• Punishment is never a logical solution. Being scold at is never the answer, but can be reasonable. Getting grounded is another thing that rarely teaches a child any lesson. But when I ask "What else can this school can give me?"I didn't mean it literally! So why is MY punishment reasonable for him to drag me on my feet!

    "No, Honey stop!" I pleaded.

    "I will not, so let go of that pole!" Honey snapped back at me.

    "Mori-sempai, help me!" I begged him.

    "NO, don't help him, help me!" Honey commanded.

    I was holding onto whatever was near me for dear life as Honey tries to drag me. The one place that I would never visit in this entire school, which he was about to take me was the Host club. I would NEVER want to enter that tolerable room if its the last thing on Earth!

    "Mori-sempai no, you traitor!" I yelled, as he easily lifted me up, as I lost my grip. I struggle in his arms like a stubborn child.

    Mori-sempai never said a word as he followed Honey down towards the first floor of the south school building, and at the end of the north corridor, upon opening the third music room door, the host club was found.

    "Look what we've got here." His voice stopped my struggling. I looked up and met Tamaki's eyes.

    "Welcome to the Host Club!" Tamaki exclaim."I am your Host and the King, what may I assist you with?"

    I blinked.

    "Hey look, it's that new kid again." The twin voices ringed my ears, and I spotted them laying on the couch on top of each other with their customers gawking at them. To my delirious awkwardness, I think I don't want to know what had happen here.

    "Hikaru, Kaoru, I brought him back for you!" Honey suddenly yelled across the room.

    The twins jerked back, and I finally caught on.

    "You two...." I hissed venomously at the Hitachinn twins. They both mischievously grinned at me, as they stuck their tongues out teasingly.Honey whimpers and started to back away from me.

    The room went silent.

    "Let me go, Takashi." I mumbled.

    "I can't."

    I glared up at him."Why not."

    "Because you will hurt my friends." He stared right back at me.

    "I said-"

    "Now, now, let's clam down here." Tamaki interrupted. I looked back at him fiercely.

    This is all his fault.

    I sigh."Fine, I'm done being angry."

    This time he did let me go, and I made my self turn my back towards them.

    "Wait, don't you want to stay for a while?" Tamaki asked. His words were urging.

    A minute pass before I answer."No."

    I walked back to the front and grabbed the door frame.

    "But-" Honey started to say.

    "No buts, Honey." I snapped. I looked back at all of them. Their eyes, and their nature of living a carefree life without lifting a finger. Those looks that bring hateful disgust in me.

    "I will never come back to this room." I said slowly. I wanted my words to lock in their heads."I despise the Host Club."

    Without another word, I shut the door behind me. While running through the hallway, oblivious of my surroundings when I accidentally bumped into someone's shoulder.

    "Excuse me." I said quickly.

    "Not a problem." The person replied.

    Ducking my head down as I kept running till I was out of the school's campus. I stopped about three more yards away.I breathed heavily while leaning against the brick wall of another building.

    Why did I have to cover my face from that person? I didn't do anything wrong. I thought to myself.

    "I only speak my mind." I scowled at myself."Stupid. Stop acting like you're a criminal."

    "Hey you, rich kid."

    I looked up.

    A kid about a year or two older than I walked up to me with his friend. His appearances tells me that he doesn't live around this area. Cheap cigar was lit and pressed against his lips. He haven't shaved probably for two days, and as I was within his reach his stench reek of alcohol.

    "What." My voice was monotone, as I try to steady my voice.

    "Want to hang out with us delinquents, and grab some beer?"

    The punk put his arm around my shoulder, which supposed to be in a friendly way. This kind of body language just bring my instinct to protect myself from this guy. Obviously this guy and his friend is dangerous, but I couldn't move myself from his arm locked.

    "Sorry, I don't drink." I said, and pushed his arms away from me.

    I backed away.

    His friend grinned deviously towards his friend with the cigar.

    "Then we can just have some fun together." The guy with the cigar said. He started to step forward again, but I only back up.

    The guy snickered."What's wrong?"

    "You're not scared now, are you?" His friend said."We won't hurt you."

    I gritted my teeth."Piss off!"

    He instantly grabbed a hold of my shirt collar, while he slams me against the brick wall. Leaving me gasping for air. The guy spit out his cigar, and stomped on it with his boots.

    "You little punk."He sneered at me, with his faces inches from mine. The smell of his breath made me wanted to puke."You have the nerve to mess with me, huh?!"

    I cringe back in fear.

    "s**t." I hissed under my breath.

    "Yo." Another voice called out.

    All three of us looked to the direction the voice was coming from.

    "What are you two doing with an Ouran student." His voice ringed in my ears. I look at him expectantly.

    Not a problem...

    Him! It's that guy I bumped into earlier. I thought immediately.

    "Back off, rich kid, or I'll have to take care of you too." The punk barked back at the boy.

    The boy smiled. He is wearing his Ouran's school uniform, with black hair slightly covering his dark eyes, and wears glasses that reflects in the sunlight as he adjusted against his nose.Seventeen year old, Kyouya Ootori. The youngest son of the Ootori Group.

    My unexpected rescuer.

    * * * *

    "Welcome back, master Kinmichi." My servants welcomed me as I arrived.

    I sigh."Thanks."

    I walked up the stairs, towards the west wing, and reached the last door. I laid my belongings on the floor, and I begin to undress. A knock was herd at the door of my room.

    "Come in." I said.

    "Master, your dinner will be ready in thirty minutes." My trusted friend, and maid, Ann said. I looked back at her, as I shed my jacket off.

    I nodded in reply.

    "Here, let help you." She said, and walked up. I let her unbutton my shirt as I watch her in silence. Under my shirt reveals elastic cloth wrapped around my waste, as she fully undressed me to a former outfit. She then turned my body to face a full scale mirror. I looked at my appearance apprehensively. Light brown hair with bright emerald eyes that shines live jewels. My anger still seeps out of my eyes.

    "Kyouya Ootori." I said.

    "Huh?" Ann question.

    "You herd me." I said. I looked into my mirrored eyes fiercely."That guy.He saved me, and now, I've got a dept to repay."