Chapter 20 - Uroboris part 2

    *In the sky fortress, Uroboris, John and his friends fight desparately against the psuderoids that they confronted durring the travels of the legion continent, but John had to face off with the slither legion psuderoids all by himself. Prometheus and Pandora were too fighting mavericks as if they were too good guys and later joined Kaolla, Ashe, Grey and the others in fighting off the psuderoids. Durring the fight in the primary great hall.....*

    (Music playing - Battle music 2/ Devil may cry 3)Download

    Kaolla= Watch it everyone. Here they come!

    *Kaolla megamerged with Model Pr dashed backwards when Buckfire tried to jumpkick her and began to shoot fire arrows and Shinobu megamerged with Model D lashed out some fierce sword attacks on the purple twins and Grey was giving her cover from Queenbee. But as soon as Bifrost tried to lash at Ashe and Nyamo with his tail, lightning struck him from above and Prometheus appeared slashing at Bifrost. He flinched and fell backwards.*

    Bifrost= Prometheus.....Pandora.....you traitors!

    Buckfire= *Snort* Prometheus...Pandora....I knew you not loyal to Master Albert from begining!

    Prometheus= Oh shut up you metal venicen!

    Pandora= We were abused by Albert. And were not allowing him to abuse anyone else.

    Ashe= Phil made them better now!

    Grey= I won't let him abuse anyone else either!

    Hedgeshock= You reploid twins will die with this scum!

    *Nyamo megamerged with Model SH began to attack random psuderoids with her homing attacks while Ashe morphed into Bifrost and lashed a tail attack on the purple twins. Suddenly Vultron tried to do a sneak attack with his guitar bash attack Grey but was hit by Prometheus from behind and was flung across the room.*

    Grey= Prometheus.....thanks.

    Prometheus= No problem kid. Now concentrate on the battle. Were gonna wipe the floor with the heads of this maverick scum! Let's do it together this time.

    *Meanwhile, Ashe was getting cornered by Queenbee and Hedgeshock but was saved by Pandora who fired lightning bolts on Queenbee and Ice shard attacks on Hedgeshock.*

    Ashe= Pandora? Thank you.

    Pandora= Your welcome Ashe. Now, let's defend this world together shall we?

    *Kaolla jumped to the water pit and took on Chronoforce by herself. Kaolla casted (slow) on him making it hard for him to use his time bomb and his ice attacks. Kaolla then casted (Fire 3) on Chronoforce. Then within moments....Chronoforce went down in defeat, then she emerged from the water to hel the other comrads. Prometheus and Grey combined forces on Vultron and gave him a double finale with a scythe attack and Grey's Aile morph sword attack. Vultron was defeated. Ashe and Pandora teamed on Hedgeshock and Queenbee, Pandora used her tripple thunder on Queenbee thus taking her down and Ashe used Thetis's Ice dragon to take down Hedgeshock. Nyamo megamerged with Model SH was hammering Buckfire, Argoyle and Ugoyle. Shinobu and Kaolla began to take on Rospark together and later on.....they won. Ashe, Grey, Prometheus, Pandora, Nyamo, Shinobu, and Kaolla regrouped and continued to the loby......*

    *Meanwhile....in the secondary loby battleroom, John was all by himself fighting against all 8 of the former Slither psuderoids.....*

    Purpil= It's payback time for Slither inc!

    Hivolt= You will pay for what you and your friends did to us!

    *Purpil and Hivolt used a double team attack on John, but John backfliped out of the way and then jumped out of the way of the psuderoids Protectos and Fistleo. Protectos hit John with a heavy missle flinching him and Fistleo cought him in a flaming uppercut and multi kick combo attack, and John fell to the ground. Hurricaune then appeared and did a slide dash attack on John and gave him a combo of multiple electric slice attacks and flinging John across the room. John then smacked right on the wall and hit the floor and John was on one knee breathing heavally.*

    John= Urghhh....

    Model C= Chii......Dont give up John. We can take them by ourselves.

    John= Is.....is this the best you guys got!?

    Fistleo= Want more of this you freak megaman!?

    Huricaune= What's a matter? Is the poor baby tired? Well....too bad.

    John= Well then,..... what are you waiting for? Come take your best shot!

