• Gunners #8 Game On
    Dark Gothic Judgment Order

    Gunners Arena..... that's where we first joined the Gunners Academy heh.... why? Why did it had to come to this? Bloody hell..... is this where I'll end up in hell? Ah! The hell with that! My friends need me! I don't care if I'm hurt! I don't care if blood is spilling from my body! All I care is...


    she picked up the gun and fired out the blue beam Bullet Crusader

    In the middle of the night Hakuru sits on the bench while listening to her music on an MP3, as she sits and looks up on the sky with her cap on she wonders and cares for her friends as she tries to reach to Yamota with her phone.

    Hakuru: yo Yamota....

    Yamota: ah hey Hakuru! Hows it going?!

    Hakuru: ah well nothing much really just wanna call you that's all uh... hows the car?

    Yamota: oh yeah things are going great with the car I just finished it so hows those new guns of yours?

    Hakuru: oh yeah these new customs of the 9mm pistols are going great actually, but they're not 9mm pistol's anymore, Yukina changed the length size of these guns to 12mm's

    Yamota: yesh really?

    Hakuru: yeah, but not longer than Alucard's guns heh.... the rounds are completely different, the rounds are about two cm's, it carries about fifteen bullets, the metal work is completely solid.... its as if it was gold.... she even so build some new designs with these guns, both red and black and also silver plain white and black.... excellent designs I like it....

    Yamota: you seem to be enjoying them

    Hakuru: yeah...

    Yamota: hey listen that gun I also gave you.... use it....

    Hakuru: the six bullet revolver wesker?

    Yamota: yeah.... its my mothers gun... its a lucky gun.... I wanna give it to you....

    Hakuru: but its yours isn't it? Your mother gave it to you

    Yamota: yeah she did but... when you were gone and when she was gone after the attack of those evil guys.... I just... I think I'm giving up on trying to look for her... so now... I'm giving that gun to you.... take care of it..

    Hakuru: you know Yamota.... I actually gave up looking for my mother too.... I'm sorry

    Yamota: nah... life changes like this its as if time was against us

    Hakuru: true...

    Yamota: hey Hakuru... can you promise me something?

    Hakuru: a promise...? uh yeah sure what is it?

    Yamota: can you promise us that you will never leave us.... I mean we can't do anything without you Hakuru

    Hakuru: sure.... I've already decided on my life that I will always be with you guys I mean what can I do with out you guys anyway?

    Yamota: heh... I thought so.... your our leader after all

    Hakuru: not just a leader but I'm also a good friend

    Yamota: heh... well anyways got to go

    Hakuru: yeah see ya good talk

    they hung up as Hakuru got out her pistol

    Hakuru: perfect.....

    suddenly a wind stirred up as a shadow came in.

    Hakuru: I sense something...

    who's there?!

    Hakuru: fine then....




    Hakuru: ah!

    She flipped back as she recognize that voice.

    Hakuru: that voice.... is it.... no it can't be!

    Saya: yes its me.... its Saya Hurisha...

    Hakuru: no it can't be! I thought all of you Dark Gunners were forbidden to head to the human world again!

    Saya: that's been six months ago Hakuru... how've you been? Hows your strength? Your friends?

    Hakuru: well I guess I would say pretty good why...?

    Saya: that's good...

    Hakuru: so what are you here for Saya...?

    Saya: ….

    Hakuru: Saya?

    Everyone started appearing.

    Saya: Judgment guys.... they're planning on trying to send this rotten earth with its people....

    to hell itself.

    Hakuru: hell? What do you mean?

    Kikio: shes saying that the Judgment Order has the power and technology to send this Earth to Hell

    Hakuru: but that's impossible there's no way that they can do that!

    Saya: well from our information they can....

    Hakuru: and how are we going to stop them?

    Saya: well the only answer is...


    Hakuru: oh no.... no no no! Look I'm glad to see you again Saya but I've saved the Earth too many times!

    Saya: oh so you want to let your friends get dragged into hell too?

    Look at these mortals, the kids, the pregnant women, the innocent lives that are trying to live!

    Saya: if your not going to save them then you will regret it....

    Hakuru: why not just tell your Goddess to do it.... or God I don't know...

    Saya: God? Heh... we haven't sen God for a long time... you know that Gunners world... its not actually heaven

    Hakuru: what?

    Saya: that heaven you once saw in the Gunners World is actually the middle dimension between Heaven and Hell.

    Hakuru: wait... the Gunners World is a middle dimension?

    Saya: yes.... another world of where the warriors of heavens train in.....

    Hakuru: then.... why the hell do you guys call it heaven?

