Roleplay mission love story 1
Morning is bright and sunny, the world warmed by the sounds of summer. Bees hum in the air, and birds chirp loudly. Somewhere down below a man was walking his dog beside a long, grey wall with spikes sticking out from the top of the wall. And somewhere inside, there was a drill sergeant pacing back and forth impatiently; waiting for the signal to blow the horn.
The signal sounded from the sergeant's pocket watch and he looked up at the watch tower for the 'o.k' sign. Then with a flick of his wrist, brought out a horn and gave the loudest wake up call ever heard.
People in the surrounding barracks were already up and about, moving quickly, making beds and getting dressed.
The sergeant eyed his right at the girls barracks and blushed a bit. The window was open completely, with the curtain flapping in the wind. He inclined his head to the right a bit more, so he didn't notice some of the guys coming out and falling in.
"Hey, Sergeant Eddie, why are you blushing? Window open again?" It was Lieutenant Spearmark marched in with a big idiot grin on his face.
Sgt Eddie shook his head, still blushing.
LT Spearmark put a hand on Eddie's shoulder and snorted, still grinning. "liar," he said between his teeth. "Liar, and you know it." Eddie hissed back: "I am not, you know who I like, and that's final." Spearmark started to walk away, not bothering to look over his shoulder, muttered, "yeah, yeah, sure." Eddie shook his head, and the rest of his team smartened up as he gave them a quick glance. Now all was left to do, was wait for the agonizingly slow girls.
A guy in the back came to attention and proved, his hand high in the air and Sgt. Eddie tried not to notice but gave in. "Yes, cadet Johnson?" Johnson breathed in deeply and prepared to speak, then froze. Eddie eyed him, a bit annoyed. "If you have something to say, say it!" He yelled, his face turning a bit red. Johnson breathed out quietly: "I forgot," then went back to the stance everyone else was at.
Eddie felt like exploding with rage, a tiny missile erupted in his stomach and he growled out loud: "Where are those damn girls?"
Suddenly a few head poked out of the only girls barracks, and whispers went throughout the group. Eddie rolled his eyes and yelled furiously: "Get your butts out here now! Otherwise I'll get the General to give you ladies some extra drill practice!"
One by one the girls filed out, but only wearing the fewest clothes anyone inside the camp had ever seen.
Suddenly the entire square was filled with the sound of guys whistling and and hollers of "Yeah baby"
Eddie felt his face go completely red and he covered his mouth in astonishment. Though, the girl he liked wasn't among the few girls who were brave enough to come out looking like strippers.
He started backing away, mouth still covered, and bumps into someone from behind. Eddie gulps and looks behind him...towering overhead, was General Spartan.
Spartan glared across the parade square and heaved in. Eddie plugged his ears as the General yelled out to his young cadets.
"WHAT THE SNAP ARE YOU DOING???" Everyone on the parade square freezes and and with scared faces, looks up at Spartan. "GIRLS, GO GET YOUR PROPER CLOTHES ON! AND BOYS, SMARTEN UP!" He looked down at the shivering Eddie and said in a softer voice; "And you Sergeant, WHY THE SNAP DIDN'T YOU STOP THIS?"
Eddie trembled a bit. He wasn't at all used to this, being a new sergeant and all, and this had never happened to anyone else but him That's why the General's were all so iffy about making him any rank higher than a corporal. "Well, I didn't expect anything like this...Sir." He said hesitantly. Spartan shook his head in fury and turned away, putting his head in his hands. "Oh, god Eddie, what the snap are you thinking? Anyways, get these cadets up to the mess hall immediately, i shall take the girls with me to the office.
Eddie snapped to attention and yells out to the still unmoving group of boys before marching them to the mess hall.
Spartan turns to the girls, and yells for them to get dressed properly then march up to the hall for breakfast. With that, he turns and leaves; shaking his head and muttering silent words to himself.
Up in the breakfast hall, the entire place was abuzz. People were throwing things across the room, and yelling back and forth while officers tried to maintain the silence. Then all the noise stopped as someone burst through the doors of the mess hall, panting and racing to the officer's table, slammed his fist in the dead center and said in a hushed voice: "we're under attack."
Down the corridors flew General Spartan, and a few girls who were part of the "mad girls" group were trailing behind him. He stopped short at a door and opened it, allowing all the girls to file inside.
Spartan slowly seated himself in his big arm chair and whirled around to face the group. "So," he started in a stern voice, "Who want's to go first?" He looked at each girl with his 'evil eye' and they all shivered. Finally one brave girl raised her hand and Spartan said without looking at her: "Shoot."
"Well, ummm we had a truth or dare game....and ummm...." the girl started in a scared voice. General Spartan raised his eyebrows slightly in amusement. "And?" he said in a soft but stern voice. "And well, Sergeant Angel and Sergeant Ross dared us too, otherwise they'd take away our privileges!!!" Shrieked the girl, blushing a bit.
Now General Spartan was a bit surprised. He didn't really expect Angel or Ross to get deep about that kind of stuff. To him, they were too mature for that...true, they did make mistakes now and then, but this? This wasn't like them, wasn't like them at all. Spartan shook his head and pointed to the door.
"Out I say, OUT!"
courses of "yes sir," came through as the back of the girls heads bobbed out the door and down the hall. Spartan leaned upward in his chair and wondered what other strange events were to happen that day.
End of page 1
Roleplay mission love story 1
okay, made for my english class for a short story of true love. Anyways, i have been doing an rp in gaia forums and there has been a little 'true' love section.....soooo ima stretching a bit of the rp mission into an epic story. Tell me what you think! ^-^
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