Chapter 21 - Uroboris part 3

    (Music playing - Rangrock/ Megaman Zero 4 )Download

    *On board the Uroboris, Vent, Aile, Ashe, Grey, Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo had abandoned the Uroboris while Phil, Kay, Prometheus, and Pandora go face to face with John megamerged in the Model W inside of him now in total control. Kaolla and the others on board the Tardis could only watch as John under complete control of the Model W as he is seen turned on Phil and his friends, also seen Master Albert layed dead on the corner of the chamber of Uroboris and Dr. Weil stood floating in mid air away from the arena as he watches menacingly.*

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    Prometheus= Dr. Weil..... you have done it now.

    Pandora= John....why?

    Dr. Weil= Prometheus....Pandora? You too betrayed me!? Oh well,.... I knew it was a matter of time till you betrayed me anyway. Afterall, You 2 were esental of my plan of manipulating that wretched Albert. I didnt expect you to be revived.

    Phil= That's because that's MY doing!

    Kay= You manipulating and using other people.... it's sickening!

    Dr. Weil= Hehehehe hahahahaha! Do you think I was finished when that human verson of Albert sucked me in that void contraption!? You thought I was finaly defeated? Not a chance! I had wasted my time talking to the likes of you. Once im threw with you all, Uroboris will be MY vessel for me to control, and I will become Mega Man king!

    Zero= Not if we got something to say about it.

    Dr. Weil= Im bored of listening to you all. John.... kill them all!

    John (corrupted)= Let me have the great opportunity.... I shall absorb their souls.....and enjoy it.....*evil laugh*

    Phil= Hang on John...I will save you mate. Just stay with me.

    Kay= John......

    Model K= Kay, listen to me.... John and Phil fought Omega Zero by taking out his dark soul in sub space. Perhaps that will work against that Model W controlling John too.

    Prometheus= Sub space? Is that how you defeated Omega before?

    Pandora= I never heard of fighting him that way before. It's worth a try.

    Phil= If it sounds like a good plan, then make it happen. Ok, here he comes! This is it everyone!!

    (Music changes to - Volcanic rim/ Street Fighter 4 )Download

    *John makes his first move as he jumps in the air and fires his directional lasers and hyper beam. Phil, Kay, Prometheus, Pandora and Zero scatter as corrupted John made his attack. John suddenly punched the floor creating shock wave attacks and he held his hand and a purple aura glown from his palm and made pieces of the yellow blades Albert controlled before and began to use the same attacks as he did before John was corrupted. Then John used "Blade of darkness" and this time 5 blades flew arround instead of 2. Phil now megamerged with Model Gaea leaped up and took a slash at John with his golden gaea sword and struck him with a fast blow. John took the hit but was far from out. John suddenly summoned more yellow blade pieces that formed into shapes of swords and fists, and the fists began to hit the ground causing shock wave attacks, Zero jumped from behind John and slashed him from behind and Prometheus took his scythe and slashed at John from the left side. Pandora fired a rain of electric bolts on John. But he only took minimum damage.*

    Zero= He's totaly resistant to our attacks!

    Prometheus= Master Albert's final form is nothing compared to this!

    Pandora= Albert must have planned this.

    Phil= Kay. Use Model K now!

    *Kay megamerged with Model K and warped into subspace and once she did, she seen the dark monster aura covering John's subspace form body and she tried using a cyber elf's lightning bolt attack, but it bounced right off. Then she warped back to the natural world.*

    Kay= It's no use. That thing possesing John is too strong for me.

    Phil= Bugga!

    Zero= Ill hold John off from here. Kay, can you use Model K's power to warp Phil in sub space? Phil can attack that abomination possesing John.

    Phil= It's woth a try. Let's make it happen!

    Model S= Zero....Ill megamerge with you this time! Let's get John back together!!

