• Hi. My name is Solaris. But my nick name is Sol. I am thirteen years old, and, well, just been kicked out of my seventh foster home. I really don't understand adults. They say I'm annoying and purposefully unhelpful. But I just like to play. Well, anyways, I am NOT going back to the Child Service Center. There's this really mean woman there with rectangle glasses and speaks really monotone. I bet she puts me with the worst family on purpose.

    So, I head out, pushing through the dense plants that line the garden. Walking along, it starts to get dark, and I'm getting scared. On a hill, I can see a dark shape. The dark figure prowls a bit on his haunches. Suddenly he stops, like a spotted rabbit. He lowers his back, and howls. The moon shines on to his pelt, ruffled and gray. A wolf! Walking slowly and cautiously now, I do not want to be dinner. I decide to set up camp. Knowing there are predators out now, I take refuge in a tree. I'm not sure why I chose a tree, I guess just out of worry.

    A bright light wakes me from my slumber. Wow, I don't remember the last time I've been happy to see the sun. I turn on my stomach, almost falling off the tree. I move in closer to the base of it. On a patch of leaves on the branch near me, I spot a little white butterfly perched, and stretching to get ready for the long day ahead. I put out my hand, and it curiously circles. Soon enough, it crawls up, tickling me as it walks on my palm. I lift it up closer to my face to inspect it. I think to myself, "This little guy travels so far everyday, and yet it has the strength to get up the next day, and carry on. Amazing." Thank you little butterfly, forgiving me enough hope to carry on with my journey.