    Purpil= WHat a glutton for punishment. C'mon guys, let's hurry up and finish this!

    Hivolt= Let's not forget to let Leganchor and Lurerre have some fun too. Knock him in the water pit!

    *John got back up and dashed and did a slide and slid through Huricaune's legs and was in the middle of the group and then John performed a round house spinkick and knocked Huricaune, Fislteo, Flammole, Purpil, and Hivolt across the room.*

    John= Now,....im pissed off!!

    *Protectos fired another super heavy missle, but John grabbed it and threw it back at him and did some heavy damage on him instead, then Flammole and Fistleo tried to use a double team fire dash attack but John performed a low spin kick attack thus attacking them and delivering damage to them instead. John then casted (Thunder 3) on Fistleo and Flammole after he attacked. Both fire type psuderoids took massive damage. Then, Hivolt drop kicked him from behind and Purpil performed a megapunch and flung John right into the water pit, and when John sunk to the bottom of the water pit, Leganchor appeared and fired his aqua torpedoes on John and did multiple whirlpool vacum moves on John, but John was unnefected by the whirlpools and John dashed out of the way.*

    Leganchor= What's this biometal!? It's not like Model X or Model Z at all.

    Lurerre= It looks like that Model FA that coused our boss trouble 4 years ago.

    John= This is Model C, a unique biometal made especally for protecting the innocent!

    Lurerre= It dosent matter now. With that biometal, you cant even attack up properly! Were going to rip you to shreds!

    John= Dont count on it dear!

    *Lurerre charged her other big fish body trying to chomp John but John moved out of the way and casted (Flare) on her.*

    Lurerre= AHHHH!! FIRE! I HATE FIRE!

    *Leganchor fired more missles and they hit John but John didnt flinch this time, he turned and took the fight to Leganchor and casted (Fire 3) on him. Then John hovered in the pit and charged up some magical energy.*

    John= Now face my true magic power. HYAHHHHH!!

    *John casted (Retron) and made the water boining scorching hot and did fire elemental damage thus delivering severe damage to the water type psuderoids, thus dispatching them both. John's Model A absorbed their DNA.*

    Model A= That was exelent John!

    John= I hope you enjoy their DNA. When I get out of this, feel free to use them.

    Hivolt= No way!

    Purpil= He destroyed Lurerre and Leganchor!

    Protectos= That's it! Show no mercey! The pink megaman must die!!

    *John jumped out of the water pit and glomp grabbed Purpil and held him by his muscular arms and began to spin him fiercely and flung him roght on Protectos, thus dispatched Protectos since he already took lots of damage. Purpil was severely damaged but wasnt out yet. Flammole and Fistleo tried to double gang on John but John used Model C's tenticle wire attack and grabbed them both and he flung them in the water pit thus dispatching htem both at the same time. John's Model A absorbed Protectos, Flammole, and Fistleo's DNA.*

    Purpil= OOH OOH OOOOOH!

    Hivolt= He took out 3 psuderoids at once!

    Huricaune= Were the only ones left. This is imposible!

    John= I took out the evil twins if the 4 guardians in their super forms in this one biometal! They put up a far better fight than you 8 ever did!! Was this all you had against me!?

    Purpil= OOOOOK! I will avenge our fallen comrads! OOOOK!!

    *Purpil tried to use his top spin but Model C performed a fierce kick attack thus dispatching Purpil with one attack. Model A absorbed Purpil's DNA. Hivolt flew near John and fired his 4 way beam attack on John, but it did minimum damage to him. John performed a dragoon jump and drop kicked Hivolt and he slamed on the ground and John casted (Ice 3) on him thus dispatching Hivolt, and Model A took his DNA.*

    Huricaune= NO! Model C..... this power.... it's almost like Master Alberts strength!

    John= This power is nothing like Alberts! This is something pure, something raw, and something origional! Model C needs no specal weapons and attacks! Never underestimate the power of a pink biometal!

    Huricaune= That biometal was not meant to be.... you.... your a monster!

    John= Albert is the real monster! Now back to the scrapheap where you belong! HYAHH!!

    *John casted (Ice 4) on Huricaune and dispatched her with one spell cast, and Model A absorbed her DNA.*

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *John was transported out of the chamber, and was transported to another section of Uroboris allong with Ashe, Grey, Prometheus, pandora, Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo.*

    Grey= John! Where you been?