    *Model S megamerged with Zero and combining Zero's power with hers transforming Zero into Plum-Zero, now being able to use cyber soul attacks especcaly from the mechanloids taken out from Uroboris, now Zero, Prometheus, and Pandora was ready to face off with John. John fires more of his danmaku style bullets then Prometheus covered Pandora and Zero with swinging his scythe to cut the bullets while Pandora fired her ice shards while Zero equipped enhancement soul - Fire dart, Guardian soul - Elete Pirate, and bullet soul - Galleon noggin. Zero suddenly jumped and threw a Galleon noggin at John and John got engulfed in the thick gooy substance thus being enfebled by it, Pandora fired her staff ring attack giving John some good damage and Prometheus used his raging tempest attack, striking John multiple times and Zero jumped up and slashed John with his saber. John countered with firing more spread bullets but Zero now as Plum-Zero used the elete pirate cyber soul to absorb the bullets as weapon energy for himself. And more shockwave attacks hit him but we wasnt knocked back since he had the fire dart guardian cyber soul equipped. Kay suddenly grabbed on to Phil and warped to sub space again thus taking Phil with her. Phil took sight of the gastly aura monster holding John, then Phil dashed and took a swing of his Gaea sword and slashred the aura, and it worked. The aura monster tooken great damage. Phil and Kay warped back to the natural world suddenly and....noticed that John was grappling his own head shrieking in pain.*

    John (corrupted)= KYAAAAA!!!

    Zero= Phil, your new battle stradegy... it's working!

    Prometheus= He's taking the real damage.

    Pandora= Not John..... but the monster controling him.

    Dr. Weil= What!? You can actually do that!? Alright...that's it! John.... it's time to reveal your Model W's true form!!

    John (corrupted)= You will not take me away from my new vessel!!

    (Music stops)

    *Suddenly, pieces of Uroboris began to break from the fortress and began to fly arround and John flew to the other side and suddenly, the pieces of Model W began to attatch to John forming a form similar to Dr. Weil's core form back in Rangrock except that this one was levatating.*

    Dr. Weil= Now..... you will feel true pain!

    (Music playing - Shop PV BGM/ Street Fighter 4 ){start at 1:00}Download

    Phil= Get ready everyone! This is the beast's true form!

    *The new body of corrupted John began to fire danmaku style bullets and gungir spears that explodes on contact. Prometheus slid underneath slashing it from the underside while Pandora flew high in the air firing powerful thunger bolts at the creature. Kay warped Phil back into sub space and see's the creature taken a larger demonic form with John engulfed in a bubble.*

    Kay= Strike the monster Phil. Try not to hit John.

    Phil= Thanks Kay. Here goes!

    *Phil charged up the light aura in his Gaea blade and took a swipe at the aura monster and it took super effective damage and suddenly was warped out of subspace by force. Now they seen the monster screaching like before, but it was still far from defeated.*

    Zero= It's taking damage. But it's far from defeated. It's not over yet.

    Model S= Let's take this thing out together and free John!

    Prometheus= This guy wants to help us.....let's help him in return shall we Pandora?

    Pandora= Yes! Let's use our strongest attack!

    *Prometheus and Pandora began to charge energy and used their team attack "Element extremes" wich fire and ice energy shards began to form with each other and fire at the Model W monster giving it effecient damage, while Phil and Kay warped back into subspace, now dodging the glowing rings that were making them teleport out of sub space by force, then Phil took a tempest attack on the aura monster giving it massive damage. Outside of sub space, Plum-Zero now equipped cyber souls, Guardian type - Diadrake, Enhancement type - Steepinix, and bullet type Fantacle. Zero used the Fantacle flower attack on the corrupted John cutting through his thick armor as he got close enough thus combining it with slices of his Z saber and dashed backwards and activated the guardian type cyber soul Diadrake now he fires his Z-buster with fully charged shots with one pull of the hair trigger. Fully charged shots was hitting John's monsterous body and Prometheus and Pandora used their team attack "Element extremes" once more helping Zero deal damage to the monster. Back in sub space, Phil slashed the aura monster as hard as he could and avoiding the warp rings and finally the aura monster was killed, and the cyber elf verson of John was now freed.*

    John (cyber elf form)= Phil! You came for me at last!

