A dark figure moved quickly and quietly through the crowd of people, who were oblivious to the fact that the figure was a young man who had horns and a tail, he also had a gray tint to his skin tone. He wore all black to keep attention away from him. Why does Kai have to send me on this damn mission while all the other Akumu get action packed ones? He thought. The boy continued to walk muttering to himself about getting the lame stuff. His tail was lashing back and forth like a cat.
He walked up to a beat up building he dug into his pocket, pulling out a paper.
"Ojiisan said it was this place. I didn't expect it to be so old," He said to himself referring Kai as Ojisan. He let out a sigh, he scratched the back of his white and black hair covered head, "I guess I should check if there is a dream in there, best get it before Night's pawns come and get it," He said as he walked into the building. Inside it was dusty and a lot of things were covered in what once was a white sheet like cover. He looked around the room no sign of anyone or anything that would attract his attention. He took a step and heard a whimper. His keen ears told him it came from the farthest corner at the back of the large room. He walked lightly his footsteps barely audible to the source of the sound. It seem to have come from a crate that sat by the window. His left hand began to change shape into a hammer like figure. He slammed his fist into the crate causing it to shatter. A scream came from behind, a boy with brown hair, dark brown eyes that looked almost black and porcelain skin. He was the most beautiful boy ever.
"Wait! Don't run I didn't mean to scare you." The white hair boy called for the other, the boy kept on running, "I said wait!" The brown haired boy screamed, the white hair boy tackled him and pinned him to the ground.
"Help! Help this man is going to rape me! Rape! Rape," The brown haired yelled out. The white haired boy covered the yelling boy's mouth, footsteps had caught his attention, "Shut up, I think someone is here," He turned his attention to the scared boy, "Please be quiet and follow me if you don't want to die."
Three other figures had entered the building. The wore all black even their skin was a dark gray, their hair was neon orange, green, and blue.
"Hey, Tsuki when are we going to find that damn boy?" The blue haired short girl asked in a whiney voice, to the green haired boy called Tsuki. He looked to be annoyed at the small girl.
“I already told you Minnie that he’s here can’t you feel the dream that’s inside him?” He asked Minnie, she gave him a stubborn she also looked like she was hiding something from the other two. The white haired boy looked back to the human boy. This guy has a dream inside him? Is that even possible, can a weak human like him hold a dream? The white haired demon moved closer to the human. He looked into the eyes, they was a flash of colour in his darks eyes, which was the Dream it had to be. Does the boy even know that he has special power? The white-haired demon had lost his balance and fell onto the human accidentally biting his lip and drawing blood from his fragile lips.
"You bit me! You freaking bit me!!" The human boy cried out. The Night's heard the boy cry out and quickly went to go attack him. The White-haired demon easily intercepted the attack. The three Nights jumped back.
"Well if it isn't the Dark lord's son, Spade. It's nice to see you again," The orange haired Night, said to Spade. Spade let out an irritated sigh.
"It's nice to see you too, but we have t-" Spade was cut off when Minnie yelled out.
"I smell Blood!!" She yelled as she ran for the boy. Spade moved quickly and kicked the blue haired girl in the face; he grabbed the boy's hand and ran out of the back door into the labyrinth of ally ways. He dragged they boy faster than any human can run.
"Matte, I can't run that fast!" The boy exclaimed. Spade looked behind him and saw the Neon haired Nights following them. They were catching up quickly because the boy was slowing down the demon, spade grabbed the boy's arm and lifted the boy onto his back and picked up speed gaining length from the others until they left them in the dust. Spade was only able to keep the speed up for a little while. He went into a corner and took deep breaths.
"You're freakin' heavy dude!" He exclaimed, "By the way what's your name?" Spade asked the boy.
"I-it's T-Takeru," He stuttered from shock.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Spade," He said as he coughed from running so hard that his throat burned, "Why were you hiding behind the crate?"
"They were chasing me earlier, there was more though," He replied as he placed himself into the dirty corner and bringing his knees up to chest.
"Do you know why they were chasing you?" Spade asked. Takeru stared at him. Their conversation was interrupted when the Nights had come back, " This can't be good." The three Night's surrounded them making Spade go to the corner with Takeru.
"Now we have finally caught the mice, it's time to play," Said Tsuki with an evil grin on his face. Spade glowered at them.
"Aww Spade don't glower at us, you're going to ruin your handsome face," Minnie said as she approached him and ran her skinny fingers across his flawless sharp jaw line. Spade was pissed he punched Minnie in her face. She let out an angry hiss as she hit him back. Blood came from his lip, the red stood out on his pale face. Spade charged at all three of them, he put up a good fight but he couldn't do all three of them he was exhausted from the run. Tsuki kicked Spade in his gut causing him to double over in pain. Takeru was watching in horror as the demon was being beaten by the Nights. I can't watch this anymore he needs help. All I'm doing is sitting here watching this boy guy be beaten to bloody pulp. Someone needs to help him! Takeru thought to himself as he closed his eyes and covered his ears with his hands to block out Spades cries of pain. A girl with purple hair and pail horns jumped off from one of the buildings. She stared at the scene, she didn't do anything for a couple of moments then she began to attack. The Nights, with help from the injured Spade, they were defeated quickly. Spade finally collapsed from exhaustion. He kneeled on the floor holding his stomach.
"Thanks Clara," Spade said to the girl named Clara. She walked over to Takeru and put a hand on his shoulder, he flinched and let out a cry. He looked up and saw the serious girl who had a kind face.
"No need to thank me Spade it was like training for me," She said as she gave a smile to the frightened boy, he expression changed to serious one when she looked back at Spade, "Did you not notice that this poor boy is in shock?" She scolded Spade.
"I was kinda busy with the other guys. Ojiisan never told me the damn dream was inside him," Spade said looking and Takeru. Clara was baffled she got closer to Spade.
"This guy has a Dream inside him?" She whispered to him.
"That's what the Nights said" Spade replied. Clara let out a sigh.
"Well I guess I need to take you both to the infirmary at HQ, I'll summon a portal," Clara said as she stood up.

- Title: Akumu Chapt. one
- Artist: Bikyeo
- Description: This is a story involving { http://shoaapy.deviantart.com/ } Shoaapy's char. Clara and more of her family. please enjoy rate and critque first ime writing a story like this.
- Date: 02/13/2011
- Tags: akumu chapt
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