    Ashe= Why werent you with us!?

    John= I was transported to another great hall. Albert put me with 8 other psuderoids.

    Promethus= You dont mean..... the Slither team do you!?

    Pandora= You mean you fought against Hivolt and the others?

    John= Yes. Albert did that.

    Prometheus= GRRRR! Albert.... you ....

    John= Don't worry, although my Model A got the DNA of all 8 of them. I'll share them with Ashe and Grey wnen this is all over.

    Pandora= At least something good came out of that.

    Kaolla= John, how is Model C?

    John= She's fine.

    Model C= Chii!*happly*

    Prometheus= You beat all 8 of those mavericks with that single biometal allone?

    John= Yep. This is the same biometal I used against the 4 guardian's imposters. She turned them into biometal for me.

    Pandora= Biometal creating biometal...... I never thought such biometal ever existed.

    Prometheus= By the way, what ever happened to Dalton do you know?

    John= Dead. The Model W got him like it did with you. Plus I heard the space pirate HQ got destroyed. I guess this means were winning.

    Shinobu= Let's go, we still got Albert to deal with.

    (Music playing - United forces/ Megaman ZX Advent)Download

    John= Tha's right. Everyone, let's go through this one all together.

    Prometheus= Let's do this... as allies!...no...as friends.

    Pandora= John, were sorry we caused you, and these kids allot of trouble, back then.

    John= Your all forgiven. Besides, thank Phil. He made your renewal possible.

    *John, Kaolla, Shinobu, Nyamo, Ashe, Grey, Prometheus, and Pandora joined together and ventured deeper into the sections of Uroboris, this time floating through dangerous pitted areas full of red spike blocks that regenerate oce you taken them out and more mechanloids guarding the perrimiter. The team got through all of them safely, by one after another helping each other out thus working as a team. They kept on climbing treacherous walls and spiked areas. Kaolla shot a few of the spiked blocks and left a few unscaved. Then John casted (Haste 2) on the entire party and got through the area safely in the knick of time. Then once they all reached the door, and when they made it through, they found the 4 rouge megamen waiting for them.*

    (Music changes to - Fate- Deep seated grudge/ Megaman ZX )Download

    Aeolus= You made a foolish choice... you should have stayed away.

    Thetis= We've got some unfinished business to take care of! I'm not just going to let you waltz out of here!

    Atlas= This is as far as you go!

    Aelous= Prometheus....Pandora..... you joined these low life megamen.

    Atlas= You actually sold out to these guys?

    Pandora= Us.... helping Albert....was our mistake. We are now against him, and we joined a force that will help save our world.

    Thetis= What!? Dont you give us that. You and Prometheus hated this world, remember?

    Prometheus= That's when we were used and abused by Albert! This Phil guy that John mensoned, saved us after Albert treated us as "expendable".

    John= Give this up now and stand aside. This game of destany crap is all over now!

    Ashe= What's wrong with all of you? Are you stupid!? Albert has been using you from the start!

    John= Albert used us. The Model W used us. He even used Dalton, and look what happened to him.

    Grey= John is right. We saw what happens to those who go too far.


    John= Woah, hold it right there buddy.

    Aeolus= A mere trifling technicality... The winner out of all of us need only to defeat Albert to become king. Those are the rules that Albert himself laid down.

    Ashe= Oh... You idiots!

    *Suddenly, Vent and Aile appeared out of nowhere.*

    Vent= We'll take over from here, Everybody else! You all go on ahead!

    Aile= We will hold them off here.

    Prometheus= I could use some more action, John you go give Albert a good wailing for us.

    Pandora= We need to make amends wih Vent and Aile and help them. Go now.

    *Pandora fired a few bolts of lightning and struck the ground area where Aelous and the rouge megamen were blocking. John, Ashe and Grey got through in time, But Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo stayed behind.*

    Aeolus= Why, you...!

    Vent= Well, well. We've finally found what we were looking for.

    Aile= I need you to hand over all of your Biometals!

    Aelous= Us.... hand our biometals to you? You all must be joking.

    Atlas= Were not surrendering our biometal to you lot. I dare you all to try it!

    Prometheus= Dont you people know who your dealing with here?

