I woke in the middle of the night, a small body clung on me. His small pale hands clutching my shirt, as I moved he pulled his body closer. ''I wuv wo.'' Patrick whispered in his sleep, I sighed. It was harder living Patrick then I thought. Patrick's nails dug deep into my skin as I moved, ''I'm still here,'' I whisper. ''You said you were going, for a weally wong time.'' He whispered back, tears dripped from his green eyes. ''I know, I changed me mind. I'm going to stay here with you, Lizzy, Mummy and Daddy.'' I gently brushed away Patrick's tears, he grabbed my hand quickly. ''Never weave. Promise me,'' I laughed, ''I promise, Patty. You start school soon. You excited?'' Patrick gave a quick yawn, rubbed his eyes and nodded. ''You sleepy?'' Patrick gives another nod, ''Go to sleep.'' When I woke, Patrick wasn't there. ''Patty?'' I climb over the bed and open the door quietly, at the top of the stairway I heard my mothers voice. She sounded sleepy and devastated, dad on the other hand seemed...Normal. It bought tears to my eyes to know that my father wasn't the littlest bit sad of me dying. While I decided if I should go down stairs or not I heard a loud knock on the door. I slipped down the stairs further to see who'd come to cry on my mother's shoulder. '' Uh, hello? Are you a friend of Nessie's?'' My father asked sipping his coffee, ''No-Yes. We met yesterday, so yeah. I guess I am,'' said Mitch. Dad gave a small nod, ''Yesterday she was found dead, did you see her yesterday? When and where?'' Mitch smiled as he saw me, then he frowned. '' I'm sorry sir your a pathetic father if you thought your own daughter was dead while I'm staring at her right now.'' I covered my mouth as a laugh escaped, no one had ever called my dad pathetic, how Mitch knew where I lived I dunno, but, wow. ''You should leave, you don't know the devastation this family is in right now and your making jokes?'' Dad said in a firm voice, mum came and put her hand on dads shoulder. ''Leave the poor kid alone, he just lost his friend.'' Dad turned around, he slammed the door in Mitch's face and yelled. ''I don't care! I just lost my daughter, Do you expect me to be nice to a silly little boy who says 'Hey can I see Nessie, I saw her yesterday.' When all over the news it says '16 year old girl found dead.''' My heart pounded hard against my chest, they were not going to start a fight. Not now there not, Mums voice raised. ''Jimmy? Everyone lost Nessie not just you, maybe he doesn't know. It's hard losing someone so special and your saying 'She's mine I miss her more' that's not true, if there is anybody that misses my baby more then me it's Patrick. He was telling me about Nessie, he said he saw her last night.'' I ran into the lounge room Patrick sat, he was watching mum and dad fight. I grab his pale hand, ''Come on.'' He stands and runs with me, guiding him outside I hear a glass shatter. I spot Mitch walking down the street, ''Come Patty, Do you want to meet a friend?'' Patrick nods, ''Mitch!'' I yell, he looks around then spots me. He starts to sprint over, ''Hey, what's with your father?'' I sigh and fail and trying give a small laugh, '' He seems to be caring.'' ''What's that supposed to mean?'' Patrick keeps muttering things, ''Nothing,'' I whisper, ''This is my little brother Patrick. I had to hurtle him out of the house or things were going to get loud.'' ''Why? Are your parents fighting or something?'' Mitch asks shoving his hands in his pocket. ''Yeah, something like that.'' The day was another cold, wet day. The clouds were dark and covered the sky, there was no hint of the sun coming out today. Rain started drizzling down, Patrick looking amazed stuck his tongue out. ''It's only rain, Patty.'' He laughs and moves away from me, ''We getting wet!'' He cried, with some cheer in his voice. ''Rain, rain go away,'' ''Come again another day.'' Mitch finished off for Patrick, ''So were you invited to my funeral?'' I ask, Mitch looking confused shook his head. ''Oh, well here we go with the ghost thing again.'' I mutter, ''I only met you yesterday, you like more then alive.'' I blush, I wonder what that looked like against my dusty, chalky face. ''Not to be mean or anything but things are creepy around here. People keep saying your dead and well...your not. Because that stuff just doesn't happen,'' Tears sprang in my eyes, ''I would have given the same response yesterday, but I believe what I see. And that's me,'' Patrick looked up as I sobbed. His face went pure mad, he shoved Mitch with his hands. ''Little, guy, stop.'' Patrick moved behind me and grabbed my hand, ''He wont hurt you.'' I whisper, even though he hurt me. I added quietly, he hurt me by saying things are creepy, I'm a thing which means I'm creepy. ''Maybe you should go, you've done nothing but upset my family.'' I say, not making eye contact with Mitch. ''Fine, I'll-'' ''You wont be seeing me later.'' Mitch flinched at the coldness of my voice, he shrugged and walked away. '' Wou aren't going anywhere.'' Patrick said making an angry face, ''Excuse me? Go back inside, leave me alone.'' Patrick skips towards the door, his face changed as he looked back. I wasn't there, and I wasn't coming back.
