• Chapter 7: Dream or nightmare?
    I felt so weird and so frightened. Then I felt myself fall and hit something. My skin felt hot and dry and as I opened eyes I heard a distant rumbling noise. I sat up and rubbed my head when I heard a strange voice that made me jump almost out of my skin. “Wolf child stand up and come to me.” The voice was dark and deep. Standing up like I was told and turned to see not far a big white wolf standing a few feet away from me. The wolf looked old…heck older then dirt. I walked to the wolf and watched its big blue eyes turn a dark brown. “Wolf child you were chosen by me to help free this country of its imprisonment.”
    I looked at the big white realizing why it looked so familiar and felt so powerful. I had learned about it in wolf history class (my favorite class of all). It was Arukia the biggest bad@$$ wolf that ever lived, they say he could kill with just a touch, say he could heal with a touch, some even when out to call him a wolf god. He smiled at me and gently pushed his muzzle against my hand, “you are safe my wolf child, the guardian Ryukia still protects you, yes?” I nodded unable to speak. “Good, he will be your guardian and you will learn more when the time comes, for now my beautiful wolf child you must go back to where you belong.”
    Suddenly my body seems to give away and I slapped into…well…into my body…I think. I woke with a start gasping Ryukia was up so fast taking me in his embrace and cradling me. When I calmed he let me go looking away. Moon woke up just a few seconds later blinking sleepily then she seems to notice us, “Something wrong, Wolf?” “No! I’m fine.” I might of replied to quickly but no way was I going to let her know anything or wizard boy. I leapt up as moon yelled at me, “where you going now?” I looked back "To get some breakfast for all of us." I quickly went to the elevator and collapsed and let the tears fall down.
    I had fed from Ryukia last night…and I was seeing Arukia in my dreams…why me?!?! Damn it! What do I do? …mom I miss you so much…
    I walked out of the elevator looking normal ordering a few drinks and big plate of pancakes; I ordered a bag of blood to go. I reached upstairs and found our room quickly closing the door watching everyone look at me. “What you guys act like you don’t recognize me?” I watched Moon eyes widen as did wizard boy. I looked into the mirror and found myself even looking in shock. Moon and wizard boy along with Ryukia could see my true form, because the old lady made it that way, swear sometimes she knew so many things it was scary. But my eyes were a blood red I didn’t know what to think, then Ryukia voice touched my ears, “You had blood so you let your lycan and vampire side mix together, which is a good start in getting your hybrid side together.”
    I turned as are door was knocked on, I quickly answered it taking everything and pushing the guy out of the room. We all ate in silence for a while, actually I was drinking in silence but you know whatever. I still couldn’t figure out what else would happen to my body and I tried to understand my dream epically failing, by the way. I gave up and we left the hotel walking in silence most of the day.