    Saya: cause it used to be part of heaven... but all of that has changed now...

    Hakuru: so why me?! Cause I save the Earth all the time?! Cause I'm the one that always has to come to the rescue! Damn it Saya! Why me?! I saved you from that thing! And now this!

    Saya: look I'm sorry but.... ever since you were taken away from “them” I also tried to find you.... but I just couldn't... I just couldn't...

    Hakuru: but you gave up...?

    Saya: yeah..... cause I thought... you were dead.... all of us thought you were dead

    Hakuru: it happens... when I always die everyone always thinks I'm dead..... but hey.... I can't die that easily can I?

    But.... I wonder how it feels to die anyway...

    Saya: what? Your planning on dying?

    Hakuru: no, I made another promise with a friend of mine, besides I can't break promises

    Saya: its always you isn't it?

    Hakuru: its the way I am...

    she got a cigaret and light it up.

    Hakuru: fine...

    Saya: huh?

    Hakuru: I'll do it... I'll do what you want me to do... I'll stop this thing.... but then after that... I'm going to stick with my friends forever.... anyways I gotta go see ya nice talking to you

    Saya: hey wait a sec!

    Hakuru: what?

    Saya: ah.... I'm sorry

    Hakuru: you apologize too much......

    she went close to her mouth and grabbed the cigaret at from her mouth and put it in Saya's mouth gently.

    Hakuru: stop saying sorry to me too much Saya..... you got one hell of a future ahead of you.... I'm going to go now... bye....

    Saya: …..

    the next morning....

    Yamota: yo!

    Hakuru: hey...

    Yamota: drinking coffee?

    Hakuru: yeah...

    Yamota: so what you do last night?

    Hakuru: you wouldn't believe it.... I just met Saya yesterday and all of her friendship

    Yamota: what?!

    Hakuru: yeah I know right?

    Yamota: but why yesterday?

    Hakuru: don't know, she told me about saving the Earth again.... eh... you know those judgment guys?

    Yamota: yeah?

    Hakuru: well this time Saya told me that they're trying to make Hell swallow this place up like food

    Yamota: you mean dragging it into “Hell?”

    Hakuru: yeah

    Yamota: s**t

    Hakuru: man... why do I have to be the hero?

    Yamota: are you sure mean getting a big planet being dragged into Hell looks pretty.....

    Hakuru: ******** up?

    Yamota: yeah...

    Hakuru: well lets find out if Saya is talking the truth.... get Yukina here

    Yamota: right

    Hakuru: actually no wait... .get everyone here....

    Yamota: everyone?

    Five minutes later in the lounge room

    Hakuru: hey guys.... uh look today's been a rough day today and uh...

    yesterday night I met Saya


    Hakuru: she told me that the Judgment guys who were after us are going to drag earth into Hell. Now I don't know if that's possible or not but I called Rev today to see if she could help

    Yukina: a power to drag earth into Hell huh? Never heard that before, it will take some time to build such technology and to grow a lot of power to do that... but wow.... this is just too crazy I guess those guys must be ********...

    Hakuru: yes, and the way I heard Saya they're world used to be part of Heaven, and even so they are in the middle dimension.

    Yukina: so your saying is that they're are actually three realms of dimensions. The top one is heaven, the middle one which is the piece of heaven is the mid dimension and the bottom dimension is Hell itself.

    Hakuru: that's right

    Yukina: so whats the plan?

    Hakuru: well I'm not gonna get ourselves to Heaven that's for sure

    Yamota: what about the Dark Gothic Judgment Order guys?

    Hakuru: well the only thing to find out if its true or not is to find they're base....

    Yamota: they're base?

    Hakuru: yeah that's the reason why I called Rev and her genius Yuko to come over.

    Yamota: hey are they bringing the whole group?

    Hakuru: oh yeah just in case for assistance

    Yamota: heh...

    Hakuru: oh yeah also how do you guys like the new base?

    Yamota: I never knew Abandon Hotels will look like some rich fancy mansion but man... this rocks...

    Hakuru: like the bar?

    Yamota: aw yeah

    Hakuru: Yukina and the others gothed it up but we just called in some assistance boys to do it

    Yukina: hehe...

    Hakuru: oh yeah and also when I was talking with Rev the other day she told me about other Gunners around the world however...

    they're are also awful companies around the country as well who are also Gunners....

    the biggest corporations are China, Europe and so on but not Japan though

    Yukina: yeah the only biggest corporation in Japan was in Tokyo however that was destroyed by those Judgment guys.

    Hakuru: that's right....

