I sat on the now drenched picnic table in the school lunch yard. I looked up at the sky hoping it wasn't going to rain again. No promises there. The place was a wreck. Dead rose bushes, and dying trees. Mud puddles and just plain mud made up most of the lunch yard. I sighed. My first day of being a freshmen. I rolled over and leaned against the picnic table with my elbows letting the sun warm me.
"I see you like to come early too." A deep voice interrupted my thoughts. You cannot be serious.
"No not really. I just didn't want to deal with 4 sisters in the morning." I looked at him. My breath caught. No way.
"Hi I am Thomas, Tommy for short, and Tom for shorter." He laughed revealing white teeth. I sat up straight taking in his features. Tall, Dark eyes, Bronze hair, and nice soft skin.
"Gabriel." I reached out my hand to shake his. He returned the favor.
"I am a Sophomore this year. You?" I stared at him then tucked my long auburn hair behind my ear.
"I'm a Freshmen."
"What are your classes?" I stopped and dug into my bag for my schedule.
"I don't really know where any of these are." I looked away a little embarrassed. He just laughed and handed me my schedule.
"Don't worry I'll show you around." I smiled and stuffed it back in my bag.
"Gee...Thanks that will be a lot of help." I turned to continue walking, only to slip on some mud and go splashing into an even muddier puddle. Are you freaking serious! Was all that ran through my mind. I sat up and began wiping the mud off my jeans and v-neck navy blue sweater. I could feel the blood rushing to my face as Thomas leaned over to help me. I looked at his playful expression.
"I see, your the klutzy type of guy kind of dorky." I stuffed my hands in my pocket and slouched. Is it really that obvious?
"T-Thanks." Was all I could say as he fished my bag out of the puddle and wiped it off.
"No problem! Here you go." I took it gripping it hard then letting my arm drop. The bell rang letting everyone know that school was starting.
"First class....History!" Thomas said as we headed down the hall way together. I looked at it then read the door number aloud.
"Room 2-C" I then noticed we were in the F hallway.
"Wonderful." I sighed.
"Your hair is sticking up." He said when I stopped to look over my schedule again. My hair was now tangled and sort of wavy from the water. I ran my fingers through it feeling all the knots and tangles.
"Oh, I guess it is. Well it can't be --" Someone interrupted my sentence with a high pitched squeal. I turned to see my twin sister Tammy staring at me and Thomas. He turned to immediately surprised to see her standing there.
"Who is this?" He looked at me then her taking in our appearances.
"She looks just like you." I turned and began walking down the hall way.
"She is my twin sister. And a huge Thomas Tuddman fan." I looked back at her now reddening face.
"Oh I see, well it can't be helped." He said jokingly. I glanced back at him. His face read approval as he looked my sister over.
"I can find my way from here." I swung my bag as I walked down the narrow hallways seeing how Thomas looked at my sister just then irritated me.
Mine Forever--Chapter 1
There really isn't one I could give without ruining the story. Sorry!
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