    Pandora= Listen to the kids. Then we can avoid unessasary fighting.

    Kaolla= Your all out numbered, plus some of us know magic. What chance do any of you have against us?

    Thetis= Were not turning our biometals in. Were gonna stand and fight for what's ours.

    Shinobu= There not listening.

    Vent= Looks like we have no choice but to fight them. Everyone get ready.

    (Music changes to - Back to mad/ by Texas F. )Download

    *Aelous and his team made the first move and tried to assault the other team, but Prometheus began to lay some slashing barrages clashing against Aelous's twin blades. Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo dealt with Thetis, Thetis launched some ice shard atacks but Kaolla slashed them with the sword from Model Pr and blocking some with her proto shield. Nyamo casted (Slow) on Thetis and Shinobu casted (Fire 2) on him. Pandora faced off with Atlas allone while she fired a barage of lightning bolts arround Atlas as she began to run arround avoiding the attack and tried to use her megatom buster attacks on her. But Pandora dodged them and fired Ice shards at her. Vent and Aile dealt with Siarnaq as he tried to use his shadow blade and kunai knives at the mega men.*

    Aile= You got to stop all of this! Albert wants us to fight!

    Vent= See! This is what he wants! Albert wants you to fight to be megaman king cause he knows you will fight for him.


    Kaolla= Albert is gonna kill us all anyway! What's the use?

    Thetis= You dont get it do you girl! One of us is going to be Mega Man King! Let the best one WIN!

    Atlas= Which one will it be? Me? You? Anyone!?

    Pandora= We do not wish to be the megaman king. We want to make this world a better place.

    Aeolus= Listen to yourselves Prometheus and Pandora. That Phil got you into believing the words of the outdated.

    Prometheus= It's YOU who needs to realize your mistakes! I been making mistakes myself. These guys set me straight!

    *The fight continues...... Pandora began to sufer from the damage that she got from Atlas, but Nyamo casted (Heal 2) on Pandora and she recovered from damage. Prometheus and Aelous continued to clash their blades with one another. Kaolla and Shinobu continued to do their battle against Thetis, and Vent and Aile still fought Siarnaq. The battle raged on ....*

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *John, Ashe, and Grey were running through the big hallway with glass and window from wall to celling wih scenes of green plains, forests, and mountains, with clear broght blue sky. Then ahead to the end, there was a huge throne with wings and divine patterns built on it, and with Albert sitting on the throne.*

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    (Music playing - The chosen one/ Megaman ZX Gigamix)Download

    Albert= I thought you might be coming right about now... I'm so happy... But at the same time, I'm so sad. If you hadn't met Model A, you would have died never knowing the truth.

    Ashe= What do you mean?

    Grey= Yeah, why put us throuh all of this trouble!?

    Albert= Oh? Model A, you haven't told them yet? You should remember everything by now.

    Model A= Stop it! Don't listen to him! Waste him!

    Albert= Ashe... You are my distant offspring. You are a descendant of the family I left before I became one of the Sage Trinity. You were able to Megamerge with Model A because your DNA bears so many similarities to mine. And you Grey, you are Grey, DAN 003. You were desighned in my immage based after the youth I had back in my old life. You once was a common reploid kid, but we had you abducted and your memory wiped out. Then those nosey hunters ruined the process of rewriting your programing.

    Ashe= But that's because you somehow incorporated your data into me...!

    Grey= What about me?

    Albert= No, you are completely inaltered. Your appearance was totally unexpected. The Model A you have was a backup system that contains my entire plan. Model A... In other words, Model Albert.

    Model A= I hate that name!

    Albert= Don't say that. Soon that name and what it stands for will be gone. For me to have to extinguish the life of my own flesh and blood is so sad. But... I'm glad! Because by my own hand, I will become the only "me"!

    John= Hold on just a minnute Albert. What about me? Why are you manipulating me for? You told me you tell me once I gotten through your little psuderoid fiasco, remember?

    Albert= Oh that's right. You see....incase if my offspring would ever fail, you would take their place as mega man king. The Model W inside you was to unlock the power within you, similar to Prometheus and Pandora. Unfortanately, unlike them, you intended to fight it off. I never expected someone like you would show so much resiliance to it's power. That wretched pink biometal you have on now, is blocking the Model W's power, even if it has almost reached it's full evolution stage. How long do you intend to fight it John? Just take off that silly absurd pink biometal, and Megamerge with Model W, and feel it over flow your body with power you would love to have.