    Yukina: you thinking that we would go back someday?

    Hakuru: well.... the Government of Japan can't do anything about Tokyo, that place is nothing more than a lock down.....

    a couple few survivors got out of there alive, mostly millions of lives were lost there

    Sukya: well from far from I heard those Judgment guys have no business there anymore

    Hakuru: when was this?

    Sukya: Yukina found that out yesterday

    Yukina: with the help of my powers of course

    Hakuru: oh okay then, anything else?

    V: well from my demon powers I kind of sensing that they're are numerous new Gunner ranks out there that the Gunners created, this time they could actually transform themselves into animals or move like animals like predators.

    Hakuru: if I face up against a lion or a wolf... ********...

    V: oh I almost forgot.....

    Hakuru: hm?

    V: in this world they're forming up the Gunners Arena....

    Hakuru: Gunners Arena? Here?!

    V: yeah.... they say something might happen if you finish all of the rankings and all of the fights, but this Arena is totally not going to be run by the Heavens

    Hakuru: then... who is it?

    V: …...

    The Dark Gothic Judgment Order


    Hakuru: is this going to attract every Gunner around the world?

    V: yeah

    Hakuru: then its Game On....

    V: wait your not planning on...

    Hakuru: yeah... I'm going to participate the Gunners Arena..... you said something might happen if I finish all of the rankings right?

    V: yeah...

    Hakuru: then its on.... new plan.... Sukya call Rev, tell her to get Yuko to work with Yukina, and also get all of her groups to work with all of you guys

    Sukya: huh?

    Hakuru: I'm going to participate the tournament Arena, Yamota I'm leaving you in charge, I want you guys to try and find the Judgments main base.

    Yukina: heh why try finding it if I know where it is...?

    Hakuru: ha.... I like how you do it Yukina.... anyways everyone understood?


    Hakuru: alright then, whatever you do don't let anyone stop you, go in there and try to find out if this dragging the earth into hell thing really is going to happen if it is, then leave that to me

    Yamota: I thought you hate saving the Earth...?

    Hakuru: change of plan Yamota.... change of plan....

    meanwhile on the travel to New York as Rev got the phone

    Rev: what?! Change of plan?! What is that Hakuru chick doing?!

    Sukya: she said there's a Gunners Arena in the human world, but its not going to be run by the Heavens.

    Rev: then who is it?!

    Sukya: The Dark Gothic Judgment Order guys!

    Rev: s**t! They actually created a Gunners Arena themselves!

    Sukya: yeah! And the thing worst part is that the only way to win is to kill your opponent!

    Rev: that's just ********

    Sukya: tell me about it....

    Rev: so guess I'm with you guys then huh?

    Sukya: I guess so

    Rev: alright then.... tell us what to do...

    later on in the cloudy days of New York.

    Hakuru: Gunners Arena huh...? s**t.....

    when was the time did I gotten into Gunners Arena?

    My memories are going a bit blanky now.... damn it... my Bio Blood Systems are going a bit crazy now..... ah... I can't resist it....

    alright I think its getting back to me... it was when I was nineteen or something..... yeah that's right....

    Hakuru: it was crazy there.... it was like.... a nightmare.... facing Saya again made me afraid....


    it made my friends afraid too.....

    but hell... I can't let it out die out like this... losing is not an option....

    losing is not an option ay....?

    Hakuru: huh?

    Women: hehe.... you.... fight me...

    Hakuru: huh?

    Women: I challenge you to Gunners Arena...

    Hakuru: Gunners Arena...? sorry lady not right now....

    Women: what? Afraid you might lose?

    Hakuru: why fight here if there isn't a goddamn circle thing around?

    Women: doesn't has to be... Gunners Arena can be challenge at all sorts of different places.... any place... any time....

    Hakuru: and this is how those Judgment guys set it up?

    Women: its what they've always set it up, I'm with them....

    Hakuru: heh... so what? The only way to win is to kill the opponent?

    Women: its that simple....

    Hakuru: then freaking bring it....

    Women: heh...

    initiating local broadcast....

    Hakuru: local broadcast?

    Women: can't have a fight without any audiences....

    this will be live all over the world


    Women: heh.... we let ourselves live on the broadcast... what about you Gunners...?

    Hakuru: ah! I'm gonna tear youto bits!



    Hakuru: Silena huh?! Sigh what ever!


    Silena: BULLET SHIELD!


    Five minutes later


    Sukya: huh?

    This news events has been interrupted by some..... strange two people with unknown...

    Sukya: what?!

    Yukina: so... they planned on putting Gunners Arena on live huh?