    Phil= Good to see you again mate!

    Kay= Let's warp back shall we?

    (Music stops)

    *Suddely....As Phil and Kay warped back, allong side Plum-Zero, Prometheus and Pandora... the monsterous Model W body exploded, and Model W John was levitating with the dar aura shooting out of him unstablly and with John screaming in pain.*

    John= AHHHH!!!!

    Phil= John!!

    *The Model W finaly disabled and the Model W teleported out from his body and John's body dropped to the floor but Plum-Zero dashed and grabbed him keeping him from falling and hitting the floor. Then he dashed backwards back with the group.*

    Zero= John..... are you alright?

    Phil= John.... answer me mate....

    (Music playing - Sadness and Hope/ Shenmune)Download

    John= ......Phil.....Zero....Kay.....Prometheus....Pandora....You came for me.

    Model S= We came for you as well.

    Model K= I thought we lost you for good!

    Model FA= Model K and Model S fought bravely against your corrupted self. You are now free from Model W permanently.

    John= Model FA? Your.... fixed?

    Phil= Kaolla is a real trooper. She even faced off with the 4 rouge guardians.

    Prometheus= At least I finaly got a victory out from you. *soft boomong cackle*

    Pandora= Looks like we finally beat you. *laughs happly*

    Zero= You and him fought before?

    John= Yeah. But I never held any hate towards them at all.

    Kay= John, you were also very wreckless yourself. You could have been killed. How am I supposed to hold tight to Lloyd Irving's promise when you go out like that all bold and without our backup?

    John= I had Ashe and Grey with me. And my Model A was with me too. But I gave it to Kaolla for safe keeping incase I was to return.

    Phil= Notice anything different about me mate?

    John= Megaman Gaea.... you finaly got it didnt you?

    Phil= Sure did. Took us awhile but we finaly got it. Im the megaman god now. And guess what John..... Your the new megaman king.

    Kay= Now John.... call off this attack of these mechanloids. Only you can finish off Uroboris.

    Model FA= John....allow me to help. I shall megamerge with you once more.

    John= Bu..but...Model FA, it's daylight now.

    Model FA= I know. I been re-programed with a new system. It's ok. Brace yourself.

    *John was instantly megamerged with Model FA, the sister biometal of Model C. And John walked to the center of the arena of Uroboris and the earpods shot out and hit the cracks and electronic parts of Uroboris.*

    John= This is the newly crowned Mega Man King! All armies of the Uroboris. I command you to call off your attacks made by Albert. Immediately!

    Dr. Weil= John! No! STOP! What are you doing!?

    John= Putting an end to this pointless war! Now, Uroboris..... set yourself to self-destruct.

    Uroboris= As you command my king. Commence self destruct sequence. 1 minnute 45 seconds.

    Dr. Weil= You.....YOU...... You will never get away with this!

    Phil= Oh you just shut the hell up you old codger. Eat this!

    *Phil holds his gaea blade and fires a beam that hit Dr. Weil and the light engulfed him and the Model W from John's body began to react from it.*

    Dr. Weil= NO! what's this! It cannot be! NO! I cannot die! I CANNOT DIEEEEE!!

    *Dr. Weil plummeted from the sky and fell from the Uroboris. Then the Pillar of Autumn flew and the rescue party came allonside Halkel, Serpent, Rad Spencer, Turok, Duke and the others. Escorted John and the rest inside and from the ship, watched as Uroboris suddenly began to explode from inside and falling back into the sea, plummeting with the other mechanloids under it's control. Inside the Pillar....*

    John= I did it. Didnt I?

    Zero= Yes you did.

    *Model S disembarked from Zero's body and levitated close to John.*

    Model S= I helped too. Did you see me...I megamerged with Zero. It was lots of fun! I need to do that again too!

    Zero= *chuckles* Im sorry to say this but that was a one time deal. Let's just say, I don't fashon that biometal.

    John= But I thought you looked cool in Model S.

