• I saw her, the girl who was always laughing and playing with her friends. She was pretty while I'd been told by so many people that I was ugly and would be better off dead. The girl had long blonde curls,the straightest nose possible and deep blue eyes, that looked so friendly. She also had a charming smile and prominent cheekbones.
    I was a Jewish orphan, it would've been bad enough being an orphan at this time but to be a Jew as well was just extremely bad luck. I had nowhere to go but live outside, taking refuge near wire fences, hoping that I'd not be discovered. I came upon a pretty house ( everything is nice out in the countryside) and heard a distinctive laugh that I was sure I'd heard before... and then I... saw her. She wasn't smiling today, in fact she look like she'd just been told off. She sat in the corner of the garden scowling at anything that looked her way until she spotted me. The ugly one. She appeared to be scared and started pointing in my direction. "Mama, mama, I saw a Jew. I saw her, yes, somewhere over there. Quick, hurry now." Then I realized she was like all the other bratty kids whose fathers and forefathers had money. I cursed myself for being so curious and ducked out of sight. The mother came running out with a hunting gun and looked around with glee. "Those Jews need to be put in check, as Hitler did say they are like vermin, putrid, disgusting things that bring diseases. It's better they die, not as if anyone will feel sorry for them, in fact quite elated." After firing away at nothing,she took her daughters hand and brought her inside, shutting the door and quickly bolting it.
    The girl came back in a matter of seconds and leaned against the wall. Her eyes were full of burning fire and as she moved her head up and down she spotted me. I froze on the spot. She said something I couldn't quite make out and motioned for me to come out. I did so.
    Politely she asked me, "What's your name?" I said nothing and stared at her with my large brown eyes. "So, you're not going to answer? Are you from Poland, are you a Polack?"
    I shook my head roughly. "What are you, Danish, Russian, French, Dutch? Estonian, Latvian? What, let me guess." She wouldn't let me answer. "I know, Bosnian. Well I'm German." That made sense, with her clear blue eyes and blonde hair. "Germans are the purist race," she smirked conceitedly. Looking a little sad she whispered, "Now why are you hiding? Don't you want to come inside?" She was quite clever this one, she'd denounce me as a Jew in a matter of seconds. "I ask you, don't you want to come inside?" I shook my head hastily and started to get up but her eyes stopped me. "My name is Elvira Von Stutliche and you?" I tried to shape the words in my mouth but the words would not escape. So instead I shaped out Lena Selin, twelves years old from Romania on the brown mud.
    "What are you doing?"
    I wrote down again, hiding and running away.
    "Are you a Jew?" her pale eyes were now filled with tears. I nodded my head wondering what she was going to say next.