    John= That power..... corrupted Prometheus.... corrupted pandora..... and it corrupted Serpant too. And it almost took me too. So this was your plan, your deal with Omega Zero, to turn me against my on friends. Just like you did with them! I would rather die that to betray those who call me a true "friend"!

    Model C= CHII!!*angrly*

    Albert= Such a foolish choice. Now, since I cannot persuede you to join the empire, I guess I had wasted my hopes and my time with you John. Very well. You have my permission. Permission to die with these defective, despensible, Plebeian little children!!

    *Albert and his throne took on a machanical form and transformed into a huge 3 headed dragon.*

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    (Music changes to - Soul abaze/ Megaman ZX Advent)Download

    *The 2 heads began to spit fireballs and the middle head began to fire electricity from it's mouth, but John used Model C's gauntlets to absorb the electric attacks and shield Ashe and Grey from them. Ashe and Grey used the Model A's homing shot attacks to shoot the heads, but it seemed less effective on them.*

    John= Ashe, Grey... use your A-trans. I'll keep these heads busy, you go strike the weak spot. I'll cover you!

    *Ashe morphed into Aelous and Grey morphed into Thetis while John jumped high in the air performing cresent moon kick attacks on the heads of the robot dragon. Ashe and Grey dashed to the body of the metal beast and began slashing at the weak point John mensoned, while John continued to strike the 3 heads. Suddenly one of the heads got lucky and batted Ashe and Grey and flung them across the arena. John Dashed over to them and grabbed them before they hit the floor. Then the robot dragon suddenly began to perform a white hole & black hole gate attack while the middle head began to fire floating objects. John performed a round house spin kick to attack the projectiles and took all the damage from the attacks as Ashe and Grey could only watch as John gets pelted by the attacks and gets sucked in the Black hole and get spit out of the white hole and take sufficent damage, this gave Ashe and Grey the chance to return to their Model A forms and they used Giga shot attack on the monster. They charged their energy and unleashed their strongest attack on it. Albert's robot dragon took a fair ammount of damage. Then John got back up and casted (Antipode) on the robot dragon's weakspot and it took heavy damage. Enough damage for the robot dragon heads to start attacking stronger and faster, and the middle head tried to stretch over and try to ram John with it's great horn. John got pelted but Ashe and Grey morphed into Thetis and Aile and began to reapidly attack the base before the horn returned dragging to them, Ashe struck the horn and allowed Grey and herself to slide from underneath the horn undamaged. John from a distance got back up and dashed towards Ashe and Grey and casted (Aero) on the base of the robot dragon), and as it took damage, it detatched their heads and began to fly arround the arena spweing fire, lightning and ice. John perfomed a swallow tempest attack quickly taking the damage meant for Ashe and Grey as they continued to attack the main part of the robot. Then John dashed close enough to the metal beast.....*

    John= Time to end this! Ashe, Grey, GET BACK!

    *Ashe and Grey dashed away as John leaped in the air and rocketed at the weak spot of Alberts dragon and performed a bullet speed jump kick and suddenly.....*

    (Music stops)

    *The robotic dragon's heads suddenly stopped functioning and they dropped to the ground and exploded and moment after that, so did the body of it and it exposed Albert as he stood their unscratched.*

    (Music playing - The chosen one/ Megaman ZX Gigamix)Download

    Albert= I can hear them, the anger, the bitterness, the sadness of the sacrifices to Model W. Having consumed the souls of people throughout the world, the awakened Model W is the world's consciousness itself. Model W desires destruction... it desires that the Earth concludes its own autobiography... So be it! Model W... Ultimate Mega Man! If at evolution's extreme... there is destruction, it was destined to be that way.

    Ashe= That stuff is only in your head! The power of Model W has taken control of you!

    Grey= Ashe is right, your letting Model W take you over. John was right to fight it off.

    John= This is just like what happened to Serpant. That Model W has corrupted him totally. Just like the one inside of me tried to.

    Albert= Hmph... By drowning in peace, by rejecting change, you made the choice for the destruction of the Earth. I am trying to create a new world. I want to bring new life into the world and protect its future.