    Zero= *scoffs*

    *The entire room with everyone else boomed with laughter and cheering for both John and Phil. .....Meanwhile.....back in the hunters camp......inside the medical bunker....*

    (Music dies down slowly)

    Grey= Aaaagh! Huh?... Where am I...?

    Ashe= WOAHHHH! Where are we!?

    (Music playing - Relief/ Megaman ZX Advent)Download

    Model A= Ashe! Grey! You're finally awake! I'm so glad! I was worried sick about you two!

    Grey= ...

    Ashe= ...

    Model A= W-What's wrong? Are you still hurt?

    Grey= Model A? Worried about someone?

    Ashe= Grey!?

    Model A= Y-You got a problem with that!? All I could do was watch and hope. Of course I was worried.

    Grey= *laugh* Thank you... Model A.

    Model A= Y-Yeah, anyways, let's go outside! Vent and Aile are waiting for you! So is Kaolla and the others.

    *Outside the clinic, stood Vent, Aile, Kaolla, Shinobu, and Nyamo. Ashe and Grey met them outside.*

    Aile= Are you OK? It was tough carrying you out of there.

    Vent= For a girl, you were a bit heavy.

    Ashe= Excuse me!? Is that how tou talk to a girl!?

    Grey= Yeah, what happened to Ouroboros and Model W!?

    Aile= Ouroboros went down without a trace. And there's no sign of Model W anywhere. Its wreckage just sank in the ocean.

    Vent= Ashe, Grey, it's all thanks to you two.

    Ashe= Don't forget about John. He protected us while we fought Albert.

    Grey= No, it wasn't just me. Not just Ashe, and not just John, It was everyone... This world belongs to everyone. Vent, Aile, where're you gonna go now?

    (Music dies down slowly)

    Aile= I want to go around the world in the Guardian Base... There are a lot of things that need finding. What about you, Ashe, Grey?

    Vent= And there's things I want to do too, and places I want to explore as well.

    (Music playing - A wind continuing toward the future/ Megaman ZX Advent)Download

    Ashe= Probably to go after some treasure and stuff. I want everyone to know me and for what I did.

    Grey= I haven't really given it much thought... But it is my destiny. I can decide it, right? I want to go on a trip... How far I will go. What I will do. I don't know yet. But I want to find out who I am.

    Kaolla= Come on Ashe, Grey.... I got something for you.

    Shinobu= We will wait in the Tardis.

    Nyamo= Were ready whenever you two are!

    Model A= Hey? So, what am I supposed to do?

    Aile= That's your destiny, right?

    Vent= That's for you to decide.

    Model A= Oh! Uh, well then... Grey, I wanna go too. Take me with you!

    Grey= OK, let's go together, Model A. Let's find our place in the world!

    Ashe= Sounds good to me. Let's go and meet up with Kaolla. Then we can find John and..... oh that's right.... we can meet back up in the Pillar. Kaolla can take us there with the Tardis.

    Aile= I hope we'll meet again!

    Vent= Same here. You 2 take care of yourselves.

    Grey= We can meet anytime... Because this world belongs to us!

    Ashe= Grey's right. Because this is OUR story!!

    *Ashe and Grey run and wave at Vent and Aile as they run towards Kaolla and the Tardis. Now....Inside the Tardis...*

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    Ashe= Ok, Kaolla. Where are we off to next?

    Grey= I like to know what was this something you want to give us?

    Kaolla= I already installed the DNA package in the biometal transfer and I want you guys to hook up your Model A's in it. It's the DNA of the psuderoids me and John fought before back in Slither inc. John would also wanted you to have it.

    Shinobu= I hope they come useful for you guys in the future.

    Cinimon= I just hope John is ok? There was allot of fighting involved up there.

    Nyamo= That was a pretty rough battle up in the Uroboris. But im glad that's all over now.

    *Ashe and Grey installed their Model A's in the biometal machine of Kaolla's and recieved all the DNA of the psuderoids plus John's Model A recieved Bifrost's DNA in exchange.*

    Kaolla= Ready everyone!?