''We stand in memory of Nessie Ramsay. She was a great friend, great daughter and was kind to anyone she'd ever laid eyes on.'' ''Yeah, I dunno about that.'' I scuffed, I came to the funeral dad had arranged, my whole school seemed to be here. Lizzy was here with Gabi, Casey and Bailey. They cried on each others shoulder, Gabi wore a black mini dress, she wore one of those emo looking things on her head, Gabi's brown hair was loose. Tears filled her eyes every time the guy said ''Nessie was a good friend.''. Casey, (farm like) wore a black skirt that flowed at her ankles and had a black blouse on. Casey's hair had been braided into two sections. A memory played on in my head like a movie, it was summer. The sun owned the sky today, not a single cloud showed. Casey had invited me over. She had four horses and some chickens, we went to the paddock that I'd help build and found the horses Nana, Gabrielle, (which was named after Gabi) Rose and Lissom. Rose had been my horse, she had green eyes and silky black hair. Her main was shiny with the suns refection, ''Do you want to braid her hair?'' Casey had asked, ''Huh me? Braiding? Uh I can't,'' Casey laughed, ''I will teach you. Its quiet easy, you divide it in two three sections and then....... Lizzy would give glances at me every now and then, Bailey had been sitting on the ground next to my grave. She wore nothing but a black tank and skinny jeans. Bailey was a city girl, she wore her hair in a pony tail, that lush red hair always seemed so bright, but today it seemed damp and lifeless. I felt almost bad that I was here watching my best friends sob over me, it did more then make me guilty it broke my heart that I'd never be able to communicate with them, again. Two hours later I was the only one in the graveyard, It rained lightly, the clouds were still dark. The grass was soaked of rain, it didn't do any harm to me though, it was peaceful. I sat by my new grave stone.
Nessie Ramsay 1985-2010
In loving remembrance Gabrielle Darlington, Isabel Islington, Casey Barns, Bailey Macintyre, Patrick Ramsay and Marine Ramsay. We will think of you every minute Nessie, we all loved you.
My fathers name did not show, my heart pounded hard, did he not care of his daughter? Footsteps sounded from behind me, ''What happens now, Nessie? Where are you going to go?'' I turn around and meet Lizzy's tear, stained face. ''I don't know, I've told Patrick I'm leaving, did you tell Gabi and the others, about me?'' Lizzy hugged me, which I was pretty sure was hard, since I couldn't feel. ''I'm such a horrible friend, I don't deserve to be on the gravestone, Your dead, because of me. Its like a nightmare, but when I wake up its real.'' Lizzy sat with me on the wet ground, ''It's not your fault, you were having a great time. I shouldn't have left so late at night,'' I stroked Lizzy's black hair, her blue eyes fill with tears. ''Don't be like that Lizzy, I'm here with you for now, when your seventeen I will still be here,'' A new voice sounded behind us. ''Lizzy? What are you doing out here by yourself?'' Mr. Martin clumped a hand on Lizzy's shoulder and pulled her to her feet, she shared a long glance at me. I gasped and fell onto all fours, ''Lizzy, keep away from him.'' Her eyes filled with trust, ''I'll be there in a minute Mr. Martin, I want to spend two minutes with Nessie.'' Mr. Martin nodded understanding Lizzy's loss, (Even though he didn't mean it) I thought. ''Where is everyone going?'' Before Lizzy could answer I yelled in a voice very low it scared me even, ''Keep away from him! His evil! I was there that night, I swear it was him. His onto you next,'' it was bit of a lie, but who knows. ''Nessie, remember I'll spy on him, anything unusual I'll tell you. Understand?'' Taking a few deep breaths I nodded, ''Oh. Mitch is here, Bye Ness.'' Lizzy beckoned away before I could tell her to stay, in the distance she'd caught up with Mr. Martin. His grey hair haunted me, his evil smile, the devils look in his dark eyes. ''Ness-'' ''Get away from me!'' I hoped back, Mitch moved forward, I moved back another big step he moved, again. ''Stay there!'' Mitch stopped, he wore a suit, his hair was muffled as though he'd just gotten out of bed. '''What did I do to make you hate me?'' It surprised me because, I didn't know why I hated him. ''You hurt me,'' I muttered. Mitch laughed, ''I hurt you, how? I never laid a hand on you...Oh you mean...I hurt your feelings?'' Crossing my arms across my chest I nod. ''Sorry, Nessie, things were pretty weird today. You had a funeral when, well, your alive.'' ''I'm not alive, I am dead, people younger then me can see me. You and Lizzy, oh and my little brother are the only ones that see me. So far,'' Things were quiet for a moment. Then Mitch started laughing? ''Why are you laughing at me? Is this a joke?'' ''Well, Yeah Nessie it kinda is. Your making stuff up, which everyone on the face of the earth knows is phoney baloney.'' I was furious of what Mitch was saying, with a long glare at Mitch I stormed off. ''Nessie!'' ''No!'' I yell, Mitch chases after me. I have always been the faster one of my friends, slipping my high heels off I ran into the wet, forest. Getting further and further into the forest I convince myself Mitch has stopped chasing after me. A child's voice calls, it calls again. I couldn't make out what it said, it was a soft breeze. ''I've got to be dreaming,'' as I grew closer to a small wooden cabin a could hear the softest voice ever say Come, Nessie, Come. Even as a ghost I was worried, the voice pulled me to it, like it was taking me by force. ''Stop! Leave me alone!'' The voice grows louder, Nessie, in the cabin. Come, it draw me closer. The voice so, sweet, like the breeze on a hot summer beach