• My captors strapped me down to an operating table. Even though I was shaking with fear and anxiety, they managed to secure my head and arms to the table with some kind of brace. They strapped rope around my calves, and tied them tight to the table. That was really annoying. It felt like I could bend my knees, but I really couldn't. I couldn't move anything. I was starting to panic.

    What are they going to do to me? Torture me until... what? I thought. Until I tell them something? I don't have anything to tell them. I don't even know who they are, let alone what they want with me.

    The room was empty for a few minutes, but it felt like hours, or maybe days. I was thinking so hard about what my options were. What should I do? What can I do? Probably nothing. Just lay there and endure their torture. I might even die. What was happening outside the room? Why wasn't anyone in there with me? Were they giving me some kind of fatal radiation?

    Being in there alone was making me go insane. My mind was flashing through thoughts and memories really fast, and it was giving me a headache. Or maybe that was just the metal bar being pressed against my forehead to restrain me.

    Once again, I thought about what I should do. If I could just.. free my wrists... but no. They had heavy-duty metal clamps bolted to the table. As I struggled and thought, a man in a space suit walked in. ...What the hell? Did NASA kidnap me? Was I going to be the first person having a panic-attack to be launched into space? Uh... no. I guess not, because the astro-guy looked pretty evil, and I thought they only let the good guys moon jump.

    "So. Um. What are you doing to me?" I asked the evil man in the space suit.

    He glared at me and said with a thick Russian accent, "It would help if you did not talk. Or scream, when the time comes."

    I looked at the Evil Man in the Space Suit and I swear a shiver would have traveled down my spine... if I could move. But I couldn't, so I just watched him as he prepared something on a countertop by the wall. With my peripheral vision, it looked like he had some kind of plastic leftovers container. Though I doubted it had any decent food in it.

    He took the red lid off the tupperware container and I heard an abnoxious buzzing noise. I saw about a thousand little mosquitos flying towards me. I tried to move and swat them away like I would normally do, but I couldn't move an inch.

    The Evil Man in the Space Suit hastily pulled a mesh bag over my head, so I wouldn't get bitten in my face. Aw, he's so kind! I thought. The only other protection I had was my tank top and short shorts. The bugs were landing all over me, and they started to bite.

    "By the way, those aren't mosquitos if that's what you thought they were," said the Evil Man (in the space suit). "They don't have a name yet because they are an experiment... a work in progress." He grinned an extremely evil grin. "I like to call them amor sanguinis, for I heard that is Latin for 'lover of blood'."

    I squeezed my eyes shut. He was right. They definitely were NOT mosquitos. They were much, much worse. I could feel every bite they took, all over my legs, arms, and neck. I could also feel a huge drain on my energy and I felt kind of dizzy, even though I hadn't moved a muscle in probably an hour or so.

    Then I realized, these bugs were sucking my blood. All of my blood. There were no bugs left flying in the air because they had all landed on my body, and were drinking my blood. I couldn't even see my skin anymore, with the bugs covering my limbs, biting every milimeter of my skin.

    The Evil Man gave some kind of signal and the creepy bloodsucking "amor sanguinis" started taking to the air once again. My mouth dropped open and some of the mesh bag went into my mouth. I spit it out really fast. It tasted so nasty, but the reason my mouth opened in the first place was that all of the bugs, which were the size of mosquitos to start off with, grew to be at least 5 times that size! They must've taken so much of my blood, I thought, grimacing in pain and itchy-ness.

    The bugs flew into a much larger container than the original one they were in, and the Evil Man closed the lid. I started to be relieved, since the horrible bitings were over and done.

    But then, the Evil Man in the Space Suit pulled out another small container. I closed my eyes as he opened it up, sending another incredible buzz through the otherwise silent room.