• Chapter 1: Sibling Rivalry and the Evolution Battle!

    " It's time for the next Battle!" said the announcer. " Next up is Ryu vs Ryan!" Ryu enters the battlefield. Ryu was ready to battle. Then a boy entered the Arena. It was Ryan, Ryu's little brother. Ryan had a Pichu on his shoulder. " Ryan, you're here too?!" asked Ryu. Ryan smiled. " Of course! I came here to battle you and test your strength!" answered Ryan. " We both had sibling rivalry for many years and now it's time to put our rivalry to the test! Go Pichu!" said Ryan. User Image Pichu ran into battle. Ryu took out his pokedex. " Pichu the tiny mouse Pokemon." said the pokedex. " It plays with others by touching tails and setting off sparks. This appears to be a test of courage." " This Pichu also evolves into Pikachu!" said Ryu. He closed his pokedex and put in his pocket. "Pikachu I want you to battle Pichu." said Ryu. Pikachu ran into battle. " Pichu use Thundershock!" said Ryan. Pichu let's out a jolt of electricity. User Image " Pikachu use Thunderbolt!" said Ryu. Pikachu let out a stronger Thundershock. User Image The attacks clashed together and made an explosion. " Quick Attack Pikachu!" said Ryu. Pikachu started rushing at Pichu. User Image Pikachu hit Pichu. " Pichu get up and use Iron Tail!" said Ryan. " Pikachu use Iron Tail too!" said Ryu. Pikachu and Pichu Iron Tails clashed together. Pikachu's tail pushed Pichu to the ground. Pichu bashed to the ground badly. " Pichu are you alright?!" asked Ryan. Pichu could barely get up. " Uh-oh, it looks like Pichu's badly hurt!" said the announcer. Pichu got up with an angry face. " That's my buddy! Okay Pichu, use Quick Attack!" commanded Ryan. Pichu used Volt Tackle. " Pichu learned Volt Tackle!" said Ryan. " That's how it is huh Pichu?" asked Ryu. " Pikachu use Volt Tackle!" Pikachu used Volt Tackle. Pichu and Pikachu clashed together. A big explosion came. User Image " Pichu!" shouted Ryan. The big smog went away. Pichu was defeated. " The winner is Ryu and Pikachu!" said the announcer. Ryan picked up Pichu. " You did a good job Pichu." he said. " Pichu!" it said. User Image " Ryu, good battle!" said Ryan hold out his hand. " Next time I'm going to get more Pokemon and I'll beat you someday!" Ryu and Ryan shook hands. " Yeah! And when you face me, it won't be easy." said Ryu. Outside of the Arena, Ryan was walking with Pichu. " Pichu let's fight better next time we see Ryu and Pikachu." said Ryan. " Pichu!" said Pichu very happy. Ryan was thinking of the times when he and Ryu were little kids. User Image Ryan User Image Ryu

    He would never forget those days. See you later big bro, thought Ryan.

    End of Chapter 1