    Ashe= Im all set Kaolla.

    Grey= Let's go find John!

    *The Tardis began to dematerialize from the hunters camp and rematerialize in the Pillar of Autumn.....now inside the Pillar...*

    Phil= There's the guys I wanted to see.

    Grey= Phil!

    Ashe= Phil, is John ok?

    Phil= He sure is.

    Jack= I missed out on an epic battle, but at least I managed to kick some maverick.

    Cedre= We sure had one hell'uva fight with all those mavericks.

    Halkel= I was begining to worry about you guys.

    Kay= By the way, we would like for you to help us some more....if you want? You see....After all this and the Uroboris going down, the Sage Trinity hasn't ciesed activity yet. Dispite the space pirate and cybermen activity had come to an end. Plus I got the Epoch back and Dr. Wily had already been taken to custody and some of my agents are taking him to a space prison facility.

    Cinimon= What's gonna happen to that bad ol' man?

    Kay= He will serve a life sentence in that facility. We got to go to the sage trinity and have a word with Master Thomas. We need to question him about this suspicous activity of the trinity. He shoulive called back his mechanloids an hour ago.

    *Suddenly, Prometheus, pandora and John appeared from the next room.*

    John= Ashe, Grey!

    Ashe= Look! It's John!

    Grey= JOHN! I thought you were done for!

    *Ashe and Grey ran to John and gave him a big group hug.*

    John= Woah...easy guys! *chuckles boomingly*

    Grey= What happened to Model C?

    Aile= I like to know that too. I hope she's ok?

    John= She's schedualed for mass repairs, but she's gonna make it. Im sorry to worry you.

    Prometheus= That's our new Mega Man King!

    Pandora= And he will be a great leader too.

    John= Oh cut that out guys. I prefer you guys to lead yourselves. Speaking of wich....I want to see what's going on back in sage trinity.

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *Suddenly....Zero steps in the room with astonishment on his face.*

    Zero= On the bridge quick! You will not believe this!?

    *Meanwhile..... back in the Sage Trinity, Master Thomas and Master Mikhail were in the main room together, discussing some matters.....*

    Thomas= ...To bring new life into the world, eh?

    Mikhail= In the last mission report... Albert said some rather outrageous things.

    *Sage Trinity room, Mikhail is on the left facing center. Thomas is to the right looking away*

    (Music playing - The chosen one/ Megaman ZX Advent)Download

    Thomas= Mikhail... Do you think it presumptuous for us to give birth to new life?

    Mikhail= How absurd... Thomas, you couldn't possibly hold fast to such foolish imaginings.

    Thomas= There are laws that give equality to Humans and Reploids, correct? Don't you remember? Those were passed because Albert and I agreed on them.

    Mikhail= W-What are you saying?

    *Thomas turns to face Mikhail*

    Thomas= Give Humans robotic bodies, and give Reploids mortality. So, where do you think the Human bodies for the Reploids are? What do you think happened to the original Reploid data from before we gave them mortality?

    *Suddenly, Aelous, Thetis, Atlas and Siarnaq teleported in that very room beside Thomas all remaining in their biometals.*

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    Mikhail= Thomas... You...!

    Thomas= Albert was wrong, so I helped the Hunters. But I do think he was right about one thing.

    Mikhail= ......,

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    Thomas= This world needs to be reset.

    Mikhail= ......Thomas.....H-How could you say that!? After all what Albert had done!? You aren't even calling off your armies yet. What are you planning to do?

    Thomas= Albert is dead. The Cybermen are dead, and the space pirate threat is now over. There's only one group left to deal with.

    Mikhail= One group left? What are you talking about? W-Wait! You don't mean!?

    Thomas= The MDF. There is going to be a new world leader and I wish to be the only one to govern such principles. I needed the MDF to help me and aid me in correcting Alberts mistakes....but now they had finally served their purpose.

    Mikhail= Thomas....your not gonna...

