• It was Tuesday night and I was alone, but then again I’m always alone. This Tuesday I decided to watch avatar, it was a good movie but after watching it I had an urge, it’s the urge I get a lot. The urge to run free in the forest, fast and silent in the night. Its how I’ve always felt, I don’t belong among humans but it was the hand I was dealt. I always feel like I belong when I’m in the forest among the trees, I feel so at piece. When I was little I always told myself I was going to live there someday, I’d have someone who loved me there a little cottage next to a creek in the middle of a forest. Kids have crazy dreams that never come true. That’s what I tell myself to make the realization that my dream will never become reality. I turned off the TV and looked out the window. I stood there staring at the sky, knowing the stars were there but I wouldn’t be able to see them, not this far into the city. It didn’t matter, I thought to myself, I’ll be leaving in three months by then I won’t be able to pay the rent or the bills so I’ll be evicted. I knew it was coming I lost my job 6 months back, I’ve been living off of savings looking for a job nearby where I live, but ultimately I’ve been failing. I can pay for three more months. Three more months with a roof over my head. I haven’t eaten much recently can’t afford it, but I’ll be fine, I always am. Alive and alone, that’s my life story, at least it has been for a while. Its not that I’m ugly, I’ve had tons of boyfriends, its just none of them ever stick around. I never really cared, well except for the last one. I actually fell in love with him. I woke up one day and he was gone, no note just gone. I cried for weeks, couldn’t concentrate had no one to tell. I just kind of lost it, then I lost my job. I don’t have anything left to lose now I guess that’s a good thing. All this went through my head as I was laying down to go to sleep. I started to drift off when I heard the crash. I got up with a start going to try and lock my bedroom door. As I started to close it they put their foot in the way and started to push their way in. I pushed against the door hoping that I could hold it but deep down ultimately I knew it was futile. They managed to push their way into the room in just a few minutes. It was then that I saw the person who had broken into my house, and I was about to find out why. As he pushed started to push the door open against my efforts to keep it closed I realized that if I stayed where I was I would be trapped when they got in. I released the door and put my back against the wall, put up my hands and got ready to defend myself and what ever may come next. As the door slammed open against the wall as they came into the room. They appeared to be a male about 5’8” and he seemed to have golden eyes. He looked familiar but I didn’t think I knew him, he just reminded me of a cat I would feed even if I didn’t have enough food for myself. He stopped coming to visit me a few weeks earlier, I figured he had been picked up by animal control. He always seemed to know when I needed him. I was always told that I thought the stupidest things at all the wrong moments, but to tell the truth this was ridiculous. I had a stranger in my house with unknown intentions and I was thinking about a cat. He moved towards me slowly. His movement was silent and swift, his eyes hypnotizing. One moment he was next to the door way the next he had me in his hands with me not knowing how he had gotten there. I started to struggle. Hold still darling no need to struggle so much, you’ll thank me when I’m done, he told me in a sweet voice. His voice was calming, I should have been trying to flee trying to escape, but all my life I never acted like normal people I based all I ever did on logic, and I knew even if I struggled I wouldn’t be able to get free. So I scratched him just a little knowing that if he killed me his DNA would be under my fingernails so its more likely for him to be caught if he kills me. Well that wasn’t very nice sweetheart, now just hold still it’ll all be over soon, he said as he bit me ripping into my neck. The pain was excruciating like lightning coursing through my veins, it hurt so much. I passed out. When I woke up nothing seemed to be as it logically should be. My front door wasn’t broken like it should be, my neck wasn’t bleeding there were no bite marks on it either. I must have all been a dream. I sat down confused by the dream that seemed all too real. meow. I looked down, meow. It was a cat with golden eyes, eyes like the one I used to feed, only this wasn’t that cat. I picked him up the cat asking it how it got into my apartment meow was all the cat said. I was talking to a cat expecting it to talk back, first I have a dream that seemed too real, talking to a cat that couldn’t talk back, that had gotten into my apartment in a way I didn’t know how. Ugh I need to sleep, my head is killing me. Well little kitty since you’re here I guess you can sleep with me in my bed ok kitty and I figure out what to do with you in the morning. The next morning when I woke he was there naked in my bed, the man from my dream. In retrospect I should have screamed or gotten scared or at least done something but instead I got my clothes got dressed and waited for him to wake up didn’t even bother to arm myself. When he woke up he stretched it was really cute especially considering that after stretching he licked his hand, he moved over towards me and plopped down next to my, rubbed his head against my side then rolled on his back and boy did I get an eyeful. Um excuse me you have a nice body and all, a really nice body, but would u mind dressing and telling me who you are and how u got into my bed? he opened his eyes and looked at himself, I think it took him a while to realize that he was naked because he just stared at himself for a while before hurriedly reaching for the blanket and covering himself.