• Tick, Tick, Tick,
    It passes by my door while I sleep.
    Driving me insane,
    From thought to emotion to action.
    Vividly expressing its' need to take me,
    Or how insane this feels.
    I am it's possession,
    And it festers....
    Like a blister in my heart until it becomes,
    Something of a blatant obsession.

    Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock,
    I look around for the time.
    But the clock's ticking drove me insane so I broke it.
    I thought if I stopped time I could stop it.
    I thought if I killed the reason,
    I'd be able to stop the god foresaken ticking!
    I thought wrong.
    You can't stop something that is you.
    You can't stop that controls you.

    Tick, Tick, Tock.
    It teases me,
    Oh how it teases me and entices me.
    It's like it knows how it has me on the edge.
    Like a consistent dose of estacy,
    The IV planted deep into my veins.

    Scratch, Scratch,
    I've thought too long,
    I've gotten too use to death.
    The cuts and scratches on my arm tell me this.
    And the broken pieces of fingernails under my flesh.
    Oh drat, did I say too much again...

    I'm rambling,
    In the last few hours of my life.
    I think it is something we all do.....
    When we know that death is here to welcome you.

    Ol' chat,
    Breathe sharp,
    Breathe steady...
    Write firm...

    I am rambling about rambling...

    It's won...
    It's got me...
    I am dreaming while awake...
    Rambling of my.....

    Tick, Tock...
    Time is short,
    I write this to ward off the next person who gets that letter,
    You aren't insane....
    Death really is with you.

    Time isn't with you...
    Time isn't your friend...
    You are alone,
    Remember and you will do better than me...

    There it is, the shadow...
    The mysterious shadow....
    It's is here at my window...
    I will go now quietly....