• Prologue: today I am only 178 years old. Humans still don’t know who or what I am. They think I am one of them. Before I leave a family, I drop this message behind for them:

    I’m quiet when you first meet me
    But after one day you will be happy
    Proud you adopted me
    Not one bit guilty
    I only stay for a short while (20 years if that)
    I must go so I don’t get too attached
    Knowing life will never end
    Bringing smiles to each friend
    It would waste your time to call the cops
    Please don’t worry bout it pops
    You will miss me when i'm gone
    And I may get a few names wrong
    Do not cry... trust me... I won’t die
    It’s hard to let go as you can see
    It’s impossible to forget me
    When I leave I will not come back
    Right now it may seem wack
    But don’t be sad when I leave for this one last time
    My final words are good-bye

    Chapter one

    I sat there curiously watching my dad. He was trying to grill. Not the best cook might I say. We never tell him though because he always has a lame excuse.
    “Hey, honey, can you go inside and get me a Pepsi out the fridge.” He said it more as a statement then a question.
    “Yes your almighty-royal-highness.” I said it as sarcastically as possible then walked on inside through the back sliding doors.

    Eating my dad’s food is probably worse than the food they serve you at the orphanage, I thought as I walked slowly into the house and bent down to pet thunder, dads golden retriever.
    Haha dad’s food is probably worse than dirt, but that’s going too far. His way of cooking kind of makes me feel comfortable though. He sings and dances as he cooks and flips the meat or turns the vegetable sticks, moving his hips side to side. Then making me join in. I love my dad, like any young girl would. He is like my hero, the kind of hero that I’ve known for only 9 years. I’ve never told him I love him. It’s a secret, only teenagers would think of this as a secret. It’s really childish, yes, but it’s not fun to grow up, (I would know).

    The last family I lived with was crazy, over protective, but they were wonderful cooks. Yum, just thinking about their gumbo makes my lips water in anticipation and hunger. I lived with them for 22 years. How is that possible you may ask? If you believe in aliens then you will understand. If you don’t believe in aliens then close this book immediately please.
    I lived with my last family from age 6 to age 28. They found me at an orphanage in Chicago. I was crying. (That always gets peoples attention, they always go for the crying 6 year old) I was wearing a little pink dress with flowers. I loved that dress. Until this 9 year old boy was beating on me and ripped my dress. He tore off the edges and splattered paint all over my hair and my black velvet shoes. What a jerk. I don’t know if he ever got adopted though. I hope not, he was evil.
    That same day the boy was picking on me the Eversteins came in. they saw me crying in a corner, dirty as ever, with a torn up dress. I was so cute but so troubled. They came to me and asked my name. I said the same name I have been saying for hundreds of years, Sara. I was a normal human little girl, as far as they knew. I was so excited to see these unfamiliar adults signing papers; I knew right away what they were doing. I have seen this thousand of times before, but this time it was different. These people looked like they were missing something. This one thing would have changed their lives in the past some how. The longer I lived with them, the more curious I became.
    The day came when I was ready to ask and they were ready to tell.
    “Are you missing something mom?” I asked suspiciously, curiously and with a back up plan.
    “What do you mean baby?”
    I took a deep breath and continued, “ever since I met you I saw a touch of hate in your eyes, along with sorrow and guilt. You and your husband both went thru troubles before you adopted me. You have been trying to hide these ‘things’ from me. It’s been a secret that I could not figure out. I am 17 now. You can not keep it a secret much longer. I will turn 18 on September 23rd and will be moving. I want to know before I go. That will be in 2 months and you know I will find a way to get it out of you and dad. What happened before you met me? What is it? Mom, please, tell me.” My speech was over now it was her turn.
    “Ok, you’re right.” Wow I was right hmm... she has never said that before. She looked really flushed though I was worried. Her face was white with horror. “Before we adopted you, we had adopted another child. She would have been 3 years old when we adopted you. She was 3 years younger than you. Her name was Lesley. She was beautiful. We saw you and you reminded us of her. That’s why we picked you. She was kidnapped at 2 years old. It took a year before we finally decided to adopt another child. But we never got over her. That’s why we tend to be over protective of you now. You are a memory of our past and a symbol for us that this is the future; what ever happened to Lesley is the past. We are in the present and this is what we need to focus on. We were never sure if she was… um… killed or not. They never found her body. They never found the kidnapper either. She could have run away. There was never any proof. We couldn’t afford to hire any one. They had to drop the case. She was gone and there was never any thing we could do about it. I hated my self and I felt absolutely helpless.” She was crying now, sobbing. I didn’t know what to do.

