HUH?!?! ~SLASH~..... As he coughed up most of his blood he became weaker. "I am not going to lose.." Dante Replied reaching for his sword. He had forgot what his father ,Sparta, The King of all Magic Demons."Don't underestimate your oppent." all of a sudden...BOOM...........
His oppent had Transformed! Amazed Danted said "WHAT THE ****?!?!?" His oppent stated "Your ambision is very poweful" Dante for some strange reason his blood reentered his body."HAHAHAHA". Then Dante's powers came back to him then he transformed...."Now...ITS MY TURN" Dante Grabed his oppents neck and flew up in the air with him. His oppent secertly pulled out a 5 inch Dagger and stabbed Dante with it."hmhmhmhmhhhahahHAHAHA"Dante stared to laugh. "Even ah a kid i had powers running through my blood." Dante said as he slowly pulled the dager from his chest." NOW STATE YOUR NAME!" Dante shouted. and silence..."GRRR STATE YOUR NAME OR DIE!". More silence.... Dante Reached for his hand guns but he only grabed one of them. It was Ivory, his Death Pistol. He pulled the trigger. And shot his oppent. As his oppent fell and implnted in the ground with a perfictly shined bullet in his head Lucia ran to Dante.As he touched the ground Dante passed out.
To be Contued....
6 weeks later...
"Hmm" Dante says as he wakes up "Dante theres a new sword here for you." Lucia said happily. Dante hoped up and picked up the sword that read " Shadow Reaper " HUH?!?! " Dante said imedalty. "THIS WAS MY FATHER'S SWORD HOW'D IT GET HERE?!?!?!" Lucia replied "But your father's dead right?" "mhm" Dante was thinking ( I should go find that guy's boss....) Dante transformed and flew off. He had both of his swords on his back. The Rebellion on the Right and the Shadow Reaper on the left. Four Days passed as Dante was looking for Ryzuke the leader of all the Black Shadow Demons. Then on the 5th day he found him. BOOM the ground shook as Dante hit the ground in front of Ryzuke. "YOU BROUGHT BACK THE HORRID MEMORIES OF MY FATHERS DEATH YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE" Dante yelled as the grabed Ryzuke's neck and lifted him up. Ryzuke chukled. "Dante Dante Dante I knew you would come back and try to kill me." Ryzuke replied
Dante took the Shadow reaper an put it to Ryzuke's neck.Dante quitely said "If you don't revive my father your army AND you wont be living for long." Ryzuke laughed. Dante was angry so he flung Ryzuke into a row of his army.Ryzuke screamed "AHHHHHHHH". Then the battle begun. A cut here a slash here. Blood was every were. the last person standing...Ryzuke......Dante walked up to him and said "Heheh wathcha gonna do with out your army?" Ryzuke replied with a smirk "This" he ran at Dante with his Monster arm and hit Dante. Dante Flew back and landed in Ryzuke's thrown. Dante stood up and dusted off himself and pulled out Ivory. "This is for KILLING MY FATHER!" and he pulled the trigger. As Ryzuke died Dante saw his father come back. "My son" Sparta replied. Dante suddenly smiled knowing that his father was back. So Dante flew off back to Luica. "GOODBYE FATHER" Danted yelled.
Thank you for reading. The End ii_Kitteh Cookie_ii
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