    Ashe= Whoa! Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot! You're blowing things way out of proportion!

    Grey= Who do you think you are to decide that!? Do you think your just some kind of god?

    *Albert just stood there and began to unfasten his long armless jacket exposing his arms which was glowing like space and stars and was trying to take off his jacket.*

    Albert= I don't THINK I'm a God... I AM a God!

    *Albert finally took of the armless jacket exposing his glowing space transparent body, and suddenly, the glass mirrored casings of the chamber they were in reflecting the bright blue sky with green fields, plains, and forests, began to shatter and wind from the sky began to pour in the chamber. The glass pieces began to fly into the true sky, a sky that was corrupted, thick stormy clouded and dark. The glass pieces formed into yellow blades and as Albert flwe up in the air, the pieces formed arround him like wings, halo, and long blade like tail, and Albert's body revealed it's true self, himself megamerged with his own Model W.*

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    Albert= The world that you live in itself is defective. Before a new world can be made, this world must be reset. That's where the ultimate power of Model W comes in. I have already decided the fate of the world as its god. The destiny of destruction cannot be changed!

    Ashe= No... I can change my destiny! We alone decide our fate!

    Albert= There it is... that empty misery... it disgusts me! That's why I made Mega Men, to evolve! You, who couldn't be gods... You're not even Mega Men, you're mere mortals!

    John= Well some megamen make themselves and follow their hearts! It's YOU who's no mega man! You only manipulated others and yourself... for what!? Into this!

    Albert= John... why don't you just shut up and die!!

    (Music changes to - Divine Hammer/ Megaman ZX Advent)Download

    *Albert formed a red shield over his main part of his body and began to shoot sparking bolts of electricity and fiering spears of the glass that was shattered. John stood in front line and guarded Ashe and Grey as he took the blows. He began to use his specal attacks like his "blade of judgement" which he moved all the way to the edge of the chamber and dragged his blade like tail attempting to skewar Ashe and Grey, but John grabbed them both and dashed to the edge of the other side of the chamber and forced them both on the floor and began to guard thus shielding them from the blade. Then Albert flew to the center and performed another specal attack "blade of darkness" which 2 spinning blades began to fly across the chamber, as John picked up Ashe and Grey and jumped through each one. Then John casted (slow) on Albert.*

    John= Listen everyone, use the A-trans of Vent and Aile. Focus on slashing his body while I enfeeble him, don't worry about me!

    Ashe= What are you saying?

    Grey= John, you took enough damage for us.

    John= Don't argue! Were dealing with a dangerous enemey. It's now or never!

    *John let both of them go and Ashe morphed into Vent, while Grey morphed into Aile. Both dashed towards Albert then giving him a double dose of the tempest attack while John casted (Antipode) on Albert's body. Then Albert moved away and reappeared in another area and used another specal attack "Perfect storm" which unleashed twin tornados similar to Harpuia's specal attack releasing thunder bolts and electric projectiles to attack. John casted (Shell) on Ashe and Grey as they were manovering the attack. Then John casted (haste 2) on Ashe and Grey. After the attack was over, Ashe and Grey jumped to Albert giving him another double dose of the tempest attack, when suddenly, Albert's red barrier shattered and his body was exposed. Ashe and Grey continued to attack him with twin tempest attacks giving Albert's body real damage. John jumped in the air and jump kicked him from above, thus knocking him out of the air as his yellow pieces detacthed from his body, and now began to perform new attacks with them. First he formed the piecees into a big fist and tried to sledge hammer Ashe and Grey, but John dashed toward it and perforrmed a mega punch, to keep it from hitting the 2. Ashe and Grey continued to leap at Albert and strike him multiple times. Then Albert jumped high in the air and formed the yellow pieces into a sword and tried to slash them but John jumped at Albert and used Model C's gauntlets to block the attack. Ashe and Grey continued to attack him. Albert was begining to weaken.*

    John= Guahhh!! He's getting weaker. Good job everyone..... Nughh.

    Ashe= John! Are you ok!?

    Grey= Your hurt!

    John= Don't .... worry about.... me.... Ack!

