My story? Well my story might not be one you want to hear. Fine I’ll tell you, since you’re obviously begging. I must warn you though, you will be in danger once you read this. Still want to know? Yes? Well okay, but if you have ever seen anything weird, or have felt anything like you’re about to read PUT THE BOOK DOWN AND WALK AWAY. If this is just fiction for you, consider yourself lucky. Believe me it was only fun in the beginning, then it was a curse. Okay I’ll get on with the story.
Chapter one
It started out like any other day. I woke up, ate breakfast, and left for school. Ugh school, I hated high school. Sophomore year sounds better than being a freshman right? Wrong. I still wasn’t an upperclassman so I didn’t get much respect, don’t get me wrong I wasn’t picked on. Everyone said I should play football so, I was kind of a big kid. Anyways I got to school early that day, I don’t really know why. I guess I just didn’t want to be home alone. If you’ve never been to your school before it starts, believe me its practically a ghost town. Most people were half asleep, but I had the feeling someone was following me, watching me.
My first class was English. I like English, but I was in a class that’s a little below my skill level… okay I could have been asleep all day and still passed. I was in there because I didn’t do so good the year before… lets just say the homework didn’t agree with me. I was sitting in my seat, not really paying attention and I felt something brush the back of my neck. It was cold, and sent shivers down my spine. I looked behind me, nothing was there. I turned around and tried to stay awake.
Finally it was nutrition. If you don’t know what that is, its what the high school staff calls recess. I walked over to the spot where my friends and I hung out.
“Hey Cole” said my friend Jack.
“Hey jack” I said. Jack was a good kid, the kid that was easy to get along with that nobody wanted to be around. We’d been friends since 6th grade. Jack was a gangly kid and had stringy blond hair. He usually wore a plain solid color t-shirt and jeans with black and blue Vans. Suddenly I got a half tackle, half hug from the back.
“Hi Cole!” said Jenny.
“Hi jenny. Could you let go? Its kind of hard to breathe when you hug me this tight.” I choked out. Jenny was a cute girl, brown hair, green eyes, but to me she was just Jenny. Jenny and I had been friends since the 2nd grade. She was wearing a dark blue hoodie, a pink t-shirt, jeans, and purple Vans.
“Nice outfit Cole.” said Jenny. I was wearing a solid color t-shirt, jeans, and blue and white DC shoes. I had black hair and brown eyes. My friends were weird though sometimes they swore my eyes turn red for a second.
“Thanks.” I said. I suddenly felt like someone was watching me again and looked around.
“Something wrong?” asked Jack.
“Huh? Oh no I just got a weird feeling.” I said
“your eyes are red!” yelled Jenny.
“Yeah sure, and Jack enjoys math class.” I retorted.
“Dude your eyes are seriously red.” Jack said.
“You guys are just messing with me.” I argued.
“Look.” said Jenny. She held out one of those weird little make-up mirrors. I looked into the mirror and my eyes really were red, blood red.
“What the-” dong…dong…dong the bell rang. “I have to get to class. I’ll talk to you guys later.” I said as I rushed to class.
Second period, science class. I loved that class, the teacher was awesome, the kids were nice and I sat next to a cute girl. I was still worried about my eyes and couldn’t shake the feeling I was being watched. I decided to ask the teacher if I could go to the bathroom. I picked up the hall pass and walked out of the room.
I splashed some cold water on my face to clear my head. I grabbed a paper towel and dried my face. I looked into the mirror and saw my eyes were still red, suddenly I got that same feeling and saw a kid in the mirror behind me.
“It’s time.” he said. I whirled around and nobody was there. I turned back to the sink and saw a box with my name attached to it. I picked it up and opened it. There was an amulet inside in the shape of fire, I picked it up and it vanished.
“Okay,” I said “I have officially gone crazy.” As I walked back to class my neck felt warm. I sat down and started to take notes. The cute girl who sat next to me never really paid me any attention so I was expecting silence.
“I didn’t know you had a tattoo.” she said
“Huh? I don’t have a tattoo.” I said confused
“Yes you do right there.” she said as she touched the spot on my neck where she thought there was a tattoo. “It looks like fire.”
“What?” I asked a little panicked now.
“Look.” she held up one of those make-up mirrors (do all girls have those?) and I saw I did have a tattoo on my neck. It was the same shape of the amulet that vanished.
“Whoa.” I said. I stand corrected I thought now I’m officially crazy.
black widdow king
meh i got bored tell me what you think
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