    Kanome: this is totally gonna attract every Gunners attention...

    Yukina: the Gunners from the they're world are gonna be really pissed about this...

    Hiyane: not to mention about they're temper...

    V: if this goes on..... then the Gunners World are going to try and ******** up the humans....

    we can't let the humans be involve

    or else... humanity will be strike down by war again just like last year...



    She twisted her body and got out her katana from her back as she made a scar on her body


    She turned into a panther and strike onto her with speed.

    Hakuru: AH! DAMN IT!



    Silena: ha! Your only a bloddy two hands rank Gunner aren't you?!

    Hakuru: guess you could say that.... besides I try to master the Gunners Master Rank myself! But it didn't really suit me! So I mixed up the weapons that I have!

    She got out her enormous gun out as she fired a large powerful bullet


    Silena: ha!

    She passed through Hakuru as she made a large bloody scar onto her body

    Hakuru: heh... haha.. went straight to my trap..

    Silena: huh...?

    her arm was burst into blood as if it was melting

    Silena: what?!

    Hakuru: that bullet I fired has extremely powerful soul burst.... I've transferred my soul into my weapon making the bullet firing a powerful burst of power.... making it fired in front of your surroundings.... although I don't think I'm able to fire another powerful shot like that... oh well....

    Silena: heh.... still pain makes me even more stronger...

    Hakuru: yeah.... but pain... will lead you to death anyway...

    I can't really resist this blood flow in my veins... I guess I'll let it slide... no what am I talking about...?



    Hakuru: Initiate Hinkyo Mythril...

    at your service...







    Hinkyo: AHH!!!!



    She tooked out the two new guns as she fired them at her


    Hinkyo/Hakuru: AHHH!!!


    CLICK... CLICK... CLICK...

    Hakuru: “huff” “huff” “huff”

    Panther: ah... no not yet... not yet...

    NOT YET!

    Panther: DARK STRIKE!

    Hakuru: ah!



    Hakuru: AH!

    Silena: AHH!!!!!

    Hakuru: a 2nd transformation?! Jesus your guys are crazy!

    Silena: hehehe! You still ready?!

    Hakuru: “sigh!” its gonna take more than a 2nd form to beat the crap out of me!



    No.3: its time to burn you...

    IN HELL!

    She puleld out her darkest and silver guns as she fired a large beaming red and black bullet

    Silena: * ah! What the?! Shes too fast! Her bullets! They're hard to dodge! What am I saying?! Pain makes me even more stro-


    She shot Silena straight a big hole to her chest.

    Silena: ah... what the.... my powers...

    No.3: idiot...

    she got out Yamota's gun as she aim at her.

    No.3: …

    Silena: …. d.... damn you....


    Broadcast lost....

    lost signal....

    meanwhile underneath Tokyo....

    Onimaru: you;ve grown stronger than I thought Hakuru.... it seems like you can save the world....

    but can you still overcome death again...?

    ring! Ring!

    Onimaru: Sukya...?

    he picked up his phone.

    Sukya: ah! Father!

    Onimaru: Sukya...?

    Sukya: hey its me! You think you can send in your soldiers to help us out!

    Onimaru: soldiers...? what is this about Sukya?

    Sukya: Hakuru told us to head to the Dark Gothic Judgment Order's main head quarters! We need about a lot of reinforcements and anything to overrun they're base to find out anything about what they're planning!

    Onimaru: wait a minute you found out where they're hiding already?

    Sukya: oh yeah we did, they're somewhere in some dimension. Its not in the Gunners world, nor heaven or hell.

    Onimaru: some dimension is it?

    Sukya: yeah unfortunately there's a 4th dimension.

    Onimaru: I've heard about the 4th dimension, every Gunner and scientist didn't want to go near there since it's energy was too dangerous.

    Sukya: yeah well we can't open the portal since its energy is just too strong, we need about every men and your best scientist and technology to help us open it!

    Onimaru: hm.... alright then..

    Sukya: thanks father! Hey you know... you've changed!

    Onimaru: I did?

    Sukya: yeah! I'm glad!

    Onimaru: tell me Sukya... why did you join Hakuru one year ago?

    Sukya: lets just say... I was bored.... at first I still hated her... but those words she said to me.... I kind of understand her feelings and all... it wasn't that she was a clone nor that she was strong.... but her feelings....

    Onimaru: I see.... I will help whatever I can.

    Sukya: thanks dad! Gotta go! Bye!

    Onimaru: right....

    she hanged up.

    Onimaru: thank you Hakuru.... thank you...

    To be continued.

    Next Chapter: #9 Mission, Infiltrate