    Model C= Chiiiiii*moaning in pain*

    *Suddenly, Albert reapeared and regenerated his red protective barrier and his yellow pieces reformed into the halo, wings and tail once more. Albert began to repeat his old attack patterns. Ashe and Grey began to charge at Albert again repeating the same attack procedure as John's enfeebling spell wore off, Albert regeined his former speed as Ashe and Grey's speed returned to normal as John's haste spell wore off. Albert began to fly past Ashe and Grey and charged at John now. John noticed that he decided to go after him now, and Albert tried to use his specal attack "blade of darkness" at John this time, John dodged the first blade but the second one hit him.*

    John= GYAHH!!

    Albert= HAHAHAHAAA! How do you like that one you pest!

    *Albert suddenly used his specal attack "Perfect storm" very early and John still wasnt effected by the wind but the bolts of electricity hit John, but Model C absorbed the attack as health energy. Then John gave Albert a rising uppercut and his barrier took some good damage.*

    Ashe= We got to do something! John is getting hammered!

    Grey= Let's do this...FOR HIM!

    *Ashe morphed into Chronoforce and charged up energy for a time bomb and unleashed it, then Grey morphed into Atlas and then dashed at Albert from behind and gave him a good dose of a megaton buster attack and shattered his barrier once more and then Grey morhed into Aile and performed a tempest attack and Ashe followed in morphed as Aelous and began to perform twin blade slashed on Albert from behind, and thus, Albert dropped and hit the floor, and John performed a fierce spiral kick attack thus flinging Albert to the other side of the arena, and he couldnt move anymore.*

    (Music stops)

    Ashe= You're no Mega Man King... You're no god... You were gonna destroy the world... You were gonna end the story... You're not the one to make that decision! This is my life, my story!

    Grey= A mega man king is someone you could never be! I will not allow you to control me and my life, or anyone elses. This is my life! Our life! Our world!

    John= Model W.... was using you,.....like it did.... to...us...AHHH!!

    Ashe= John!?

    Albert= Is that your best answer? You're most definitely one of my creations. You... have surpassed me... My research wasn't wrong after all... Goodbye... Ashe...Goodbye ....Grey....Goodbye... John! You can have your peace, ....AND ROT IN IT!!

    *Albert drew a beam sword as he got up from kneeling in pain...but suddenly...Model C suddenly began to fail and unmegamerged from John and fell into Grey's hands. Then John automaticly megamerged with Model W and as Albert dashed towards John to ry to kill him, John suddenly reacted....*

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    John= Ashe, Grey, take, Model C, Model S, and My Model A, get away from me quckly!

    *Albert finally made his attack but John blocked Albert's attack with his gauntlet and knocked Albert back and suddenly, John's Model W corruption took place once more.*

    John (corrupted)= Is this the best you can do old man!?

    *Suddenly, John's Model W began to glow into a dark aura and suddenly Albert's soul was ripped out of his body.*

    Albert= AHHHHHHHH!!!

    *Albert dropped to the floor and moved no more.*

    Model A= We're in trouble! This flying fortress is going down!

    Ashe= He's gonna try and take us all with him! Let's get back to the others... It's weird... I-I can't... move...

    Grey= I cant ....move either....

    Model A= Hey... Hey! Ashe! Get a hold of yourselves! Ashe! Grey!

    *Suddenly, John regeined his sanity temporarely.*

    John= Ashe! Grey! NOO!

    *Suddenly, Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo appeared.*

    Kaolla= John! What are you doing in Model W!?

    Shinobu= It's too dangerous!

    Nyamo= Are you ok?

    John= I cant hold this Model W back for too long! Get out of here now! Or.... I will.... kill you all.... URAH....Ahhh!

    *Suddenly, Phil appeared in Model Gaea as he stood there now in gold armor. Kay also appeared with Model K and a few biometals.*

    Phil= John!? Are you ok mate!?

    John= Phil..... save them!

    Kay= John.... you dont look too good.

    *Meanwhile.....back inside Uroboris.......*

    Model X= Vent! It's too dangerous here, we have to go help Ashe, Grey, and John!

    Vent= I know, but it's 4 on 4 now.

    Aile= Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo broke out of the fight to help the others.

    *Suddenly, Zero appeared from nowhere.*

    Zero= Go ahead, I'll stay here and hold them back.