    Suddenly I was snapped back to the present. My dad was walking into the house now.
    “Are you thinking about something?”
    “Yeah, sorry I forgot to get you your Pepsi. I was just kind of lost in my mind. I’m sorry daddy.”
    Then it occurred to me. My parents I was now living with once had a child too. But what I was thinking was not possible. What if it was the same child? Both children had the name of Lesley, except, one of them was 3 when I was 6 and left before I ever got to see her then I came to this family. They had a child before they adopted me. They adopted her at age 3. That is when I was being adopted at my other family. Never mind. It’s not possible. It could never happen.
    Ok, here are my thoughts, she was 3 but it was not when I was being adopted. She was three only 7 years ago. I would have still been at this family. I would have been 9 years old since I am 16 now. I knew her for 2 years. But it never occurred to me to ask her. She acted older then her age, but younger then me. Maybe she was alien too. She must have used her translator. That must be why she disappeared with no trace or clue. She changed her age and was off. I’ve seen pictures, they looked alike in ways, but we, as aliens, can change our looks when ever we choose. She had to have changed her looks a little.
    The translator is this object connected to us by our stomachs. It is invisible to humans when we don’t want them to see it, but if we want them to see it-it is visible to the human mind. It is usually black or silver and is used to choose the age we would like to be. Any age is possible for us. We also get to choose our looks. We may use it to hack into a computer as well, but only to create a fake birth certificate according to our present age. You can never tell us apart from humans though because we look the exact same. We are more peaceful though and we are way farther in technology.
    I had to go find Lesley. It was my only choice, but where to look. Oh! Lesley Park. It was only like a mile away from our home and was the perfect place to look for her. I have so many questions to ask her.
    Dad had walked back out side to check on the food. “Sara the food is done!” Dad yelled as mom pulled into the drive way.
    “Ok dad I’m coming. Hold on.” I went on out to where mom was. She just got off work and looked as exhausted as she does every day. “Hey, mom, i’m not going to be home tonight ok.” She thought I meant I was going to be home again after tonight, but no, I was leaving for good as I always do. I was to leave that note for her and never return. But, I was not going to say that and make her day worse; I was just going to keep it to my self.
    “Ok honey, where you going?” she asked not worried at all.
    “I’m going out with mike tonight.” I said it as if it were true. (Which it wasn’t)
    “Ok sweetie have fun, go eat first though. Ok?”
    “Yes ma’am.” I’ve always been polite. Parents love that.

    What happens when I find out she’s not there? Then what? What if she is human? What if I just find out it was a waste of time? What happens next? These questions were all in my head as I walked down to the park, and there she was, calm as ever, like she was waiting for me.

    “Hi, you’re Leslie right?” I asked having butterflies in my tummy.
    “Yes, and you finally caught on didn’t you?” she sounded kind of harsh dude.
    “Um… yeah… I guess, but what do you mean ‘caught on finally’?”
    “You finally figured out that I am your sister.”

    Chapter two

    “My… my sister?! I… I… have a sister? You are my biological sister?” I was stunned
    “Yes. We are not human, you already know that, but I am your sister, younger sister. You are 178, and I am 116 years old. I found you in an orphanage one year. Well actually I saw you at the orphanage like 20 different times. You never knew who I was and I never told you… until now. I was a teacher at the orphanage. Every time you got adopted, I followed you. I would become your neighbor or something. When you moved into a new orphanage, I became a new teacher, or nurse, or counselor. Being a counselor was my favorite. I remember having a chance to talk to you one time. You were like 5 years old. You were so cute. I wanted to tell you everything but our parents wouldn’t let me. They wanted me to wait and get to know you first so that-“I cut her off.
    “You know our real parents! Oh my god this is perfect. I can finally see my parents I have so many questions I can’t really remember much about them from early childhood but-“
    “No, you can not see them. You must wait 323 more years. You live for about 700 years. So you can wait.”
    “I’m sorry but you just can’t, not yet.” She looked really sorry for me. Like I was a little kid and could not have the toy I wanted for Christmas because it costs too much.
    “Why not!? I want to see them please. I’m sick of going to orphanages and being adopted I can’t do this anymore. Please.” I was whining now.
    “There is nothing I can do, I can’t see them either. I’m really sorry. Have you met reenayo yet, some people call him reeno though.”
    “No, why who is he?”
    “Your future husband.”
    “WHAT!? We have arranged marriages too? Are you joking? I am not getting married to some dude I don’t know.’
    “Oh, you know him, well knew him. Our parents told me about him and you. You two were once best friends. Until you were both separated and sent here to Earth.
    “So where are we from any way?”
    “You are going to laugh. You were named after the planet. We are from the planet Arleenaya. That is your name as well. You are not Sara, but you are Arleenaya. I’ve always wanted that name. It’s really beautiful.” She looked so happy at that moment. I hugged her. I wanted to tell her how happy I was to finally have a sister to talk to. A real sister, one that has known me all her life. This was a perfect moment, but then my phone rang.
    Oh great, it was Mike. “Hey Mike what’s up.”
    “Oh, um, hi, your mom called, she said that you said that you were coming over to my house… is there something I should know about.”
    “Oh, yeah… I am running away from home, I’m not coming back, I will change my phone number and we will no longer know each other. I knew you would call sooner or later to ask about that. I’m sorry Mike... it’s not your fault, and it’s not my parents fault, ok? It’s a long story but I have to go. I can’t stay… I just can’t ok, I’m really sorry.” I said it so easily, but only because I’ve done this many times in the past. It just gets easier every time.
    “…wait what!? You can’t go through with this. You’re kidding right? C’mon… Yeah, I get it, you’re stressed, but you don’t have to do this. You didn’t even tell your mom.”
    “She will figure it out, I left her a note. She will see it when she goes into my room. I’m moving on and starting over with a new life.” I thought I’ve heard this all before Mike lets just get it over with. I thought in my head.” Good-bye Mike.”
    “No, you can’t do this… I love you Sara… I’ve known you for so long now. I never had the chance to tell you. I’ve been meaning to tell you. Please stay, for us.”
    “You can not fall in love with a human.” Lesley said coldly. I wanted to sock her, couldn’t she see I was in tears now; this was a big deal for me. I had never been in love before. I was too old for Mike though I laughed to myself. I was 178 and he was barely 18. I took a deep breath.
    “I… I… don’t know what to say… I love you too,” I glanced quickly at Lesley, then back down at my hands. “But, I can’t stay. I’m sorry, I have to go.”
    “If you really did love me you would stay.” Then he hung up.

    biggrin this is all i got so farr.. pleez giv me some feed baqq tell meh how i did.. if you lyk it tell me.. if u dnt tell meh wat to change and wat to add. i will quote you in my book when it getts published some day.. but for now jus comment.. im interested in wat u hav to say wink dont be embarrassed if its somethin rude redface .. i want to hear ur feed baqq pleez