• "Just click the button."
    "I dunno Jamie."
    Ragnarok, a wizard from Ziamlia, a planet not to different from Earth itself and his assistant Jamie were currently sitting in front of the computer in their Madrid apartment. They were on the popular interacting site, Gaia Online. A place where people made werid little versions of themselves that could do whatever they want.
    "What's to know?"
    "I don't think I have what it takes to be a Gaian."
    "It doesn't take very much."
    "Still...it sounds difficult."
    "Just type in a user name."
    "It's a beautiful day. Why don't we just go to the park?"
    "Shut up and type."
    Ragnarok typed in Ragnarok.
    "What kind of user name is that?"
    "What'd you mean?"
    "You don't use your real name on these kind of sites."
    "You get tracked down and think to yourself; how many people in the world are named Ragnarok?"
    "It's better than Narutokid27."
    "Shut up, that was a good show and you know it."
    "Anyway, what about this one?"
    Ragnarok typed in Ragnarok1.
    "Whatever, just type a password."
    "Why would I do that?"
    "Are you really going to ask me that?"
    There was a pause.