• "That's it?" I asked, disgusted. "Yeah, so even if you do get away, at least you leave a little something behind." Cloud said, as if he had just won a bet. "Like hell I'll kiss you or the fat guy." I said. "You won't get out of here if you don't." he said. I rose my eyebrow "Really? What if I blew a hole threw all of the walls in this house until I reached the outside?" I asked him. "There is no outside, sweetheart." he said. I shivered. "Like hell, I'm gunna find my own way out." I said. "Go ahead and try. You'll never find the exit." Cloud said, and left. "I'm not trying to." I said. I entered what looked like a master bedroom. I turned and locked the doors. I sat down on the red and gold king size bed, crosslegged and folded my hands on top of one another. I shut my mind off from the outside world and searched. "What the-?!" Ark yelled. "Be quiet!" I yelled back mentally. "Jinx? Is that you?" he asked, surprised. "No, it's your conciouse." I said, sarcastically. "Okay, okay, where are you?" Ark asked. "I don't know." I said. "Do you know how to get out of there?" he asked. "No." I said. "What's your plan?" he asked. "Teleporting, of course. But, there's something I need you to do." I told him. "Anything." he said. "Think of me. Only of me. It'll help me teleport." I explained. "Are you sure?" he asked. "If I wasn't sure, I would've teleported already." I said. "Okay." he said. I heard footsteps coming closer. "Got to make it!" I thought. I let myself drift away in thoughts of Ark, and soon, I was standing next to Ark. "Jinx!" he yelled. "Hi." I said, amazed that he was in my room. "So, you were just sitting here, sulking?" I asked. "I didn't know what to do!" he said, defensivly. "Okay, okay. Where's Riku?" I asked. "Out looking for you." he replied. "Good." I said, smiling. "Why?" he asked. "Because, now we can be alone." I said. "Oh." he said, and I swear you could see steam coming off of his head. "But, before that, did Cloud do anything to you?" he asked. "Tried, but failed." I said. He breathed a sigh of relief. He petted my head, which, oddly enough, made my tail wag. But, scince when did Ark pet my head? I turned stiff. "Hey, Jinx." he said. "Yes, Ark?" I asked, skeptical. "Tell me again how you killed your family." he said. I backed away from the guy in front of me. "You're not Ark, you're..." I said, pissed. "Yes, I'm Cloud." He said and changed back into his disgusting self. "This is curiouse." I said. "What do you mean?" he asked. "I know it was Ark who I talked with and I know that this really is my house, not even the same dimension as the mansion. So, how did you get here?" I asked. "I sort of intercepted your teleporting, brought you here, and changed my appearence to look like Ark." he explained. "Now, that was a dirty trick." I said. "Well, nevermind that." Cloud said, reaching for my hand. I pulled away "Where are Ark and Riku?" I growled. "They're fine. It's you I want, not them." he said. I backed into a wall. "Crap." I thought. He put both of his hands against the wall on either side of me. "Now that I have a better look at you, maybe you would be better than just a servant." he said. "Piss off." I said. He cupped my chin, but I slapped his hand away. "Feisty, aren't you? I like that." he said, getting closer. "And I like you not being so close to me." I said. "JINX!" Ark yelled as he pushed open the door. "Ark!" I yelled, surprised. "Get away from her!" Ark yelled, kicking Cloud in the stomach. Cloud fell to the floor coughing up blood. "Whoa." I said. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" he asked, checking me over. "I'm fine. I'm fine." I said. Ark did a sigh of relief. "Help me throw him out the window?" I asked. "With pleasure." Ark said. He practically picked Cloud up and literally threw him out of the window. I whatched as Cloud fell, smirked, and dissapeared. "Wow." I said. "That's what happens to any guy who even tries to lay a finger on you." he said. "You really are cute!" I said. He looked at me "Are you drunk again?" he asked. I blushed "No! Also, I'm never drunk, it's just magic that makes me seem like I'm drunk." I said defensivly. "I didn't mean it like that! I love you when you're drunk!" he said, kind of in a panic. "Huh?" I said. "Wait, no, uh, what!?" he studdered. "What?" I asked. "I love you!" he yelled. "Oh. Well, why didn't you just say that?" I asked. "I can't help it!" he yelled. "You're one of the cutest idiots I've ever met." I said, shaking my head. "Hey!" he yelled. "I'm gunna go to bed. I haven't had a good night's sleep for a while." I said. "You've only been gone for two days." he said. "I know." I said glumly, and felt Ark's skeptical eyes whatch my every step.

    Next, Magic Melody 24