• Jada: See them yet?

    Knights: Nope

    (All of a sudden, Yuki falls on the ground face first at Jada’s feet.)

    Jada: You dummy, where were you?!

    Yuki:*scrapes his face off the ground; pissed*Oh no I’m fine, thanks for askin!!

    Knights:*looks at him weird* Why are you wearing an apron? You like pink?...

    Yuki:*takes it off quickly* Apron? Wat apron?! What I look like wearing something like that?!

    Knights: Ok…

    Jada: Nevermind that, Did you and Tia make up yet?

    Yuki:*nervous* Uhh…

    Jada:*shocked;irritated;grabs Yuki’s shirt and grips him up* "Uh?!" What do ya mean “Uh?!”
    You mean my best friend is still depressed cause you’re scared of what she’s gonna say?!*calms down and lets him loose;sighs* Stop thinking about yourself Yuki, this is serious. You didn’t just upset her…you really hurt her…If you don’t talk to her now, she’ll never forgive you, I’ll never forgive you! And if you really love her…You’ll regret it for the rest of your life!

    Knights: Hey guys, I see Tia!

    (The three poke their heads out and see Tia walk near a bench, looking around.)

    Tia: Jada?! Knights?! Jada!...*sighs disappointedly and sits on the bench*~We always sit here at recess…~

    Yuki:*watches her sadly*Tia…

    Tia:~I don’t blame them for hating me after I walked out on them yesterday…then I said all those things to Yuki! I bet he’s glad he’s moving now…~*cries*

    (Yuki comes up from behind her and puts a hand on her shoulder; She looks up surprisingly.)

    Yuki:*grins* Lookin for me?

    Tia:*stammering*J-jerk!*starts to run the other way*~I-I can’t face him!~

    Yuki: Tia wait!*runs after her* Come on Tia! You know I was just kiddin, stop please!

    Tia: I have nothing to say to you!

    Yuki:*grabs her hand* I know but baby please, hear me out…please?

    (She looked at him with a cold stare but the tears in her eyes showed her true feelings; She was resistant at first, but she gives up and nodded lightly.)

    Yuki: Look Tia, I know I should’ve told you I was movin…I just didn’t want anything to change between us. I thought that if I told you, you’d break up with me, so I decided not to so I could keep being your boyfriend…cause I wanted to be the one to spend time with you…the one to protect you…to hug you, to kiss you, even if it was just for a little while…*squeezes her hand;smiles weakly* Heh, pretty dumb, huh?... guess I was just thinkin about myself…


    Yuki: You know how I am, I’m moody, I forget things all the time, I say things I don’t mean, I do things without thinkin! I! I!...You know you can stop me at anytime…

    Tia:*smiles* I know

    Yuki:*gulps*Right…Well I didn’t mean to hurt you, I guess I didn’t think about what would happen after I actually moved and didn’t consider your feelings…*blushes* AH! Ya know I’m no good wit relationships or bein all romantic n lovey-dovey but for you I’d…I’d…*looks up at Tia*

    (Tia was giggling because of Yuki’s dramatic faces.)

    Yuki:*faces turns bright red*~Damn, why she gotta be so cute?!~ Uh…Um what I’m tryna say is…*gets on his knees*I’m sorry! Will you ever forgive me?!

    (Tia looks at Yuki touched and smiles happily; He looks up at her nervously.)

    Tia:*hugs him tightly* Of course I do! I’m sorry too

    Yuki: Bout wat?

    Tia: You know, sayin all that stuff yesterday about hatin you…I-I didn’t mean it! I was just really mad and!...

    Yuki: Oh that? Naw, it’s ok

    Tia: Really? You sure?? I didn’t hurt your feelings???

    Yuki:~Hell yeah ya did!~*smirks nervously* Ah naw naw, I knew you didn’t mean it so forget about it.

    Tia:*ecstatic* Oh Yuki

    (She tackle hugs Yuki to the ground and they share a deep kiss; All of a sudden, they hear cheering; they look up to see everyone in the school yard congratulating them; Knights was grinning happily while Jada was hopping up and down, laughing giddly.)