• "Where is he?!" one of the werewolves said as he flipped over one of the tents. It was almost morning and soon the sun would be up. "We know he's here! Where are you keeping him?" said a man I recognized as Morgead. I even saw Hunter, Asher, and Sylvia. Me and Titan ran to the army of werewolves and stood inbetween them and the rest of camp. "My son!" Morgead said when he saw Titan. "We have come to rescue you!" Morgead continued. Titan's eyes widened "What?" he said. Sylvia ran toward him and hugged him "We came to rescue you from these awful vampires!" she said happily. "No need to thank us-" Hunter began to say. "Thank you?! You just messed up the camp! And you want my to thank you!? Like hell!" he yelled. "Oh, don't be so sympathetic to these vampires, they were holding you prisoner!" Morgead said. "No, they weren't, dad. I am here becouse...becouse..." Titan's whole face started turning red. "Spit it out!" Hunter yelled. "Becouse I'm in love with their leader!" Titan yelled. "I will not allow it! I absoluely will not allow a halfbreed vampire-witch in the royal blood!." Morgead yelled. "When you made the deal, you never said she had to be werewolf. You said she had to be beautiful, strong, and willing to marry me! Ph-Darkness is all three!" He yelled back. No one seemed to notice the Ph before he said Darkness. Morgead was silent. "Werewolves never go back their word!" Titan contiued. "Your right, you may marry her" Morgead said. Titan smiled a bit, "But that's only if she lives through this!" Morgead said and 3 werewolves lunged out at me.

    Next, Shadowof the day 20