• I walked through the streets, leading Riku along with me. I never truly realized what he meant to me, that is, until now. I let go of his hand, just for one second, to look at some shoes. I turn around, He’s gone. “RIKU!” I yell, no matter how loud I yell, he will never hear me. He’s gone. He has gone to a new dimension. He has been taken to darkness.

    I follow her half-heartedly, but a promise is a promise. We’ve gone to the Marketplace for the afternoon. She goes to look at something, I don’t see what, and I lean on a wall. A puff of dark smoke comes, and with it, reveals a tall guy with red hair. He grabs my arms with one hand, and covers my mouth with the other. “I try to scream, but the hand over my mouth prevents me. Another puff of black smoke, but this time, I’m in it. “Sarah!” I yell as the hand falls from my mouth. I’m too late.
    I have been taken by darkness.