    Thomas= What's the matter Mikhail? Why do you not rejoice to this? You and I have been allot through together correct!?

    Mikhail= The MDF already stopped the threat of Albert and the other monsters. We sould call back our army and rejoice with them. Why do you now oppose the MDF now!?

    Thomas= Well..... I had also made an agreement with a new client.

    *Suddenly.... a man with white hair and long coat and crimson red eyes appeared.*

    (Music stops)

    ?????= I knew HE wouldnt agree with this new treaty. It's time we took our plans into action...immediately.

    Mikhail= W-Who are you!?

    Thomas= This is our new client....Dr. Alfred. W. Weil.

    Mikhail= W-wait.... Something's familiar about that name....You don't mean? From the etrospective files...the Elf wars!? Thomas!? No!!

    (Music playing - Curse of vile/ Megaman Zero 3 )

    *The young man with the white hair and jacket with crimson red eyes was none other than Dr. Weil himself regenerated into a now fully phisical human form. Now holding the last Model W in existance. He now has a much different younger voice as well.*

    Dr. Weil= Thank you Master Thomas. It will be an honor to assist me to retrieve the Uroboris and use it to benifit the world.
    Mikhail= Thomas! You can't trust this man!

    Thomas= You disapoint me Mikhail. Aelous. Take him away!

    Aelous= What a disapointment. One of the sage trinity who do not wish to participate in our new rejoicement.

    Thetis= Im really sorry about this, but you can't be allowed to go anywhere now.

    Atlas= Your comming with us.


    Mikhail= No ... wait..stop! Please!!

    *Suddenly,.... the Sage Trinity intercom activated and the alarm system went off.*

    Thomas= What's this!?


    Thomas= Impossible!

    *Suddenly, John appeared megamerged with Model FA. And with a bit of bitter expression on his face.*

    John= Thomas.... how could you!?

    Thomas= I see your no longer hosted by the Model W.

    Dr. Weil= John.....I see your still alive.

    John= That tone..... what.... that Model W!? It cant...be! Dr. Weil!?

    Thomas= John.... I was wondering about you. Although I didnt expect you to become the Mega Man King. But .... you are not qualified to hold such a title. I can put matters right and give reploids mortality and humans robotic bodies and make a new world with the help of Dr. Weil. Im sorry John but your services are no longer required.

    John= Mikhail, are you ok!?

    *John suddenly shields Master Mikhail to protect him.*

    Mikhail= Im quite alright young man. But what a stunning biometal you have on. I hate to say it dosent look very manly.

    John= Sorry to disapoint you. But whatever Thomas has changed into is not good at all.

    Thomas= Aelous, SIEZE HIM!

    Aelous= Everyone, now!

    John= Cover your eyes Mikhail.

    *John raised his hand and threw a flash ball and filled the room with blinding light and the megamen were stunned by it. And as soon as it cleared...John already have gone taking Mikhail with him.*

    Aelous= He's.... gone!

    Atlas= He took Master Mikhail with him.

    Thetis= Oh, bumber.


    Thomas= There's no need to do that now.

    Aelous= Not to menson that Prometheus and Pandora have now betrayed us.

    Dr. Weil= Thomas is right. I have already taken that into account. We can get to him by getting through Captain Phillip. I know exactly what to do.

    (Music dies down slowly)

    *John transports with Mikhail with him, as Master Mikhial is stunned by commotion.*

    Kay= John, are you ok? Isn't that Master Mikhail!?

    John= We got bad news Kay. It's Thomas. He's got the 4 rouge guardians and he's behind the biometal theft, and he's in it deep with Dr. Weil and Omega Zero. He sold us out.

    Kay= WHAT!?

    (Music playing - Cyber cave/ Thunder force 5 )Download

    John= I just rescued Mikhail. They were gonna take him. You were right about the sage trinity suspicion.

    Ashe= John....What happened?

    Grey= Mikhail!?

    Jack= Kay! We got a call from the guardian base!

    *Everyone headed to the bridge of the Pillar.*

    Phil= On screen.