it made my heart ache. ''Its a trap, something bad will happen.'' I end up saying to the cabin, but what's to hurt me? Nessie, you've made me wait long enough, come. I will helllp you, giving in, my feet carried me to the front door. It was surrounded by nature, trees and bushes. The house looked abandon, moss covered the door which made it hard to open. Giving it a hard push I collapse to the floor of the old cabin. Something was heating the tiny cabin up, like a fire? Maybe, Lets explore! I thought to myself, In the little hallway was a squeak. I jump back, I was always afraid of mice. Nessie. ''Stop!'' I yelled into the empty hall, there was a crackle from one of the rooms. I had the desire to run away from this haunted house, but the voice sounded, again. It kept telling me to come, ''I'm already here! What do you want?'' There was no answer which made me mad, I either was going insane or just going through what most ghost would go through. Nessie, I can help you, if you come. ''I don't need your help, Im fine on my own!'' Oh really? The voice sounded normal, not ancient or child like. Just normal, I set my hands on my hips, my lips formed into a stright line. ''What game are you playing with me?'' I had no idea who I was talking to because I could not see this person, I knew somebody was there though. And I was in his trap, He had pulled me into this trap, a trap that I had no idea how dangerous was. Then it hit me, nothing can hurt me. I'm already dead, I should not show fear. I shall not harm you little one, I can not harm you. This is new to you, not me little one. I can help you. ''Stop calling me little one, if you want me to come, then show yourself!'' No, You come to me, I cannot move. I'm stuck, in this spot, forever. Come to the room on your left, where the heat comes from. I followed the instructions, I walked down the hall until I came face to face with a room. The room had a fire place crackling, it was surrounded by a wooden surface that had many photos on it. They seemed very old, there was a child in one. He wore a top hat and the clothes he wore were very old indeed. As if he were from the 1800's, Because I am. My name is Johnald Mantenson, I laughed in a voice that cracked. You don't believe me child? Turn around and face what l has been waiting for you, Once again I followed the boys intrusion's My mouth almost dropped to the floor as I saw a young boy, about the age of 7 wearing a top hat. He had chalky white skin like mine and blue eyes that were to great. The blue eyes looked alive, but not him. He floated in the air with his legs crossed, his brown hair was combed back to keep it from his face. ''Oh. My. God,'' Do not speak of God like that, child. My heart pounded, me being a ghost was hard enough, but seeing a child from the 1800's was worse. Now, let me help you. Now that I've drawn you to me, you wont be going anywhere. ''Well, buddy, I can just walk out the door, you know.'' It's not that simple. I scoffed, ''Let's see about that.'' As I started walking out a small voice so familiar sounded behind me. It was Patrick. ''Nessie!'' I stood, not happy to be in this siltation. ''No! Go away Patrick,'' I turned to the kid Johnald,''Okay, I'm coming back.'' Then just like that Patrick was gone, You don't love your brother? ''Of course I do! He need's to move on, that's all. It's not healthy for him to be seeing me,'' I understand Child, Life wont be easy for your friends and family. ''What do you mean?'' Well little one, You died, it's very sad. Things jangled around in my head, First, How did this guy know about Patrick? Second why was I here? Third What does the kid want from me? And fourth, Why was I here? Child your here,because I need to tell you something. Why your here and why I've chosen you from all the dying people in the world! ''Well Here's a question Why me?'' Because, You are very kind to the people you love, and because you didn't die peacefully. Your soul needs to be put to sleep with your body, peacefully. But you didn't, you were tortured without people even knowing. The scary looking, ghost kid was right. I wasn't put to sleep in my grave peacefully, I was forced down there. I seated down on the old, green, couch comfortably. ''Why did you say 'I cannot move, I'm stuck in this spot forever'. Watching the fire crackling all day isn't what a soul like you should be doing, Shouldn't you be fighting evil or something?'' No, That's why your here. I thought I hadn't heard probably, but I realised he wasn't joking. ''You mean I'm going to be fighting evil? I can't even touch anything! I'd through a punch and My hand would go through the freakin' person!'' Anger boiled in my blood, Jonhald sat on the floor with a smile on his pale face. Well, no. You don't punch the person, you save the person. Then the child goes home to mummy and daddy and the d problem is solved! ''You mean, save the kids from danger. Then tell them to tell their parents who tried to hurt them! Your a genius! I can save kids experiencing Death. Kids will be saved everyday, less children will be killed!'' Jonhald smiled, Well done child, no more needs to be explained. You shall leave and be a crime fighting hero, fair well Child. I will be waiting for you. I nodded and left the abandon house, the night air picked up. Usually I would have shivered but the cold does not harm me nor does the heat. Tree's rustled in the forest, Leaves fell to my feet. Gosh, how I missed the breeze. Why did it have to depart from my life? Why did I have to die? Even for good reasons I'd never asked to die, Who wants to die at such a young age? Not me. I thought back off that little girl who had been lost, I'd saved her. How many kids were I meant to save before I was to go to my grave.