    Vent= I know, but four against one isn't gonna be easy.

    Aile= No... what are you talking about!? That's ridiculous, Zero!

    Model Z= Let's go, everyone! Trust Zero!

    Zero= No worries, today's not my day to meet my maker.

    Prometheus= You better hold on to your words.

    Pandora= It's ok Zero. I trust you.

    *Prometheus and Pandora escort Vent and Aile to the outter chambers of Uroboris while Zero stood there with his saber drawn facing all 4 of the rouge megamen.*

    Aeolus= Such beautiful resolve... To throw away your life for a friend.

    Zero= Like I said, today ain't my day to die... I know more about Biometals than you.

    *Suddenly, Zero raised his hand and a glowing white aura began to emit from his hand. Suddenly Aelous, Thetis, Atlas and Siarnaq fell to their knees in pain and their biometals began to malfunction.*

    Aelous= What the!? AGHH!!

    Thetis= Agh... What!? My... body... feels... heavy... Model L...!

    Atlas: Biometal!


    Zero= Prometheus, Pandora, ... take care of Vent and Aile... take care of Ashe and Grey.... take care of John and his crew.

    (Music playing - Rangarock/ Megaman Zero 4 )Download

    *Outside on the top of Uroboris....Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo holding onto unconcous Ashe and Grey with Kay and Phil in the front, Prometheus, Pandora, Vent, and Aile appeared at the scene with John in the middle of the arena with his eyes glowing crimson red and an evil grin on his face.*

    Prometheus= Look over there....Master Albert!?

    Pandora= It's the real one..... he's...dead.

    Aile= JOHN!

    Vent= Aile, dont go over there. We stopped Uroboris and saved everyone....

    Aile= John...... oh no.... Model C couldnt save him after all.

    Kaolla= Johnny...*sniffle*

    Phil= Mate's git ye arses out of here now! John is beyond your help now!

    John (corrupted)= AHHHHHAHAHAHAHAAAA!! Your too late! Im complete! Albert... what a fool to fall for my trick! Now I have sucked out his soul and with this guy as my vessel, I will be the new mega man king!

    *John's Model W voice changed from boombing to demonic and eclectronicly frantic.*

    Kay= I was hoping this wouldnt happen.

    Phil= Prometheus, Pandora.... use...it.

    Pandora= Understood captain Phillip.

    *Pandora takes out her staff and this belt like device flown over Ashe, Grey, Vent, and Aile and the device teleported them out from Uroboris in a flash. Suddenly after that, Zero appeared from behind.*

    Zero= I couldnt get the biometal from them. I had to teleport them out like you instructed me to do Phil.

    Phil= I know mate. We got bigger problems on our hands.

    Zero= John!?

    *Suddenly, Dr. Weil teleported on the far corner of the Uroboris out of range.*

    Dr. Weil= MUHAHAHAHAHAAA! Just look at you all! Starring at John horrificly as he has now payed his price for defying me!! Poor Albert. He finally kicked the bucked didnt he?

    Zero= Weil!? It...can't....BE!!

    Phil= Weil...you....YOU b*****d!

    Kay= You monster! Look what you did to John!

    Dr. Weil= Now you will all die by John's hands. I will be more than greatfull to see John with the Model W I made for him takes him over and devours you all, including you too Zero! Then, I will have the Sage Trinity, and this whole world, and I ....WILL....BE...THE RULER OF THIS WORLD!

    Phil= Kaolla, Shinobu, Naymo... you 3 get out now! Transport to the Tardis and save yourselves.

    Kaolla= I trust you Philly. I know you can save John. Kay, Take Model S. And this.....

    Kay= Model S....Model FA? I couldnt....

    Model S= Im not leaving John like this!

    Model FA= I saved John once, I can do it again.

    Kaolla= Were going. Good luck everyone.

    Shonobu= John....NO!

    Nyamo= Oh John!

    *Kaolla casted (Warp) and all 3 warped to safety*

    Phil= Hang on John. We'll get you out of this filthy Model W.

    *Now Ashe, Grey, Vent, and Aile safely transported and later...Kaolla, Shinobu, Nyamo now transported. Leaving Prometheus, pandora, Zero, Kay, and Phil against the fully corrupted John.... What will be his fate now?*

    To be continued.....