    Prairie (radio)= Phil, are you ok? Where is John?

    *John enequipped Model FA and ran to the bridge's computer.*

    John= Im here Prairie! Long time no see. How you been?

    Prairie (radio)= Were doing fine now John. We got some bad news. The sage trinity has now turned against us. There taking actions against us and are attempting to declare war on us. But why would the sage trinity do that to us?

    John= I know why. I got an eye whitness right here!

    Mikhial= Miss Prairie. Master Thomas has joined pact with a man named Alfred Weil and are working together now.

    Prairie (radio)= Dr. Weil again!?

    John= He changed! After Phil hit him with a beam attack up in the Uroboris, he took the Model W inside of me and he must have regenerated with it.

    Phil= Why didnt my attack kill him!?

    Kay= What we need to do now is take on the Sage Trinity and stop Dr. Weil here and now.

    Prairie (radio)= I made contact with the forces of Giga city's officals. They have agreed to aid us and help fight against the Sage Trinity.

    John= Let's go take them on.

    Phil= John, I got a present for you,....just before you go. You best open it up now. It can't wait.

    *John opens the box and see's 2 new biometal. These biometal resembled Prometheus and Pandora, Model PO and Model PA.*

    John= This looks like...

    Phil= I know mate. After I revived them, I had this and made it at the same time. I couldnt give it too you sooner since you still had that Model W in you. I also got you the other biometals here as well. Model SH and the other 5. There greatful to see you better once more. Think you can handle all of that biometal by yourself?

    John= You bet I am!

    Model S= Oh no you don't, your not leaving me this time!

    Model A= Me neither! Were comming too!

    John= Where's Prometheus and Pandora?

    Phil= They went to Sage Trinity just after you came back. There scouting for hostile activity. Im afraid Thomas cannot be trusted anymore. But how could he!? Thomas..... Thomas Light!? The same guy who made you those specal biometals!?

    Kay= Thomas may have changed Phil. For better or worse. We may have to accept that fact.

    *Suddenly, the broadcast with the guardian base's bridge no nonger just shown Prairie. Now shows Vent and Aile in visual.*

    Vent (radio)= Master Thomas.... so he was behind the theft of the biometals.

    Aile (radio)= Why? Why could he?

    (Music stops)

    *Suddenly, the Pillar of Autumn's security network sounded the ship to red allert.*

    Phil= Hey? What's the allarm for?

    Kay= Look, it's the armada from the sage trinity! There heading straight for us!

    (Music playing - Onslaught/ Megaman ZX )Download

    John= Thomas.

    *John clenched his fist tightly.*

    Mikhial= I bet you that Dr. Weil character is somehow controlling him!

    Vent (radio)= The sage trinity armada is targeting the grardian base as well.

    Aile (radio)= I got 3 more channels comming in. I'll patch them in toghether now.

    Phenox (radio)= This is Phenox of the MDF ship Kakarott. We got the sage trinity armies all over us!

    Teasel (radio)= This is Teasel Bonne of the Geiselshaft. I just met up with this guy Wolff of the raiders and they now decided to join my crew. But now we got the sage trinity on our tail. Im allongside the Kakarott as we speak.

    Giga general (radio)= This is the general of the Giga city military. We answered your request and we are joining forces with you. That Dr. Weil caused our ancestors allot of trouble and now were comming to aid you. Thomas shouldive stood down,... but of all people....Why would Thomas side with such a madman?

    Kay= It's Dr. Weil. Isnt it obvious?

    *Suddenly, the ships of the sage trinity forces began to open fire on all the ships with the MDF, Guardian base, Giga city, and the Bonne pirates.*

    John= There shooting at us!

    Phil= This is it mates! Ladys and gentlemen, were at war!

    *After a swell victory over Albert, and John freed from the Model W, and thought Dr. Weil to be dead from Phil's attack, the battle isnt over yet. Master Thomas had betrayed the MDF and now joined the new regenerated Dr. Weil. And what is the reason for Master Thomas's trechery?*

    To be continued.......