Chapter 2
I watched through a window, kids laughed and ate with their families. When I went towards my home, there was only silence. Mum sat at the table, tears wet on her cheek, Dad in the living room, laughing at the T.V ''Really?'' I whispered, ''Not even three days since I've died and your watching T.V, laughing. Your pathetic,'' Dad laughed at the talking dog, which was stupid. Maybe his trying not to hurt, don't be hard on him, I thought. Sitting down next to him, I noticed Patrick, asleep, thank god. ''Can you take Patty to bed, hon?” Dad asked, mum came into the room, bloodshot red eyes. “Yep, come on, bed time Patrick.” Patrick leaped from the couch, slurping his last bit of milk. “Will Nessie come in?” She shook her head, “Not tonight, maybe not the next, either. Sorry, sweetheart, she's watching you though. Right now, I know she is.” Mum was never wrong, but, she didn't really know I was watching, she was only trying to comfort Patrick, make him happy. “Is she with Lizzy?” Dad spoke, obviously listening in, “Yes, Patrick, for a very long time, too.” “Don't lie!” I yelled, of course, they couldn't hear my thrilling voice. “Yes, yes, Patrick, for a long time. No way, will she come back.” Mum said, grabbing Patrick's and hand and leading him upstairs, where his room was. I sat down on the couch next to dad, he read something, in a file. Reading over his shoulder was hard because he was hiding whatever those files said. Were they about me? Mum came back down, “Why? Why did you lie to him?” Dad put the file down, now standing. “Why did I lie to our four year old son? Because his big sister is dead, the only person that understands him!” I stood between them, don't fight, please don't fight, I thought. “The only person...? What? I understand my baby boy more then I understand anyone!” Dad laughed not nicely, but more like, annoyed. “I'm a freaking doctor I may know what's wrong with Patrick.” Both mine and my mothers expression grew, eyes wide, hands on hips. “And what's wrong with my boy that you haven't told me?” I was asking the same thing, of course I was invisible. “Oh, you wouldn't understand only Nessie ever did, that's why Patrick only ever wanted her.” Somebody knocked on the door, dad answered it, looking annoyed, but down into Lizzy's eyes. “ What?” He said, voice mad, strict, “Oh..I, uh...It's a bad time. Right,” Lizzy caught me watching and she mouthed the words come. Before dad shut the door I was walking with Lizzy, “What's with your parents?” She asked, looking me down. She wore a black jacket and denim jeans. “Something about Patrick, they, well dad said no-one understood me, except me.” “Uh...” Lizzy said, kicking a stone. “What's up with you Lizz? You wanted to see me? Why?”Lizzy sighed, “I spoke with Mr. Martin.” Oh, yeah right. Almost forgot, “And?” She wasn't very happy about this, “Well, I, uh...Mr. Martin isn't your killer!” “Lizzy! You can't assume after one day! Most likely one hour, Mr. Martin isn't yet innocent. I might have another suspect though Lizzy,” she sighed, not kindly or boredom more like “Get me out of this!” Lizzy sat on the bus stop bench, “What's going to happen if I don't save you? Find your killer? Do all these silly request's?” She really hated this. “ Nothing...Nobody's telling you to do this, you know.” “Yeah, you are.” My world fell to my feet, Lizzy left me feeling like that, betrayed, stupid, dead.
- by Rose-kingdom-of-love |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/17/2011 |
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- Title: Part 2 of BLACK ROSE
- Artist: Rose-kingdom-of-love
- Description: First part: http://www.gaiaonline.com/arena/writing/fiction/vote/?entry_id=102436115#title
- Date: 03/17/2011
- Tags: part black rose
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