, he didn't like killing unless it was necessary. Wellera spoke to her and he looked at her. "I think it was just the objective, nothing important about it. I don't know." he said.
    Mia smiled, "Good job Ayesha."Ayesha smiled, "Thank you, have you been yet? Sorry, but I didn't see. I was trying to calm Amy, she gets kinda worried when I have tests."
    Amy blushed "I do not!" she protested
    Ayesha just laughed."Yes, see?" Mia said and held up the blue crystal. Rikki giggled.
    Sasuke happily walked outside grinning. His grades improved everytime he did a fighting related test. He hoped the 5th test would be a great one, exactly like this, only a bit different. His eyes searched for his sister who was accompanied with a teacher. Her eyes were flashing icy blue and red. "Did you pass?" He asked excitedly. Ellie grinned with delight at her older brother's happiness,"Yes!" They high fived as they walked to the lunch area to get some food. "What did you have to do?" Sasuke asked noisily. "Fight dragons to get a crystal!" Ellie replied gratefully that she was still alive. Wallera looked at Erick and smiled. She hated that Sasuke had killed the Basilisk seeing as they were sort of rare and intriguing. "Yeah same here, I'm weird compared to other witche girls don't you think? I mean most like fairies and cats and other cute fuzzies, unlike me, I like scaly creatures and sporty stuff" she said stroking Jakjak. The little dragon chirped in happiness and let her scratch under his chin. "Oh well that's me I guess" she said smiling at Erick and standing up.
    Sasuke yawned annoyedly and said out loud,"Everyone thinks I was annoying for killing that basilisk..i mean, the teacher like told me to and it wanted to..I could kind of actually hear his voice..he was saying that he had done many things that he regretted..I'm one to show mercy..yes.." Ellie made a face,"Good for you bro." Rose and Sapphire twirled around,"We can't wait for the next test~" Ellie and Sasuke walked back into the lunchroom and took a seat at an empty table. "On me." Sasuke replied to Ellie's look at the expensive lunches. "Really, okay, if you insist, I want a slice of pizza and coke..thank you very much." Ellie replied shaking her head in amusement.Erick didn't reply to Wallera, but instead asked, "May I escort you to the cafeteria?" Rico stood again and walked over to Jakjak, "Want a ride?" she asked the little dragon and held out his beak for him to ride on his head.Wallera blushed as she slightly nodded and smiled. "Sure I'd like that" she said. Jakjak roared/squeeked and happily plopped onto Rico's head. Wallera walked next to Erick and head for the cafeteria.Erick smiled lightly and walked by Wallera to the cafeteria. Rico smiled at the little dragon as he hopped onto his head and followed Erick and Wallera.
    Anna ran into her test room, finally finding it. The teacher told her the test was over and she had to come back later. Anna blushed, "Oh-Oh I'm sorry.", she stammered with now light pink cheeks. Anna felt embarrassed and left, still trying to find her way in this school she whispered to herself, "Why was she so harsh?". She walked down and got Stella, then Anna waited in the hallway, as if for help and paused, Anna looked down a hallway, then another. She sighed and her back hit the wall, slowly she slid down to the floor with a small groan. She sighed and opened up her binder to the blank paper, slowly she began to draw. Anna drew an anime couple, one of the many things Anna enjoyed to draw.
    Jacob felt the teachers hot breath, stinky too. She yelled in his face for entering the highest room when he was in the lowest level. Jacob ignored her and while she was in mid sentence, he walked out. He entered room one. The teacher glanced at him from a desk. "You new? See me after lunch so you may take the test.", Jacob shrugged, then left. He called Flare and she instantly responded, right in his face with sparkling eyes and a huge grin. He smirk, "Where the cafe?", he questioned. The fairy instantly led him down a few hallways, "Over here! Ooooh look at that! And that!", she pointed everywhere and jacob followed, rolling his eyes at the fairy's remarks. He thought, 'I bet no one in this school is nearly as hyper as her.'
    Sapphire and Rose flew towards Flare and both sang in sing song voices,"Hello~ Are you new?" Sasuke's head turned slightly to find Jacob following the fairy. Wonder what he's doing, I mean, he's supposed to know this place better than his fairy, even if he's a newbie. Sasuke thought as he went towards the lady and asked for whatever his sister wanted. Ellie was looking into the book she was reading, she was absorbed in the book, almost as she could be inside it. "Sasuke, did you say you could understand the basilisk? Or any snake?" Ellie asked, her eyes widening in suspense. "Yeah, if you're wondering, I can talk to them too." Sasuke replied curiously. "You're a SlytherinMouth!" Her eyes widened in joking fear but then went serious. "Cool." Sasuke replied closing his eyes.
    Jake felt Sasuke's temporary stare and didn't as much as glance at him. He walked away from Flare, walking up to the lunch line. He glanced around. No one hear was hyper at all. Jake sighed and put his hands in his pockets. Flare, on the other hand replied to the others in an overly-excited, high-pitched, melodic, and singy voice, "Yeah, I'm new! I'm flare!", She quickly hugged them both, full of excitement.
    "Awesome" Ayesha said, looking at Mia's crystal "I got a green crystal" she said, showing hers
    "Cool!" Mia replied, then her stomach growled. "I'm hungry, let's head to the cafeteria." she said and stood. Rikki hopped on her shoulder and Mia started to walk away, but stopped in the door. "Coming?" she asked Ayesha.
    "Sure!" Ayesha said, following Mia. Amy fluttered behind, complaining "Not so fast! I am small you know"
    "Oh, sorry" Ayesha said, and held her hand out ot her fairy. Amy landed in her hand, Ayesha then placing her on her shoulder before continuing on her way.
    Hyper are we?" Rose muttered to herself. Sapphire danced around enthusiastically,"She's Rose, Sasuke's fairy and I'm Sapphire, Ellie's fairy!" She pointed at the brown haired girl next to Sasuke. Ellie shook her head, watching the fairies. She observed them secretly, making mental notes of them..Cool kid, hyper fairy. Sasuke stuffed his hands in his pockets..they had nothing he wanted over here, so he went over to where Jake was. He walked behind him and pretended to watch the fairies and wait for the first part in line. Ellie sipped her soda as she turned the page of her book, the words falling off the page as soon as she was done with them.

    Flare didn't hear rose. She intently listened to Sapphire, like a child listening to a story. "Sasuke? I like your human! she's pretty, so are you! I'm Jake's fairy.", she pointed at Jake, who looked away. Flare then shrugged and turned back to them, "So, what's this school for?" Jake stayed looking away, he only picked up a can of birch beer, tossing it up in the air and catching it back into his palm, curving his hand slightly so the cup would land without falling. He then went to the cashier and paid. Then looked at Sasuke, briefly. He quickly looked away and sat at an empty table.
    Rose corrected Flare,"Sasuke is my human, Ellie is hers." Sapphire stared at Jacob intently and then whispered to Flare," This school is to train to become wizards and witches. By the way, your human is way too quiet, I couldn't live like that." Sasuke stared at the guy and then quickly said,"Sprite and a bowl of ramen, to go please." He took his tray and dropped down and slid towards Ellie's table. Ellie stared at him disbelievingly and said,"I know you came over there to try to talk to that guy." She tossed him a book and said,"Read it."

    (Hope you enjoyed this chapter!~ heart )