• "Your real name is Pheonix?" Titan asked. "The story of the Pheonix was messed up by humans. It does not ressurect from it's own ashes, it resurrects from it's own blood. It's not bright red either, it's black. It is the symbol of immortality, blood and darkness. That is the truth of the Pheonix." I said. Titan nodded "So, tell me the story of how your parents were killed." he said. "The day my parents were killed, started out as any other day. My mom woke me up for breakfast and afterwards all of us sat out in the backyard. It was summer than. We spent the whole day there, until the sun was set. That was our mistake. I remember I heard a growling sound coming from behind some bushes. I was still too small to realize danger, so I went toward it, and two werewolves jumped out and one of them bit down on my leg. My mom and dad tried to get the werewolf off my leg, it worked, with my mom dying in return. It turned it's sights on her and sarted biting her limbs off. Dad was trying to fight off the other one. "Run, Pheonix! You have to go!" he yelled at me, but I couldn't move. The other werewolf chopped of my dad's head. I was there, whatching the whole time. When they were done with my parents they looked back at me. Blood was splattered all over the grass and the sides of the house, the werewolves even still had blood dripping down their mouths. I was so scared, I couldn't move. Then, black spikes rose from the ground and stroke both werewolvesin the heart and stomach. It took me a second to realize that I was controling them. I looked at them, and set my hand down. The spikes went into the ground and they ran away. I could feel them though. I was feeling the life force of all living things, in the night. I started to cry as I saw what was left of my mom and dad, but instead of tears, I was crying blood. I met the god of darkness a year later. He told me that the werewolves were still alive, and that he could help me control the power I have. He told me that my father was a vampire and my mother was a witch, and one of my ancestors, a goddess of darkness. I was the only one in our family with her power, all her power. He adopted me a month later and he raised me. He was strict but he never yelled or got angry. He was always kind to me. He taught me control...and how to kill. He gave me my name, Golden Darkness. My eyes go red and I grow devil horn and tail when I can't control the darkness, like before. It comes out when I feel tremendouse pain and sadness." I told him. It was silent for a long while. "But, when you cried before, your tears weren't red." he said. "I put a spell on my eyes so I wouldn't cry blood." I explained. Titan breathed out. He sat down on the floor. "It must've been hard, going through all that." he said. I looked at him and saw him staring at my leg. I sat down and rolled off the black stockings. There were circles curving on my leg like a bite mark. They were reddish black. They were the scars the werewolves marked on me. Titan's eyes widened as he looked at them. "I see why you hate werewolves" he said. "I don't hate all werewolves, just the two that killed my parents." I said. "Wow, that really doesn't make me feel any better." he said. I smiled at him and rolled my stocking back up. His eyes went blank and he just stared at me. He went over to me and went on top of me. I could feel the blood rushing to my face when our faces got too close to eachother. His eyes became vivid again and his entire face became red. "I hate it when I do stuff like this!" he said. I flicked him in the forehead, he sat up off me and rubbed his head. I sat up off the floor and stared at the stream. I didn't say anything. I thought back to my parents, my mom hazel eyes and amber hair, my dad purple eyes and dark black hair, and how quickly they were taken away from me. I closed my eyes and let the tears fall dow my cheeks. Suddenly, I felt lips press against mine. I opened my eyes to see Titan's bright gold eyes. I put my arms around his neck and his hands wrapped around my waist. His lips lowered to my neck, kissing repeatedly. I groaned. He ran his hand through my hair and his other one was pressed against my back. His lips made it's way back up to my mouth and we kissed repeatedly, passionatly, gasping for air. "Darkness, Titan! Where are you guys?" I heard Nala's voice call. Titan lifted his head and growled a bit. She came up to us and her face turned a bit red, but she shook her head and said "We need your help. Werewolves, are here"

    Next, Shadow of the day 19