• I woke up being shaken by the horses running. I was sleeping on the horse with Nathan like a seat belt for me not to fall off during the ride. We were now going to the next town, mourning hallows, it was were most nobles lived because it were mainly mansions there. I was about to fall asleep again until I was almost flung off the horse. suddenly Nathan and I were snatched off the horse by strange men. They started kicking Nathan! I kicked the man who had picked me up from the horse in the face. He stumbled back but he didn't fall and he kept his grip on me.
    "You think your tough you little bit-" I had kicked him in his chest.
    " Let go of me you big ugly jerk!" I screamed and kicked wildly. I looked around for Ryu and Ritsu and saw them getting kicked and punched by the men too. I looked up at the jerk who i kicked, but before I could lift my head he had thrown me at a tree. The horses started getting restless and jumped up and down.The horses thew everything they had on their back on the ground from all the jumping, I saw my sword wrapped in cloth only one or two feet away form me. I crawled for it but the man stepped on my hand and i yelled out in pain. The man didn't seem to notice my tail so I used it to help pick up the sword. The man kicked my side and I yelled out again. but my tail had brought me my sword and I unraveled it as the man charged up for another hard kick to my hip. I pointed the sword to his throat and threated him.
    " Leave us alone or die you worthless jerk!" I quickly Hopped to my feet.
    Nathan got kicked again very hard and I think I saw him spit blood. I growled and pushed the blade closer to his throat. " Tell them to stop... NOW!" I hissed. This didn't feel like me but i knew i had to do something... they are the only people i got now...
    "guys... stop" Ordered the man loud enough so they could hear.
    They stopped and looked at the man, they could not see me because I was so short.
    "Go now," The man continued "They have nothing but I'll double check for myself."
    The men slowly obeyed and left.
    Nathan got up slowly but ran over to me and stood in front of me to protect me after I had put my sword down. I Take the cloth that i used to cover my sword and wrapped it around Nathan's wounds, He looked down at me as I gave him a small smile.

    Ryu and Ritsu Finally woke up and saw the strange man we had decided to take captive. They began to question us about who he was and why he was here.
    "My name is Len...," said the tied up man " Me and my team are body guards for a young girl named Luna, You guys came a little too close to her land and she decided for us to attack you."
    "Ryu untie this man" Ritsu said.
    "EH?! WHY ME?!!!" Ryu complained. I untied him while they argued.
    "Hey, your names Terra right? ever thought about being a bodyguard?" He smiled.
    "No thanks... I have to take care of my family." I looked at Ryu and Ritsu arguing and Nathan trying to make this stop and smiled. Len stared at me for a moment before he responded.
    "Why are you guys traveling?"
    "The red demon." I mumbled still staring at Nathan,Ritsu, and Ryu
    "Eh? whats that?"
    "The monster who took our parents our home and our lives...." I finally turned around and looked him in the eye.
    He stopped talking as I saw through his soul, that was one of my secrets I can see what people are. Like if their evil,good, I see what the remember,what they think and switch it with what i want it to be. Nathan had a power too but only me and him know about it.
    I kind of think it switches up every time but I'm positive it was something about the ability to switch his mind with another persons and become them last week.

    From what I could see Len was a pure hearted knight in his past. But He quit before me and Nathan were born because he had great depression because during a battle his wife and son had died. also He is very confused because I'm staring at him and he thinks I'm short...
    (I really wanted to kick him in the knees). I thought he should be a great addition to the group If we wanted to face the red demon, So I planted in his mind a thought of joining us.
    before I could read anything else Ryu and Ritsu came over.
    " Give me one reason not to strike you down for attacking us." Ryu said without warning
    "Let me join you on fighting the red demon," Len offered "I shall help you defeat him!"